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Forums - Website Topics - Montana's Message To The Community

Galaki said:
Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

To amplify the delicious irony, i must say: this.

How about Like, Like+, and Like++ to emphasize how much you're in agreement with?

You have to click Like 10 times to reach Like+.

To reach Like++, you have to click Like+ 50 times.

If you click on it more than 70 times total, you're banned from botting.

I just hope Like++ won't lack native multithreading facilities and won't have unnecessary complications and incompatibilities with Like.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Signalstar said:
Jay520 said:
Galaki said:
There are 3 kinds of trollings. Ones where you're just taking a stab for humour or just being negative because you hated the company.

It's sometime not easy to distinguish between the 2, though.

What's the third kind of trolling?

There isn't one, he's just trolling.


(That's the third kind)

I considered that but then I thought...if his post does in fact exemplify trolling, then that means he listed three kinds of trolling, therefore fulfulling his promise and NOT trolling. So I ask again: What is the third kind of trolling, Galaki? Parodoxical trolling?

I think I'm having an inception moment in my head.

Barozi said:
RolStoppable said:
MontanaHatchet said:

RolStoppable: This is sadly true to an extent but I'd like to work towards the point where threads which foster good discussion can reach 100+ posts with ease.

That's quite a lofty goal. Anyway, the main problem is really two-fold:

1) Sales discussions are limited by the site taking more and more tools and data away from the community. There isn't much of a motivation to start a thread about a specific topic, because compiling the data (if it's even available) is too often too much of a hassle.

2) Members of this site don't seem to play video games and if they do, they don't want to talk about it. At least that's the impression I get from yo_john and TADS's ranking game threads. Sometimes they have trouble to get 15 scores which really isn't much considering that we have a couple hundred active members.

Discussions about hype seem to be more popular than playing the actual games. This also leads to the phenomenon that the next year is always the best ever, because all the hype is still intact.

I loved the idea and participated lots when it started, but constantly seeing KylieDog handing out low scores to basically every game out there drove me nuts. He wasn't the only user who did such a thing though, however he was the most persistent one.

It's not like Kyliedog's actions are ruining the threads' credibility. As long as he gives his opinion for every game, then his low votes will serve as a constant and no one game's score will be more affected than another. Now, if he gave extremely low votes to only a few games, then we would have a problem, but since he does it quite often, I think it's fair.

His persistence is actually what makes his votes unharming. With his method, every game is affected. Their order stays the same, but the scale drops a bit. It's the inconsistent users' votes who cause the most harm. They're lowering certain games and leaving others unaffected.

The actual scores of the games are bit lower than what most would score them, but the relative positioning of the games are unnaffected for the most part. And that's all that matters, right? The score a game gets is only used to compare it's position with other games.

I can't say that I disagree with anything in the OP.

Well put Monty. You are quite the writer and always know which words to use and at exactly the right time. You must be quite a hit with the ladies.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Galaki said:
Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

To amplify the delicious irony, i must say: this.

How about Like, Like+, and Like++ to emphasize how much you're in agreement with?

You have to click Like 10 times to reach Like+.

To reach Like++, you have to click Like+ 50 times.

If you click on it more than 70 times total, you're banned from botting.


If you click it 100 times you get a grainy picture of S.T.A.R.S from the trashbin! (Hope some of the nerds get it...)

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You have my axe. I may just have to add you to my list of favorite mods, Monty.

People just lost there sense of humor around here.

This is a noble sentiment but I fear it is doomed to failure without severe action. As has been observed in most online communities like this one, having an opinion with the ability to voice it somewhat anonymously (we are a collection of pseudonyms for the most part) turns a lot of usually normal people into utter tools, and it's those people who cause such problems on forums like these. There has been an improvement of late with some of the more obvious problem users being given long overdue permabans, but clearly there is still a problem.

I do not wish to come across as being some kind of beacon of perfection, because I am anything but, yet for the most part I self-moderate. I don't own a 360 and have little interest in owning one. As such, you rarely see me in the Microsoft section of the forum. I rarely even go there to read topics, but I will admit I have been in there a couple of times recently to read about next-gen rumours, as I am actually interested to see those.

If everyone followed the same principle of self-moderation, then I imagine a good chunk of the problems mentioned here would disappear very quickly. If people don't want to do that (as is their right), and you want to adhere to the ideals set forward in the OP, then it's time to get harsher with the bans until the message sinks in.

Of course it is important to remember the distinction between what I have mentioned here and general comments on current sales performance in the Sales section of the forum. If sales for a company are clearly low or on the downturn, then it should be okay to talk about that, given that sales discussion is the entire basis of this website.


1. This whole premise is based on idealistic expectations of people.

2.When 2 of the main topics over the last 16 hours have been negative ones about the site it does not help, at all.

3. Have you looked at the number of new topics lately, it is going at a crawl space. So there is little reason to post in general.

Carl2291 said:
MontanaHatchet said:

However, appropriate posting isn't just limited to abstention from trolling and flaming. There has also been an ever-increasing number of spam/low quality posts and threads which are a negative force in the community. Not every thread will be a gem, but when you have quote trees which go on for 15+ posts with little to nothing being discussed and every other thread devolving to pointless discourse, it detracts from the overall quality of discussion.

Would be brilliant for the forums if a feature was added where if you quote a post, you literally only quote that post. Not the other 4/5+ before it.


Well, I disagree, sometimes it's good to be able to post 2 quotes (like this one), as it adds some backround to the point you are making. However, I do agree that some people not only doesn't know how to quote but kill threads with annoying quote trees.

As a very personal observation, I think that the point system is flawed. Some people just post for the sake of posting, with no content whatsoever. Additionally there are some threads that are designed to just get hits and posts. Recently I saw PSV will outsell the 3DS, and when you read the OP there weren't any  objective reason to support that statement, then, lots chaos with replies based on fanboysm rather than arguments.