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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is the 360 in trouble?

I don't see what is really wrong with 360 sales... Sony was only 60,000 consoles ahead worldwide. At that rate it will take over two years to catch up. And that is after Sony slashed price, had a massive marketing blitz (It was almost impossible not to see a PS3 commercial before and during Christmas), won/are about to win the HD war, and introduced another product that was yet another $100 cheaper... So, really they had a $200 price drop because most sales are probably 40 Gb versions.

Microsoft hasn't really done much since Halo 3 release. They had a $50 price drop last August and hyped Halo 3 through the roof but after September they have been very quiet.

Now, 2008 is here. And Microsoft has yet to speak about their game offerings, price drops, or anything else yet. Not because they don't have them. Fable 2, Too Human, Halo Wars, Alan Wake, and some Rare title(s) are all but guaranteed for this year. Microsoft hasn't even really showed anyone these games yet, so it is relatively unknown what kind of features they have whereas KZ2 and MGS4 have been shown a lot and everyone knows what they will offer in detail. Also, it is well known that Microsoft has brought down the cost of 360 manufacturing drastically and will get more when they reduce the size of the video processor in summer.

So, what's the big problem? They have lots of room to cut price and they have new and existing IP coming out that should appeal to potential consumers. Really, the biggest problem is in getting over their hardware reliability issues. If you look at worldwide sales, 360 is starting this year off better then last. Last year to start January they only had 144,033 consoles sold WW in the first week. This year they had 206,098... What is wrong with an over 30% increase? The year is still young and to write any of the console companies off is really uninformed.

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Until we see how PS3 sales stabilize in Europe and Japan, and what's the impact of GTA4 and a 360 price cut, I see no problem for the 360 in terms of maintaining or increasing its gap with the PS3.

In case you care, I'm NJ5, my account is not working so I'm using this one temporarily.

MikeB said:

@ BengaBenga

360 is actually selling better than expected.

The presence of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 5, GTA4 on Microsofts console makes it a lot more viable and can be considered a big blow for the PS3.

I think most people already foreseen this considering the titles and companies involved. Devil May Cry 3, Resident Evil 4 as well as GTA3 were all released for the PC, also RE4 was on the GameCube, GTA3 was on the XBox. IMO no major shockers there.

These are important games especially Grand Theft Auto 4, but IMO Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 is a much more powerful combination, all PS3 exclusives designed to get the most out of the platform (at least for the time being, adapting legacy game engines further or engines built from scratch for the system like the White Engine will evolve a lot further in the future).

The thing is that in the previous generation Xbox didn't have most of these kind of games, while PS2 had everything. Now 360 has aquired a few of the most important, previously PS-exclusives games it will become harder and harder for Sony to convince costumers that the PS3 is a better buy than 360. Especially since the 360 is cheaper and has better online.

Sony's big 3 are absolutely big games, and probably will be of an extremely high quality, but more so: if they fail it's more or less over for Sony. Not in the way that they'll quit the PS3, but then they'll probably never catch up to the 360. These 3 games have to convince the costumer taht they're better than 360's big 3: Gears, Halo3 and Bioshock.

The big majority of PS2 owners hasn't switched and I think its totally undecided which console will benefit most, next to Wii, of these. 

honestly i think the 360 has been doing spectacular,that said,i think the 360 will see a pretty big drop in sales compared to 2007,in 2007 they had so many games to look forward to,halo 3,Bioshock,Mass Effect ect. Since the 360 has so many of its flagship titles out...there 2008 lineup is really lacking,therefore i predict it will affect the 360 sales,maybe not drastically....but i doubt the 360 will sell as well this year.



No, the Xbox 360 is never in trouble. Just what like the previous posts have said, MS has a lot of room for price cuts, specially since they have reduced the Xbox 360 production cost and they haven't have one since August. As for games, yeah definitely MS is holding back a lot of game announcements. Specially because they had a wonderful software sales last year compared to the PS3. That alone is proof enough that the Xbox brand is still a strong force to reckon with for the PlayStation brand.

But enough have been said regarding that, it's a fact that MS still holds the right cards,  it's just up to them to play the right cards just like what they have done last year specially now that the PS3 has the "big three" ready and price cuts in line for a big assault.

