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noname2200 said:
Michael-5 said:

1. I couldn't beat this particular boss without her ability to stop or freeze the boss (as shown in the cut scene). Couldn't hit him with the Monardo without it, and it's new ability was useful, but without powering up the meter, I can't use it can I? Also without the Monardo, this boss is actually impossible as you just never hit him. So to me this boss was poorly designed, why do I spawn so far away if i die??

If memory serves, that boss' ability is time-limited, so you can wait it out, then build your Monado meter between its recharges. It's also why you technically don't need either of those characters, although at least one of them is highly recommended. As for the second character's ability, it actually takes a long while to charge up, so Shulk is actually much more valuable.

When I first fought him, I didn't have Shulk in my party, so it was pretty much useless. The second time I had Shulk, but after 10 minutes of fighting I only got 1/4th his health down, I just kept missing and couldn't power up the Monardo, the third time, with Shulk and new girl, it took me <5 minutes for both halfs of the fight. I also died once just trying to get back there because a lvl 96 dinosaur bit me and knocked me off a cliff....

Just saying, this one fight in particular was rather annoying.

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