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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Xenoblade thread- Opinions, thoughts and questions inside! Can it hit 1mil in sales next year? Sequel coming for Wii U???


What is the best 'major' area in the game?

Colony 9 39 12.34%
Bionis' Leg 83 26.27%
The Marsh 20 6.33%
The Forest 17 5.38%
The Sea 24 7.59%
The Mountain 13 4.11%
The Valley 5 1.58%
Fallen Arm 22 6.96%
The Field of Metal 9 2.85%
See results! 73 23.10%
Conegamer said:
Soriku said:
There is a portable gem crafter. Just do the sidequest for the gem man.

Precisely. It's quite early on (when you can re-build Colony 6), and it's rather easy, so...

I don't see the problem.

Oh I'm past this point. If I go to the Gem crafter in Colony 9, he will give me this sidequest?

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RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
Araknie said:
Men this thread, i have to restart Xenoblade when i'm done with Pandora's.

A little off-topic, but how is Pandora's Tower? I've got the other two and I'm thinking of getting Pandora's Tower, but reviews have been around the 7/10 mark, which worries me.

Pandora's Tower is a good game, I would give it a score of 7.9/10. I have unlocked all endings, but not gotten 100 % of the cutscenes yet. I do plan to write a detailed review at some point though.

For comparison's sake, Xenoblade Chronicles is a 9.1 and The Last Story a 6.2.

Last Story's Metascore is 6.2?

Don't trust Metascores, FFXIII score higher then Lost Odyssey, and higher then FFXIII-2, which supposedly fixes a lot of the issues of FFXIII, and a lot of great JRPG's get bad metascores.

IGN gave XenoBlade 9/10, and TLS 8.5/10, and a lot of other major websites gave TLS above 8/10, even Famatsu gave the game a 9.5 out of 10 (10,10,9,9/40). Famitsu actually gave Last Story a higher score then XenoBlade (9,9,9,9/40). I trust Famitsu over any JRPG hating US website.

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noname2200 said:
Michael-5 said:

1. I couldn't beat this particular boss without her ability to stop or freeze the boss (as shown in the cut scene). Couldn't hit him with the Monardo without it, and it's new ability was useful, but without powering up the meter, I can't use it can I? Also without the Monardo, this boss is actually impossible as you just never hit him. So to me this boss was poorly designed, why do I spawn so far away if i die??

If memory serves, that boss' ability is time-limited, so you can wait it out, then build your Monado meter between its recharges. It's also why you technically don't need either of those characters, although at least one of them is highly recommended. As for the second character's ability, it actually takes a long while to charge up, so Shulk is actually much more valuable.

When I first fought him, I didn't have Shulk in my party, so it was pretty much useless. The second time I had Shulk, but after 10 minutes of fighting I only got 1/4th his health down, I just kept missing and couldn't power up the Monardo, the third time, with Shulk and new girl, it took me <5 minutes for both halfs of the fight. I also died once just trying to get back there because a lvl 96 dinosaur bit me and knocked me off a cliff....

Just saying, this one fight in particular was rather annoying.

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removed for trolling


RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
Araknie said:
Men this thread, i have to restart Xenoblade when i'm done with Pandora's.

A little off-topic, but how is Pandora's Tower? I've got the other two and I'm thinking of getting Pandora's Tower, but reviews have been around the 7/10 mark, which worries me.

Pandora's Tower is a good game, I would give it a score of 7.9/10. I have unlocked all endings, but not gotten 100 % of the cutscenes yet. I do plan to write a detailed review at some point though.

For comparison's sake, Xenoblade Chronicles is a 9.1 and The Last Story a 6.2.

Awww..... Darn. I am less than thrilled at the somewhat lukewarm reception for Pandora's Tower. I remember seeing a preview for the game months ago, and it stuck in my memory and thoroughly intrigued me (mind you, I am never excited for new IPs and generally only pay attention to game announcements if they're for an established series that I like *coughNorthAmericahadbettergetFireEmblem:Kasukei,orI'mgonnacutsomeoneatNoA,). Sad to see that it doesn't quite live up to its premise. On the other hand, the draw distance in the Xenoblade pics that I've seen is fantastic. I should go pick it up. 

