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I agree with Rol, making the PS4 makes me not want the PS4. They could do things to make me want one. But by default IBM not likely going to purchase one at least not for the first few years. I bought PSP and PS3 and they were mistakes. My PSP is only good for playing third party games and LBP. PS3 is my BluRay player. Sony looked promising the software looked great. Sony is good at making games look beautiful but that is as far as they get.I gave them the benefit of the doubt Resistance was alright but it was generic it didn't push anything new and didn't hold up against competitors. Other franchises were fun and good but they were not better then Microsoft or Nintendo first party software. In fact often they weren't even superior to third party games. LittleBigPlanet was m must have Sony title, Star hawk is coming.out soon.

But Sony just doesn't have the software they did during PSOne their games look amazing they look perfect but the game play just falls short.

If PS4 focuses again on graphics and not game play I will likely skip a purchase or buy late at a discount. Their is no major feature that could make me buy a PS4 if it lacks solid AAA+ software!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer