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Forums - Sony Discussion - What does Sony have to do to make you NOT want the PS4?

One thing that would turn me off from  the PS4 is no backward compatibility. At least make it limited like the later PS3s or offer PS3 games on the PS store, and with that said, they need to have a big HDD. 200 GB at the least. Another thing is Sony closing it's developers.

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Call it the "PSU".

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

superchunk said:

I already don't want one. Only reason I'd buy one is if Nintendo got f'ed by 3rd parties again.

Then you will buy one.

edit: ops, I'm late.

If they pull another WipeoutHD stunt I won't buy it. I don't like being screwed over for buying a boxed copy of a game.

(For anyone who doesn't know they released a boxed copy of Wipeout/Fury in the UK but decided to only give the digital download version 3d support. Cheers for that Sony.)

RolStoppable said:
Make the PS4.

You beat me to it.

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I agree with Rol, making the PS4 makes me not want the PS4. They could do things to make me want one. But by default IBM not likely going to purchase one at least not for the first few years. I bought PSP and PS3 and they were mistakes. My PSP is only good for playing third party games and LBP. PS3 is my BluRay player. Sony looked promising the software looked great. Sony is good at making games look beautiful but that is as far as they get.I gave them the benefit of the doubt Resistance was alright but it was generic it didn't push anything new and didn't hold up against competitors. Other franchises were fun and good but they were not better then Microsoft or Nintendo first party software. In fact often they weren't even superior to third party games. LittleBigPlanet was m must have Sony title, Star hawk is coming.out soon.

But Sony just doesn't have the software they did during PSOne their games look amazing they look perfect but the game play just falls short.

If PS4 focuses again on graphics and not game play I will likely skip a purchase or buy late at a discount. Their is no major feature that could make me buy a PS4 if it lacks solid AAA+ software!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Follow the same strategies they did with PS3, PSP, and Vita

I don't want one. I don't want a new Xbox, either. They're going to have to make me want one. The only company that I support automatically is Nintendo and even then, I won't buy their console until it has the games I want. I didn't even intend to buy ANY console this gen but they all managed to change my mind. I have to see the goods. Until then, all of the next gen consoles suck.

DS: November 2004 thanks to Mario 64
360: January 2007 thanks to Gears of War
Wii: June 2007 (I think) thanks to Wii Sports
PS3: June 2008 thanks to MGS4

Five hundred and ninety nine US dollars.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

zero129 said:
VGKing said:
zero129 said:
Make you're games tied to you're PSN account, Charge over $500-600 for it, even $400 is cutting it imo.

I hope its $400. Anything less and it means its a cheap underpowered system.

I'm betting Microsoft is releasing a mid-range console with Kinect 2.0 pack in at $400

Are you just trying to take a jab at the Next Xbox judging by you're comment??, cos no where in the OP did it state anything about MS or the Nextbox. Also do you really think a console launching in 2013-14 with a price point of $300-350 would be a cheap underpowered system??, it really shows you don't know much about hardware...

No, not taking a jab at next Xbox. There are rumors the next Xbox will use a AMD 6xxx GPU. That's a whole genration behind the rumored PS4 one. If Microsoft wants to bundle Kinect 2.0 with each XBox, then yeah they will have to go for the low end of those 6xxx series.

A $300-$350 console would be extremely underpowered for a next-gen console. We need a big leap, not baby steps. The console would need to be at least sold for $400 at a loss for me to consider buying it. I want my next-gen system to be future proof. Not a PS3.5.

BTW by mid-range console, I meant in comparision to the PS4 and Wii U.

This is how next-gen looks like so far based on leaked specs for all 3. 

PS4 > 720 > Wii U