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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

In Japan DQ is more popular than FF.

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Tagging for later. Want to necro this thread a couple of months later

On topic, maybe it can outsell SSB, but every later entry of the series is too hard.

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ask motorsport fans in america after jacky ickx, i bet some have never heard of him. are they now no motorsport fans?

Gilgamesh said:
sperrico87 said:
If it does manage to outsell the original N64 version of Smash, it'll be just barely. Mascot-brawling games don't really seem to fit in all that well with the Playstation audience, but we'll see. I'd be surprised if it sold more than 4 million lifetime. do you know this is a first!?

Like I said, we'll see.  But I think people are going to be disappointed if they expect over 5 million in lifetime sales.  Smash Bros is truly an enigma, and I doubt Sony will have much success in turning All-Stars Battle Royale into a multi-million seller franchise.


DepthAlly said:
Kasz216 said:

I don't see why, all the final fantasy games are pretty similar.

I can see someone playing one and realizing by the themes he wouldn't like the rest.  Final Fantasy games are pretty narrow in scope.  Espiecally all those after 7, they have a certain way of storytelling that tends to drive a classic RPG pro type crazy.

Most the people i know who played D&D first pretty heavily or any kind of oldschool PC RPG tend to dislike pretty much all the final fantasy games, or at the very least all of them past 6.  Usually consdiering 4 an/or 6  "ok".

Like Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation.

Not exactly. FF has changed quite a bit over it's iterations.

Not... reallly. 1-like.... 10 were nearly the same combat wise with minor tweaks.... and the newest changes weren't even that drastic.

and in general hold REALLY similar story structures and themes.

Final Fantasy RPGs are a lot like Zombie movies.  You know what to get out of 80% of it.

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happydolphin said:
saicho said:
happydolphin said:
Wow, you're a tough cookie. Brawl sold 2.37M in Japan, Smash 64 sold 1.97M. I think with the help of FF VII IPs they can boost their Japan sales to 1.50M with proper branding and labelling. Now add to that the western appeal of these franchises, and the userbase of their respective games, and you have something that can not only attract the traditional Sony audience in the West, but a new casual audience worldwide, as well as a Square fanbase in Japan.

If it doesn't work, it at least helps bump the meter up by 1Mil imho.

unrealistic expectation for Japan market right now.

It's already been mentioned, but thanks. Here is my response above:

"Smash genre has already proven itself in Japan."

Maybe but only SMB games made by Nintendo ever broke 1 million in Japan. Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars for DS featured many many popular characters and yet only manage about 500K/750K in Japan. You are overestimating the popularity of Sony and FF characters in Japan. 

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

Kasz216 said:
DepthAlly said:

Not exactly. FF has changed quite a bit over it's iterations.

Not... reallly. 1-like.... 10 were nearly the same combat wise with minor tweaks.... and the newest changes weren't even that drastic.

and in general hold REALLY similar story structures and themes.

Final Fantasy RPGs are a lot like Zombie movies.  You know what to get out of 80% of it.

Nah. The changes they made to combat and character progression and some other mechanics throughout the first ten changed enough to make them play differently.

And of course the themes were similar, for the most part. It's what makes them an FF.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

I don't think any of those you listed counts as a rogue like. Rouge like dungeons are generally characterized by random generation and permanent death. It's more games where your goal is more "see how far you get" then it is "win." Though winning is possible if good enough.

Your thinking of "Dungeon Crawlers" which are related but different.

Also, MUD's are text based. MUD's, MOO's and the like were essentially text based versions of MMORPGs, except most people actually cared about Roleplaying in them. They often had plenty of room for character involvement and creation and often times you could create your own areas in the game if you got prominent enough. Possible most interesting about MUD'd and MOO's is that they were the first part of society that seemed to popularized "Gender Neutral" pronouns... at first, mostly for races without a gender but later used for intergender issues.

DepthAlly said:
Kasz216 said:
DepthAlly said:

Not exactly. FF has changed quite a bit over it's iterations.