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
flashpoint_1230 said:
RolStoppable said:

Pandora's Tower is a good game, I would give it a score of 7.9/10. I have unlocked all endings, but not gotten 100 % of the cutscenes yet. I do plan to write a detailed review at some point though.

For comparison's sake, Xenoblade Chronicles is a 9.1 and The Last Story a 6.2.

Awww..... Darn. I am less than thrilled at the somewhat lukewarm reception for Pandora's Tower. I remember seeing a preview for the game months ago, and it stuck in my memory and thoroughly intrigued me (mind you, I am never excited for new IPs and generally only pay attention to game announcements if it's for an established series that I like *coughNorthAmericahadbettergetFireEmblem:Kasukei,orI'mgonnacutsomeoneatNoA,). Sad to see that it doesn't quite live up to its premise. On the other hand, the draw distance in the Xenoblade pics that I've seen is fantastic. I should go pick it up. 

You should know that people around here usually criticize me for being overly harsh and sometimes even accuse me of hating everything, so if I give a game you are interested in a 7.9, then it is still worth buying or at the very least considering. Also, it looks like I am scoring PT higher than the average reviewer, but normally the opposite is the case (like my score for The Last Story should show).

Yeah, but it's not just you. Critics have given it a mixed reception, and users (who can tend to gloss over issues) gave it an 8.1/10. That suggests that the game is fairly lacking in one element or average in all. Well, we'll see. I haven't had much time to play games lately.

RolStoppable said:
Michael-5 said:
RolStoppable said:

Pandora's Tower is a good game, I would give it a score of 7.9/10. I have unlocked all endings, but not gotten 100 % of the cutscenes yet. I do plan to write a detailed review at some point though.

For comparison's sake, Xenoblade Chronicles is a 9.1 and The Last Story a 6.2.

Last Story's Metascore is 6.2?

Don't trust Metascores, FFXIII score higher then Lost Odyssey, and higher then FFXIII-2, which supposedly fixes a lot of the issues of FFXIII, and a lot of great JRPG's get bad metascores.

IGN gave XenoBlade 9/10, and TLS 8.5/10, and a lot of other major websites gave TLS above 8/10, even Famatsu gave the game a 9.5 out of 10 (38/40). I trust Famitsu over any JRPG hating US website.

No, those are my personal scores. The Last Story was a huge letdown with only a few redeeming qualities.


Yea I looked at the metascore it got 82/100. The Last Story is nearly as well received as XenoBlade.


Did you like Lost Odyssey or Blue Dragon? Maybe Last Story just isn't your type of game. I mean I'm not a big fan of FFVII,VIII, X, and especially XIII despite their high scores.


BTW I noticed you gave Pandora's Tower a 7.9/10, but not an 8/10, and most reviews also peg it in the 7/10 range. Why? What's wrong with the game that everyone puts it in this range?

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Michael-5 said:
Conegamer said:
Soriku said:
There is a portable gem crafter. Just do the sidequest for the gem man.

Precisely. It's quite early on (when you can re-build Colony 6), and it's rather easy, so...

I don't see the problem.

Oh I'm past this point. If I go to the Gem crafter in Colony 9, he will give me this sidequest?

Yes, you could do it as soon as a party member retuns to Colony 6 to re-build. More alarming to me is your playtime. The average playtime for where you are, for a 70 hour play, is 26 hours. You are going FAR too fast, and the fact you haven't returned to either Colony 6 to rebuild or Colony 9 to do quests is rather alarming IMO. You'll only struggle if you keep up at this pace I'm afraid, and quests, and areas, will become more and more irrelevant, or even locked off, if you aren't careful...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

ishiki said:

removed for trolling


I'm there a problem here?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
ishiki said:

removed for trolling


I'm there a problem here?

No, I was just agreeing with rol about the last story. But decided it wasn't necessary for this topic. So I edited my post.
