pezus said:
Sure do! And it sure is ;o. Was it an Austrian documentary? |
Yeah it was a Servus TV docu it was about Geysirs. I really like documentations, and this one really cool.
What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most? | |||
Iron Man | 1 | 12.50% | |
Thor | 0 | 0% | |
Hulk | 0 | 0% | |
Spiderman | 1 | 12.50% | |
Xmen -post individually below | 1 | 12.50% | |
Ant Man | 0 | 0% | |
other Avenger -post individually below | 0 | 0% | |
GotG- see above example | 2 | 25.00% | |
other post below | 0 | 0% | |
DC bro!!!! | 3 | 37.50% | |
Total: | 8 |
pezus said:
Sure do! And it sure is ;o. Was it an Austrian documentary? |
Yeah it was a Servus TV docu it was about Geysirs. I really like documentations, and this one really cool.
pezus said: After Earth looks horrible, even with the Smiths. They can't save this from being yet another bad M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie. The animals have evolved so much after 1000 years? Lol... |
probably there is another explanation then evolution itself lol
avangers was very fun, batman was like something will happen but nothing happens and looper was a nice idea but they didnt realized it very well wont comment on other movies
in the last 3days i saw.. dawn of the dead(2004) 28 days/weeks later ,premium rush , armour of god(jackie chan) ,12 angry men , in the mood for love(wong kar wai), and a few episodes of the X-Files if that counts Mulder and Scully are awsome.
Tsubasa Ozora
Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.
spurgeonryan said: Oh no. Is it a shayamalon production? I liked maybe three of his movies. Man of steel will have to hope that Nolan can work his magic. Because I have no interest. Even after that trailer. Kostner will be good though... |
Nolan is just the Producer, Zack Snyder is the Director. He has made 300
spurgeonryan said: Did I say that I rented Prometheus yesterday? Could hardly watch it. I was not impressed. Nothing in the movie interested me. So because of Humans the xenomorphs were created? Just picked up 6 Bullets with Van damme and The Hunger Games. Once again I have now seen or am about to see every van damme movie. |
Prometheus was crap to many plotholes.
spurgeonryan said: I guess this is the first time I have seen High plains drifters all the way through. What a strange and exciting movie! Clint Eastwood is Western gold! That whipping at the end!!!! Watched Hunger games again. I would say that is enough now. ![]() |
Clint Eastwood is the best Cowboy ever. John Wayne is a little pussy compared to Clint
My boyfriend and I saw The Hobbit today. It was great. I can't wait for the next movie.
I started watching the Back to the future trilogy today. Great movies for around the holidays, brings back lots of childhood memories. However I did lose 100 respect with my wife. "Why are you watching that, that's the corniest movie ever. Worse then Star Wars and Star trek, It's worse then a chick flick."
Anyway I loved it growing up, anticipating the sequels as they came along, taping them all back to back on VHS since they seamlessly fit together. Yeah I can see how it's corny now, but still love it as a time piece that is brilliantly put together.
The out of place things in the 50's are even better now "He's just kidding, nobody has 2 television sets in their home" "Wow a portable television studio" Referring to a vhs camera about twice the size of a dustbuster.
Sadly we still don't have hover boards or flying cars, tv in your pocket will have to do for now. Although we still have 2 years to get there.
dont have 3top movies for this year all suck or i just cant rememer what i was watching but i had fun with the avengers..better luck next year bollywood
Tsubasa Ozora
Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.
spurgeonryan said: I thought the movies were great! Plus the second one did not even get the sequel curse. There was always that sense of urgency. Even though they had a time machine they were always running out of time. Of course I liked all three of the first Star Wars movies as well. Even though some did not. The first two of the new ones were the movies that were corny. Star Trek IV was corny but a lot of fun! Even corny movies can be good. Today I tried to watch an old Wizards and magic movie called "Darkstalkers" For some reason my VCR will not play it. It was early 80's and there was tons of nudity and middle ages rape in it. Maybe there was some sort of...I do not know, but it does not work unless I fast forward it. Did I mention this? "That's my Boy" was foul for no reason, and it was not funny at all. Lost all respect for R rated Sandler movies because of that. The guy who played his son is like Box office poison as well. |
Maybe that Darkstalkers movie is a copy with Macrovision on it?
Talking about nudity, middle ages and rape in the 80's, reminds me of Flesh+Blood. Paul Vehoeven's track record is all over the place, from Total recall to Show girls.
I'll forgive the first 3 star wars movies some day, when my kids inevitably turn out to like them better than the silly old ones with the puppets. Anyway it was great growing up with the Back to the future, Star wars and Indiana Jones series. I wonder if the current generation will have the same warm feelings towards the Harry Potter and Twilight series later.
I just got back from the hobbit and my god am I dissapointed. LOTR were some of my favourite movies ever. The pacing for the hobbit was far too slow. and it just had so many come on as if moments. they should have just done one movie for the one book