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Forums - Movies & TV - Movie & TV Chat: A entertainment discussion thread ~ Live, Love, Enjoy movies! What did ya'll think of Joker?


What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
green_sky said:
SvennoJ said: 

Also i saw this while ago, bookmarked it and then forgot to link it to you. Seems like sound was loud everywhere.

I can't remember missing pieces of conversation because of the sound mix. I do remember my ears still ringing hours after the movie. Maybe the movie theater had to put it up so loud to be able the hear the dialogue too :)

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Oz, The great and powerful 6/10
Got the blu-ray from a 2nd hand bin, actually more entertaining than I expected. Very colorful movie, and the final confrontation looked pretty good. It's too long though, too predictable, gimmicky 3D effects, and too long of an intro with borders all around. 4:3 and b&w are fine, but at least fill out the bloody screen if it's going to take up 15 minutes or more.

Moonraker 8/10
I like James Bond movies best when it feels like they're constantly making fun of their own material. This one doesn't disappoint. I hope the formula for new bond movies goes back to this. I don't want Bond to doubt himself or the mission, or an agency on the run. I prefer an over confident Bond that never seems surprised no matter what happens, all in a days work. Crazy villains (mr dental plan), insane plots (restart civilization) and unlikely vehicles (hover craft gondola). Dialogue full of one liners, double meanings and dry humor, while always remaining utterly polite.
The movie still looks really good. Some of the special effects stand out, yet it was made in 1979. Sound is still excellent, lovely infantry laser battle in space lol. Was great to watch again.

rewatched gone girl because of the wife she like it a lot(i knew she would) and a new korean movie pretty sick and has no dialogue at all but that made it quiet interesting,unpredictable and intense.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

After Earth 5/10
Weak story, weak performances, dumb ending, bad dialogue. A shame, because it looks pretty good. Very nice artwork and awesome vistas. At least it doesn't last very long.

Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Inferno (japanese)

based on the popular looks really good all real set pieces everything is colorful a lot going on in the background and the action is good..story isnt really interesting but the fans would enjoy it a lot more i guess.


Horrible Bosses 2


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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green_sky said:
This thread seems my kind of thread. Should post here sometimes.

Starting watching Sherlock. The British one. Good so far.

watched that with my sis and he bf and thought it was good. They had a re run of the episode where he stops an attempted murder at his partners wedding. Really well made series. Quality over quantity for sure. 

Finally watched The Avengers pretty good 7/10 the first half is kinda dull. Also watched The Maze Runner halfway decent 6/10 I'm guessing the sequel will be better.

I was flipping through channels and happened on Beyond scared straight. They had brought 12 to 17 year olds to a real prison to get continuously shouted at, right in there faces, by multiple adults. Including having them line up in and get the same treatment from hardened prisoners promising them bodily harm and other abuse.

As a parent I can not believe this is a real program (apparently it is). My respect for the US justice system has gone done even further. And people wonder why kids hate the police...

Apparently there are more such shows and programs

It’s not like there’s a shortage of data or any scientific controversy over Scared Straight’s actual results.  In fact, a Cochrane review — the gold standard for evidence-based medicine — concluded that kids sent to Scared Straight were 68-71% more likely to commit crimes than those randomized to receive no intervention at all.

What happened to the nature boot camp programs. Team building while learning actual survival skils is far more effective than fear tactics. What is wrong with people.

Kerotan said:
green_sky said:
This thread seems my kind of thread. Should post here sometimes.

Starting watching Sherlock. The British one. Good so far.

watched that with my sis and he bf and thought it was good. They had a re run of the episode where he stops an attempted murder at his partners wedding. Really well made series. Quality over quantity for sure. 

Yes, quite good. Finished the first season, so the episode you mention is bit of a spoiler. It's okay though as it is more about how something happened and not just what.

Finished watching the Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey for a second time. What a beautiful, enlightening, inspiring and most importantly a humbling experience. 

Felt goosebumps quite a few times and got misty eyed during others. Cheers to a bright and more hopeful future. (I just don't know how to embed anymore and i did check vivster's thread)