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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Thread - OP Updated

Microsoft has Rare, guys, don't forget! Huge character possibilities there - conker anyone?

But to me, bring more Fat Princesses, the more unknown here the better!

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Anyone else thinks Sackboy is going to be a kirby? I hope it becomes true so I can kill kratos as sackboy Kratos =D
Can you imagine Sackboy being the last boss where you have to kill him several times because he will switch costumes after each death into key iconic boss battles in PS games?

It has the same charm as Smash and that's a good thing. I like the footage. (I have my other thread for my 2nd personality to be happy).

All in all the game looks great, and I'm glad Sony fans finally get what they've always wanted, and get to play with their favorite characters Smash-style, it's lots of fun!

I wonder what the items are gonna be like.

i would have thought this would have been over 1000 replays seeding how fast people where posting this morning

gentii said:
snfr said:
Some people's comments are really funny, ridiculous and also quite predictable.

However, it looks a lot like Smash Bros., but I enjoyed every single SSB game. So I'm definitely interested in this and I'm looking forward to more info. I also hope that Sony tries a few new things that Nintendo haven't done with Show

SONY is so great for Copying Nintendo !!! Well Done SONY

GOO SONY? COPY the next thing THE Wii U Tablet


hahahahahahahahahahaha everything when copy is MADE IN CHINA hahahahahahahhaha SONY CHINA

you do know that Sony has been making tablets for some time now right?

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VicViper said:
I said it before but no one cared :(

What you guys think of the "no-death" point system? I'm wait and see, but so far it sounds not so good!

i thought you would collect the orbs that fall from the opponent and that fills up the super gauge but idk..

and i dont think you see the points or who is winning

its just like how it was in ssb melee. you didn't really know who won for sure until the match is over

AndrewWK said:
Gilgamesh said:
AndrewWK said:
Gilgamesh said:
AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

lol seriously you think that`s the whol character list then 6 that they showed? there's probably going to be 40 more characters thats the purpose of "debut" trailers...and these are really popular characters for your information. 

Yeah I think they have shown all characters allready, and every additional character will be DLC and cost 5€.


I think you misunderstood me. I just asked who those characters are. And I am sure there will be at least 20 characters in there if not more.

Then whats the point in freaking out over a couple characters you didn't know. In the end when we get this huge list of characters did you think your going to like every one of them?

I didn´t freak out over two characters. They didn´t even bother me. What bothered me was that this is just a pathetic copy that can´t be defended. They just stole somebodys intelectual property. Instead of making something on there own they just copied as much as they could. Of course, the outrage might be too soon, because we haven´t seen the whole game yet (at least I hope there is somthing more), and they might surprise us. But so far it was very disappointing

oh you mean how FROM SOFTWARE basically stole Demons Souls from Sony and called it Dark Souls?


AndrewWK said:
theprof00 said:
AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

Ummm because it's what we wanted?

I wonder what the word count in this thread is for "embarrassing". Calm down brothers.

What we wanted?

Whos is we? You might be right, we wanted to a game were Playstation Characters fight each other, something like Marvel vs. Capcom or Super Smash brothers. but I think we didn´t wan´t Super Smash brothers HD. And let me ask you something brother, do you really think this game will be commercial and or critical success?  


I admit the word "embarassing" doesn´t really fit, I used to dramatize my post.

who the hell is "we"?

didn't basically everybody want it to be like Smash Bros?

and wasn't it basically confirmed from day 1 that it was going to be like smash bros?

and now you want to magically act like you were expecting it to play like something else when everybody knew that it was going to be like Smash bros

happydolphin said:

It has the same charm as Smash and that's a good thing. I like the footage. (I have my other thread for my 2nd personality to be happy).

All in all the game looks great, and I'm glad Sony fans finally get what they've always wanted, and get to play with their favorite characters Smash-style, it's lots of fun!

I wonder what the items are gonna be like.

From what I have gathered so far, it seems like the items that drop (Some spear from GoW, hopefully the Groovitron from ratchet and clank ) are not used mainly for dealing damage (Ala Smash Bros.) but also used for reducing the opponents Special gauge, resulting in them not being able to perform their top level Smash attacks.

Think, you just got your attack guage all the way up and are preparing for that final area attack to smack your remaining foes out of the arena, however, before you can get into the right position someone hits you with an item and your gauge drops down, now you can't perform that big attack unless you jump back into the fray and deal some damage to bring it back up.

I wonder if different items have different effects.

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enditall727 said:
AndrewWK said:
Gilgamesh said:
AndrewWK said:
Gilgamesh said:
AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

lol seriously you think that`s the whol character list then 6 that they showed? there's probably going to be 40 more characters thats the purpose of "debut" trailers...and these are really popular characters for your information. 

Yeah I think they have shown all characters allready, and every additional character will be DLC and cost 5€.


I think you misunderstood me. I just asked who those characters are. And I am sure there will be at least 20 characters in there if not more.

Then whats the point in freaking out over a couple characters you didn't know. In the end when we get this huge list of characters did you think your going to like every one of them?

I didn´t freak out over two characters. They didn´t even bother me. What bothered me was that this is just a pathetic copy that can´t be defended. They just stole somebodys intelectual property. Instead of making something on there own they just copied as much as they could. Of course, the outrage might be too soon, because we haven´t seen the whole game yet (at least I hope there is somthing more), and they might surprise us. But so far it was very disappointing

oh you mean how Atlus basically stole Demons Souls from Sony and called it Dark Souls?


What are you talking about?

Atlus only released demon souls in America, they have nothing to do with dark souls and that was made by the same team as demon souls so no one stole the idea