Not... reallly. 1-like.... 10 were nearly the same combat wise with minor tweaks.... and the newest changes weren't even that drastic.

and in general hold REALLY similar story structures and themes.

Final Fantasy RPGs are a lot like Zombie movies.  You know what to get out of 80% of it.

Nah. The changes they made to combat and character progression and some other mechanics throughout the first ten changed enough to make them play differently.

And of course the themes were similar, for the most part. It's what makes them an FF.

Not in comparison to the wide breath of other RPGS, just how Zombie movies all have their intracies, and differences (Fast zombie, slow zombie, goal of the survivors) but they're all really similar.

enditall727 said:

So you didn't played a MUD, a SRPG, a rogue-like? And you say you played them all?


you mean stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, chocobos dungeon,Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Baroque? yea i play them


There also graphical variants, here a sceenshot from Doom-RL (that also has a text-mode):

And are you sure about Dungeon&Dragons? That's Dungeon&Dragons:

 That's not a rogue-like, that's an pen&paper. The source after which all vdeogame-RPGs are modeled.

enditall727 said:


i'm not too sure at the moment about the muds i've played but i played Runescape a LOOOOOOOOOOONG ass time ago

OK, some people call MMORPGS also MUDs. I'm not so sure, because they have a different gameplay. I would put them in an own category. But after the loose definition, yes runescape is a MUD. I was more after these sort:

As you type in your actions, you have potentially nearly unlimited options to act. The graphical RPGs tend to have a lot lesser options, as they have to be selected from menus or activated by clicking something.

enditall727 said:

I played them before the PS-series existed

yea, i started on the Super Nintendo

but if you didn't play on the PS1 and PS2 you started only this generation, because no RPG did exist before these consoles, no RPG did exist on platforms beside the PS-series. Sure....

who said that rpgs didn't exist before PlayStation's were around? okay, i see where this is going ;)

basically you want to use the fact that i'm a PlayStation Fan against me right? you are trying to create this illusion that i only play PlayStation RPGs right? so in your mind it is like this "oh he is only praising FF7 because he is a PlayStation fan" while ignoring the fact that maybe i just might be doing it because it was just simply a great game. Maybe you are trying to create that illusion to hide the fact that maybe you dont like them because they are simply PlayStation known games?

hopefully i'm wrong though, Icarus


I see you are only started with the Playstations to play RPGs

and what makes you say that? did i tell you that or did you just pull it out of your ass?

You made the impression, that all you know is PS-RPGs. You said something that as a RPG-fan you have to own PS1 and PS2. I did disagree, because many RPG-offerings also were on other consoles and on PC.


enditall727 said:

@ the top half of your comment

lets be serious for a second

everybody knows that Final Fantasy is the face of JRPGS

 Everybody knows what? What is thnat for an argument? That was the point I was disagreeing about in the beginning. FF may be the face of interactive-movie JRPGs. But that's only a little subgroup of the diversity of RPGs.

 You should back such ridiculous statements with some facts. As it stands it's only an unsubstantiated claim.

enditall727 said:

the JRPG is the face RPGS(this is pretty much changing now due to the WRPGs presence this gen and the JRPGs absence), Final Fantasy is the face of JRPGs and Final Fantasy 7 is the face of the Final Fantasy series

 The WRPGs are the first time a little bit more successful on console, and this makes them more present? Why, they were always there, on PC.

JRPGS are not the face of RPGs. They are only one flavour of the diversity the RPG-genre has to offer.

enditall727 said:

go up to a person who usually doesn't play rpgs(football,basketball player, boxer or whatever) and show them the case of an any RPG like Persona ,Evolution Worlds or a Tales Of and i guarantee you that the 1st thing they will most likely ask is "is it like Final Fantasy??"

 As I'm here in Europe, they may say: It's something like Baldur's gate or so. As I'm in Germany, they may even say it is something like DSA (Das Schwarze Auge). And your selection is very limited. Would you really think FF, if I show you Pokemon, Battle for Wesnoth, Monster Hunter or stuff like that?



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