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AndrewWK said:
theprof00 said:
AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

Ummm because it's what we wanted?

I wonder what the word count in this thread is for "embarrassing". Calm down brothers.

What we wanted?

Whos is we? You might be right, we wanted to a game were Playstation Characters fight each other, something like Marvel vs. Capcom or Super Smash brothers. but I think we didn´t wan´t Super Smash brothers HD. And let me ask you something brother, do you really think this game will be commercial and or critical success?  


I admit the word "embarassing" doesn´t really fit, I used to dramatize my post.

who the hell is "we"?

didn't basically everybody want it to be like Smash Bros?

and wasn't it basically confirmed from day 1 that it was going to be like smash bros?

and now you want to magically act like you were expecting it to play like something else when everybody knew that it was going to be like Smash bros