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Forums - General Discussion - $640 F'ING MILLION DOLLARS!!!

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no clue how the lottery works in usa but in germany, it's better to play with a lower jackpot because double the jackpot means three times more players or so and if you just win a smaller amount with only 4 or 5 right numbers instead of 6 you need for the jackpot you will win a bigger amount with a smaller jackpot.

that's the reason why i would only play with a low jackpot but i never play because it's money wasting if you do it like 30 years. but higher jackpot means more money wasting because 3x as much people would win the amount for small prices on average (but the smaller prices wouldn't increase 3x on that day)

and if would win the jackpot when the jackpot would be small i doubt that i would think "ohh damn only few millions" first of all i wouldn't have won with the same numbers with a higher jackpot few weeks later and then i really don't understand why people hope to win 30million but don't care to win 5 million^^

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BlkPaladin said:

Not to mention since it is that high they will sell about 3 or 4 of the same ticket. (There are only about 30million combinations, so if you have that much money when it gets that high just buy 30 million unique tickets and you are garenteed to win.)


This happens quite often to have 4 or 5 winners when the pay out gets that high. It just brings out more fools. (Thus in many circle the lottery is call a tax on fools.)

there are 176 million possible combinations no 30. It would take about 28 years to fill out that many tickets. 

I'd immediately start working on a videogame (modern 2D sequel of some Nintendo classic minus the branding) with the aim of it being profitable and being able to do it again and so on.

I dont gamble sorry.


BlkPaladin said:
BlkPaladin said:
Heh, if all the grain and food that earth produces was properly distributed there would be no hunger. There are news stories of hundreds of pounds of food sitting in storage containers rotting because it would be unprofitable to ship.
Plus in 1996 (so old stat) the US food industry wasted over 6 million tons of food that enough to feed ever single person on the planet two meals each day for that year. (Its probably worst now.)

Sad stuff indeed. And that doesn't even cover all the food that (spoiled) people throw away on a daily basis. If politicians wanted to, I'm pretty sure there would be no people left without food...


Or maybe I'm just talking shit, I dunno.


I work in the food industry and it hurts throw away food. But trying to get my other managers to manage the food properly is like trying to pull theeth. I usually arrive at work and there over $20 worth of food I have to throw out because the last manager just lets the cooks do what they want to and don't try to do their job. (When I can I take the food home some of the freshness times are intensionally set lower than what we can keep them. So I give them to other people to eat and to save on my food bill, as said I hate throwing food away.)

Another useless stat on how bad resources are managed. If every person that lived the past 6,000 years where a live they could have 2 acres of land (each person) and that would only take up the size of the state of Texas, the rest of the planet could be used for agracultral means. (This is an useless egg head stat that looks good on paper but you would probally never see it implemented)

2 acres per person is a lot bigger than Texas. Texas has 172,044,800 acres, almost 4.3 million are water.

That would be enough for 86 million people to have 2 acres. So even if you had 10 states of Texas it wouldn't cover a billion people. You would need 81 just to cover the current world population. Not even beginning to cover all the other people over 6000 years.

total land in the world about 36.6 billion acres.

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Well, according to the local news station, if I won (and didn't have to pay any taxes on it), I could buy the local baseball team...

If I would win the money I probably would keep 20-50 million for myself and the rest I would use for investments in projects/people.

in my city Brussels:

- Buy some industry terrain/office buildings that are empty for years and transform them in parks (love hanging out in parks) with some soccer/basketball etc terrains on it if possible;.
- More security camera's..
- Build camps where people who live on the street can go to for a bed and food and help..etc
- Create work for unemployed, as an example train unemployed in making furniture that will bump up their wellfare a little and at the same time the stuff they create will be given to people who can't afford to buy furniture themself.
- More hobby places (Skateparks, sporthalls, graffiti walls, etc..)
-Build biggest Chinese gate in europe (in your face Antwerp/London and Den Haag =p)..
- Build Tibetan temple/museum/restaurant etc..
-Invest in science (Cures for sicknesses)
- Give some extra money to the orphanges in chengdu and Thailand that I already invested in...
- More public toilets...
- Invest in Green Energy (the created energy can be used for free for the families with the lowest income(s)).
- More city cleaners..
- (More) Free internet hotspots.
- More investments to give some neighbourhoods an more friendly and cleaner look
- More free festivals/parties...(Dance/Worldmusic/Halloween/X-mas etc;.)..
- And a lot more stuff

Summary: Trying to make the city I live in for all its inhabitants and at the same time it will also make my life better :).


I don't want much. I'd get a Porsche Carerra S Cabriolet (but I would test drive a few Ferrarri's and the turbo to see if I like them), a Toyota Tacoma, an average sized house (In Toronto, that's probably half a million to 750k), and every video game I can't afford, including original copies of Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and other SNES/PS1/PS2 games I'm missing from my collection.

Then I'd get a nice couch, decorate the interior well with granite counter tops, and a nice quadtron tv. Maybe get a hot tub, sauna, and an indoor pool.

After that I would pay my parents morgage, buy my close friends good cars (like an M3 and such), give my sister a good start financiall, and keep the other 321.5 million.

With that I would have to donate about 10% to charity, and build a financial empire with the other 90%, in order to donate more over time. I don't need that $$$, but I could still make an empire which could generate more for others.

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If I win.. two words.

Private Island.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Lostplanet22 said:

If I would win the money I probably would keep 20-50 million for myself and the rest I would use for investments in projects/people.

in my city Brussels:

- Buy some industry terrain/office buildings that are empty for years and transform them in parks (love hanging out in parks) with some soccer/basketball etc terrains on it if possible;.
- More security camera's..
- Build camps where people who live on the street can go to for a bed and food and help..etc
- Create work for unemployed, as an example train unemployed in making furniture that will bump up their wellfare a little and at the same time the stuff they create will be given to people who can't afford to buy furniture themself.
- More hobby places (Skateparks, sporthalls, graffiti walls, etc..)
-Build biggest Chinese gate in europe (in your face Antwerp/London and Den Haag =p)..
- Build Tibetan temple/museum/restaurant etc..
-Invest in science (Cures for sicknesses)
- Give some extra money to the orphanges in chengdu and Thailand that I already invested in...
- More public toilets...
- Invest in Green Energy (the created energy can be used for free for the families with the lowest income(s)).
- More city cleaners..
- (More) Free internet hotspots.
- More investments to give some neighbourhoods an more friendly and cleaner look
- More free festivals/parties...(Dance/Worldmusic/Halloween/X-mas etc;.)..
- And a lot more stuff

Summary: Trying to make the city I live in for all its inhabitants and at the same time it will also make my life better :).

sounds like your money wouldbe enough for 2 months for all those plans^^