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Damstr8 said:
honestly i think the 360 has been doing spectacular,that said,i think the 360 will see a pretty big drop in sales compared to 2007,in 2007 they had so many games to look forward to,halo 3,Bioshock,Mass Effect ect. Since the 360 has so many of its flagship titles out...there 2008 lineup is really lacking,therefore i predict it will affect the 360 sales,maybe not drastically....but i doubt the 360 will sell as well this year.

I agree. I love my 360 and all but I am already seeing limitations to what the actual system itself can do. Hell... even the new update made consoles slower. Everything has to load now. They did use up their best games. They have some good ones coming out but the rest are just old PC games. The hardware in the PS3 is crazy good and people are just starting to tap into its capabilities as a system.



Wow, something's wrong with your rig man, mine runs faster after the update, achievements now show up almost instantly after I click and it connects to Live a lot faster.

And I have to disagree with you, yes, big hitters have been released for the console and they did what they were expected to do, boost sales and prove that the Xbox 360 is a strong software mover. It gave Xbox 360 an incentive specially for this year to get more games on development for the system.

Damstr8 said:
honestly i think the 360 has been doing spectacular,that said,i think the 360 will see a pretty big drop in sales compared to 2007,in 2007 they had so many games to look forward to,halo 3,Bioshock,Mass Effect ect. Since the 360 has so many of its flagship titles out...there 2008 lineup is really lacking,therefore i predict it will affect the 360 sales,maybe not drastically....but i doubt the 360 will sell as well this year.

well those games will still help it sell this year though very little,and i think microsoft has a good line-up this year too especially if they release banjo-threeie which should sell console and microsoft could give a big price drop this year which should help alot too,so i think 200 can match 2007 with sales

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

For those of you that are talking down Microsoft's lack of expansion over the Xbox demographic, I have two points:

- The 360 is tracking ~3.5m over the Xbox at this point in its life, and that gap is only widening
- The 360 is approximately $200 more expensive than the Xbox was at this point in its life (Pro 360 vs. Xbox 2003)

If you can refute that MS is not gaining market with those numbers, feel free to try. I'm dying to hear your reasoning.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Lord N said:
MrMafoo said:
madskillz said:
I, however, see potential in the PS3, but will refrain from buying one until I see more games that I like and full BC, not software emulation.

They will never not use software emulation going forward. Just out of curiosity, why is it so important for you? It's much better BC then the 360 and you bought that console. Plus, you own a PS2.

Damn right.

Honestly, this argument about PS2 software backwards compatibility is petty and pathetic. There have yet to be any serious complaints from the hardcore or casual EU community or from 80GB PS3 owners regarding BC, and Sony has been using software BC for the PS1 since the Slim was released in 2004, so what makes you think they can't do it for PS2 BC?

As far as MS obtaining profitability with the 360, I wouldn't say it's anymore likely than Sony obtaining it with the PS3. MS may have had a profitable quarter, but that was most likely due to Halo 3. They also had a profitable quarter during the launch of Halo 2. MS may be making a profit on hardware(for the Premium anyway), but that doesn't factor in shipping, packing, storage, distribution, etc. There's also the fact that MS spends more money on advertising than both Sony AND Nintendo, and they also spend a lot more money buying exclusive content, titles, paying developers, etc. MS simply hasn't brought along enough money to cover their expenses, nor have they gotten a return on the money they've paid to developers. All the 360 has really done from that standpoint is to make money for third-party devs, not MS.


 Exactly. The 360 is not making money. It is still losing money on every console sold. They cant afford to do another price drop yet. Once they stop repairing 30+ % of there consoles, they will be able to start thinking about a price drop. The Falcon MB may help this, but there ELITE 360s are still breaking as well. The PS3 is closer to turning a profit even with the BD drive inside. That BD diode is not that expensive any longer. Sony is making a ton of money on every BD player they sell, as are all the other companies. That I think is another reason more companies are backing the BD format. The players cost a lot more for the consumer due to markup, not due to cost of parts. Samsung has a 299 BD player out that is still marked up for retail.  So the PS3 just needs to complete there die shrink on the CELL and RSX and should start turning a profit. Thats why they are stating profitability in 08. The 360 on the other hand has had to add heatsinks. There die shrink has helped, but not eliminated the problems. They are still shelling out a ton of money on repairs.