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Galaki said:
Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

To amplify the delicious irony, i must say: this.

How about Like, Like+, and Like++ to emphasize how much you're in agreement with?

You have to click Like 10 times to reach Like+.

To reach Like++, you have to click Like+ 50 times.

If you click on it more than 70 times total, you're banned from botting.


If you click it 100 times you get a grainy picture of S.T.A.R.S from the trashbin! (Hope some of the nerds get it...)