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Forums - Movies & TV - OMFG i am so hyped for this movie !!! (Prometheus International Launch Trailer )

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Looks great, but there seems to be a serious amount of spoliers in that video.


XD I actually squealed when this trailer was shown before Avengers. I've been waiting so long for it to release. I was in Iceland last year, and I was told that they had just finished filming in an area not far from Reykjavik only a week or so before I arrived. I can tell why they would want to film there... that place has beautiful scenery, and the lighting is perfect for the camera.  Just over a month to go. 


Trailer is pretty awesome.

Although that trailer gave away major spoilers, I can't fucking wait. This is looking awesome!

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It looks okay. Not really my type of movie,but I'll give it a chance.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

ffs the video function never works on this site >.>

You have to copy the old embed code into the HTML viewer window.

Looks okay.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Definitely looks amazing. MUST-WATCH

I am huge Aliens nerd and was hype for this movie already but the more I hear about the movie I am glad it seems like this movie while taking place in the same world as Aliens really wont have much to do with it. Dont wanna watch the trailer dont want any spoilers.

Ridley Scott sci fi count me in and the cast is excellent