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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Analyst Blames Nintendo For Video Game Sales Decline

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happydolphin said:
The decline of game sales in the US is not "Nintendo's fault", that is such a biased way to see it.

Rather, it goes to show more importantly how much the US game industry was dependent on Nintendo this gen, and that it followed Nintendo's sales curve independently of any other agent. That's actually a props to Nintendo.

@arthurchan35, I extend thee a warm welcome on the chartz. Your analyst bashing will be invaluable on the site.

Very, very well put

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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chocoloco said:
happydolphin said:
chocoloco said:
I always felt this way about Nintendo his words sound very logical compared to most Nintendo fans. The Wii just plain has failed to maintain its early success. Not that I care when they never make the hardware or software I want the most anyways,.

We agree with bold, almost all of us...

It's the analysis that we mostly don't agree with here. He says that most Nintendo casuals migrated to iphone and ipad due to Nintendo's doings. Apple's appeal has nothing to do with what Nintendo is doing, the WiiU will be out soon and is targetting that same casual audience, so I don't know what he means by:


“Ten years ago, Nintendo largely catered to kids and Nintendo fanboys. There was about a five year period they could expand their market beyond that, and now I think they’re back to the kids and Nintendo fanboys again. It’s not a bad market but it’s not a market that’s going to grow enormously.”

His words don't sound logical at all. There is absolutely no reason to say bold unless he's trolling. Pure and simple. If Nintendo captured the casuals with the DS and the Wii, they certainly can do it with the WiiU.


Ananlysts are not paid to troll they are payed to advise investors and they do try to not hurt random internet peoples feelings rather they say what they think is true that will help their cients and corporations they work for. It is not trolling, it is doing their job right by being honest. I truly fell the wii U will mostly gather kids and so called fanboys next gen. They just are not capturing a large enough of an audience to maintain their old success.

Apple and companies have plenty to do with Nintendo or any other electronics/entertainment corporation. Time and money is limited so we can only use both on a limited amount of resources. If Nintendo is continually losing software sales that quickly the money and time is going elsewere and since apple, tablet, and facebook gaming is growing it is logical to assume that is where many people are spending their time and money. Not 100% correct, but definantly one of the areas Nintendo is losing sales to.

A lot of analysts though work for firms that compete with other firms which they do not work for. In other words, if your Client X does not do well on Platform A, it may be the best interest of Client X for you to degenerate Platform A and/or complement Platform B where Client X does good business.  The reasoning is that if Platform A went away, at least some of its customers would buy Platform B as a substitute and then be more likely to buy games from Client X.

Does that explain this situation, not directly.  But it does fit the the "blame Nintendo for everything" mentality some analysts seem to have. Also, at times they make comments to try to steer things (including stock prices) in the direction they predicted.  For example, the analyst who set the low price for Nintendo based upon rumors, speculation, and lack of facts was thought by some of trying to foster market manipulation to create an artistically low price at which to buy and later profit.

Finally, with respect to this analyst, 2-1/2 years ago he said people were replacing their Wiis with HD consoles. But if that were the case, the problem is that the HD consoles are not offering these new customers the games they want.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


d21lewis said:
We can pinpoint this directly back to the announcement of Wii Fit. That is where the blame squarely lies.

Yep, and we all knew this on VGC for a looong time now


OT: Wii sales are declining fast, but lets be honest it the same with the HD twins. Handhled wise the 3DS is gearing up, and taking over the DS market, but its still far from the peak, and the Vita wont do any real numbers until some serious software is released for it

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