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This is a noble sentiment but I fear it is doomed to failure without severe action. As has been observed in most online communities like this one, having an opinion with the ability to voice it somewhat anonymously (we are a collection of pseudonyms for the most part) turns a lot of usually normal people into utter tools, and it's those people who cause such problems on forums like these. There has been an improvement of late with some of the more obvious problem users being given long overdue permabans, but clearly there is still a problem.

I do not wish to come across as being some kind of beacon of perfection, because I am anything but, yet for the most part I self-moderate. I don't own a 360 and have little interest in owning one. As such, you rarely see me in the Microsoft section of the forum. I rarely even go there to read topics, but I will admit I have been in there a couple of times recently to read about next-gen rumours, as I am actually interested to see those.

If everyone followed the same principle of self-moderation, then I imagine a good chunk of the problems mentioned here would disappear very quickly. If people don't want to do that (as is their right), and you want to adhere to the ideals set forward in the OP, then it's time to get harsher with the bans until the message sinks in.

Of course it is important to remember the distinction between what I have mentioned here and general comments on current sales performance in the Sales section of the forum. If sales for a company are clearly low or on the downturn, then it should be okay to talk about that, given that sales discussion is the entire basis of this website.
