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Forums - General Discussion - $640 F'ING MILLION DOLLARS!!!

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Now, imagine if all that money went to poor countries instead of perfectly healthy western's...


Anyway, I'd probably buy A FUCKING TANK!!!

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Heh, if all the grain and food that earth produces was properly distributed there would be no hunger. There are news stories of hundreds of pounds of food sitting in storage containers rotting because it would be unprofitable to ship.
Plus in 1996 (so old stat) the US food industry wasted over 6 million tons of food that enough to feed ever single person on the planet two meals each day for that year. (Its probably worst now.) Just to get an idea on that go watch either the first or second season of dirty jobs on the discovery channel. The one where they feed pigs the wasted food from some hotels in Las Vagas. They ship it in giant dump trucks.

superchunk said:
Mad55 said:
Yea that's crazy. I would buy a house and some stuff that wouldn't even amount to a million dollars.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinkin. First month I'd maybe spend $1m on family and the items I listed in the OP. Then the rest is for future investment and creating true wealth.


BlkPaladin said:
Heh, if all the grain and food that earth produces was properly distributed there would be no hunger. There are news stories of hundreds of pounds of food sitting in storage containers rotting because it would be unprofitable to ship.
Plus in 1996 (so old stat) the US food industry wasted over 6 million tons of food that enough to feed ever single person on the planet two meals each day for that year. (Its probably worst now.)

Sad stuff indeed. And that doesn't even cover all the food that (spoiled) people throw away on a daily basis. If politicians wanted to, I'm pretty sure there would be no people left without food...


Or maybe I'm just talking shit, I dunno.

Mad55 said:
superchunk said:
Mad55 said:
Yea that's crazy. I would buy a house and some stuff that wouldn't even amount to a million dollars.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinkin. First month I'd maybe spend $1m on family and the items I listed in the OP. Then the rest is for future investment and creating true wealth.


And to live off the interest you only need less then 10 million (depending on how much you want to live off of. The normal interest on a savings account is 2% compounded yearly) The sad truth of the mater a lot of winners essentially throw the money away and don't do any really planning and end up broke again.

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BlkPaladin said:
Heh, if all the grain and food that earth produces was properly distributed there would be no hunger. There are news stories of hundreds of pounds of food sitting in storage containers rotting because it would be unprofitable to ship.
Plus in 1996 (so old stat) the US food industry wasted over 6 million tons of food that enough to feed ever single person on the planet two meals each day for that year. (Its probably worst now.)

Sad stuff indeed. And that doesn't even cover all the food that (spoiled) people throw away on a daily basis. If politicians wanted to, I'm pretty sure there would be no people left without food...


Or maybe I'm just talking shit, I dunno.


I work in the food industry and it hurts throw away food. But trying to get my other managers to manage the food properly is like trying to pull theeth. I usually arrive at work and there over $20 worth of food I have to throw out because the last manager just lets the cooks do what they want to and don't try to do their job. (When I can I take the food home some of the freshness times are intensionally set lower than what we can keep them. So I give them to other people to eat and to save on my food bill, as said I hate throwing food away.)

Another useless stat on how bad resources are managed. If every person that lived the past 6,000 years where a live they could have 2 acres of land (each person) and that would only take up the size of the state of Texas, the rest of the planet could be used for agracultral means. (This is an useless egg head stat that looks good on paper but you would probally never see it implemented)

superchunk said:
Train wreck said:
Bought 100$ worth today at 7-11, lets go!

wow... big risk taker.

$5 is all I'd ever risk and that's pretty rare as it is. Odds are too poor.

That's why I started a work pool, so I could increase my chances without taking more of a risk.  :)

I'm part of an office pool also, but you know people and their ulterior motives.  Should be exciting tonight

I'd buy two cars, a house, a office space for my company, invest in my company, and put a whole lot on the bank to collect interest.

And build my empire from there! I might even give some of you a good job

BlkPaladin said:

Another useless stat on how bad resources are managed. If every person that lived the past 6,000 years where a live they could have 2 acres of land (each person) and that would only take up the size of the state of Texas, the rest of the planet could be used for agracultral means. (This is an useless egg head stat that looks good on paper but you would probally never see it implemented)

Wow, that's actually some scary (yet interesting) stuff, especially given how lots of people life in small contained areas and with no axess to food or whatsoever (aside from stealing and very long traveling).

Not useless stats at all :)