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happydolphin said:

It has the same charm as Smash and that's a good thing. I like the footage. (I have my other thread for my 2nd personality to be happy).

All in all the game looks great, and I'm glad Sony fans finally get what they've always wanted, and get to play with their favorite characters Smash-style, it's lots of fun!

I wonder what the items are gonna be like.

From what I have gathered so far, it seems like the items that drop (Some spear from GoW, hopefully the Groovitron from ratchet and clank ) are not used mainly for dealing damage (Ala Smash Bros.) but also used for reducing the opponents Special gauge, resulting in them not being able to perform their top level Smash attacks.

Think, you just got your attack guage all the way up and are preparing for that final area attack to smack your remaining foes out of the arena, however, before you can get into the right position someone hits you with an item and your gauge drops down, now you can't perform that big attack unless you jump back into the fray and deal some damage to bring it back up.

I wonder if different items have different effects.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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