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RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
Araknie said:
Men this thread, i have to restart Xenoblade when i'm done with Pandora's.

A little off-topic, but how is Pandora's Tower? I've got the other two and I'm thinking of getting Pandora's Tower, but reviews have been around the 7/10 mark, which worries me.

Pandora's Tower is a good game, I would give it a score of 7.9/10. I have unlocked all endings, but not gotten 100 % of the cutscenes yet. I do plan to write a detailed review at some point though.

For comparison's sake, Xenoblade Chronicles is a 9.1 and The Last Story a 6.2.

Last Story's Metascore is 6.2?

Don't trust Metascores, FFXIII score higher then Lost Odyssey, and higher then FFXIII-2, which supposedly fixes a lot of the issues of FFXIII, and a lot of great JRPG's get bad metascores.

IGN gave XenoBlade 9/10, and TLS 8.5/10, and a lot of other major websites gave TLS above 8/10, even Famatsu gave the game a 9.5 out of 10 (10,10,9,9/40). Famitsu actually gave Last Story a higher score then XenoBlade (9,9,9,9/40). I trust Famitsu over any JRPG hating US website.

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