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Forums - Politics Discussion - Pope denounces U.S. political push to legalize gay marriage

BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
He wouldnt be the pope if he didnt do his job correctly!.. and this is not only his own view

it is what it is.. and forever will be that way with Catholicism.

Marriage is for a Man and a Woman

Marriage is not a religious institution, it was merely a way to guarantee exclusive sexual access to a woman. Women were treated as property and marrying off a daughter was like trading cattle. There is nothing sacred in the institution of marriage, nothing. Additionally, Jesus has never spoken out against homosexuality and he never condoned any form of discrimination. Opposing gay marriage is morally reprehensible and there is no legitimate argument to be made against it. Furthermore, Popes from the past have done little other than incite wars and crusades, oppose scientific advancement, allow slavery and discrimination (both sexual and racial), condone horrific torture and above all else, ignore the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian, they are deceivers and if you believe in Hell then they are the path to eternal damnation.

wow you are very high-strung with your opinion on Catholicism.. you must of just read about the bad stuff Catholics has done for humanity..  and nothing more... its like Catholicism has done nothing but bad stuff..  lol

Here is one example what Jesus said: 

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’[b] and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?[c] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


now that you have read that.. and you know what he said... your choice to believe his words or your own opinion.

I wont fight with you about it.. your entitled to you're opinon and have free will.

Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Around the Network
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
He wouldnt be the pope if he didnt do his job correctly!.. and this is not only his own view

it is what it is.. and forever will be that way with Catholicism.

Marriage is for a Man and a Woman

Marriage is not a religious institution, it was merely a way to guarantee exclusive sexual access to a woman. Women were treated as property and marrying off a daughter was like trading cattle. There is nothing sacred in the institution of marriage, nothing. Additionally, Jesus has never spoken out against homosexuality and he never condoned any form of discrimination. Opposing gay marriage is morally reprehensible and there is no legitimate argument to be made against it. Furthermore, Popes from the past have done little other than incite wars and crusades, oppose scientific advancement, allow slavery and discrimination (both sexual and racial), condone horrific torture and above all else, ignore the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian, they are deceivers and if you believe in Hell then they are the path to eternal damnation.

wow you are very high-strung with your opinion on Catholicism.. you must of just read about the bad stuff Catholics has done for humanity..  and nothing more... its like Catholicism has done nothing but bad stuff..  lol

Here is one example what Jesus said: 

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’[b] and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?[c] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


now that you have read that.. and you know what he said... your choice to believe his words or your own opinion.

I wont fight with you about it.. your entitled to you're opinon and have free will.

Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
He wouldnt be the pope if he didnt do his job correctly!.. and this is not only his own view

it is what it is.. and forever will be that way with Catholicism.

Marriage is for a Man and a Woman

Marriage is not a religious institution, it was merely a way to guarantee exclusive sexual access to a woman. Women were treated as property and marrying off a daughter was like trading cattle. There is nothing sacred in the institution of marriage, nothing. Additionally, Jesus has never spoken out against homosexuality and he never condoned any form of discrimination. Opposing gay marriage is morally reprehensible and there is no legitimate argument to be made against it. Furthermore, Popes from the past have done little other than incite wars and crusades, oppose scientific advancement, allow slavery and discrimination (both sexual and racial), condone horrific torture and above all else, ignore the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian, they are deceivers and if you believe in Hell then they are the path to eternal damnation.

wow you are very high-strung with your opinion on Catholicism.. you must of just read about the bad stuff Catholics has done for humanity..  and nothing more... its like Catholicism has done nothing but bad stuff..  lol

Here is one example what Jesus said: 

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’[b] and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?[c] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


now that you have read that.. and you know what he said... your choice to believe his words or your own opinion.

I wont fight with you about it.. your entitled to you're opinon and have free will.

Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Any democratic society that perpetrates a crime against humanity should not be forgiven either. In addition to individuals, nations and organizations should be held accountable for their crimes.

bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
He wouldnt be the pope if he didnt do his job correctly!.. and this is not only his own view

it is what it is.. and forever will be that way with Catholicism.

Marriage is for a Man and a Woman

Marriage is not a religious institution, it was merely a way to guarantee exclusive sexual access to a woman. Women were treated as property and marrying off a daughter was like trading cattle. There is nothing sacred in the institution of marriage, nothing. Additionally, Jesus has never spoken out against homosexuality and he never condoned any form of discrimination. Opposing gay marriage is morally reprehensible and there is no legitimate argument to be made against it. Furthermore, Popes from the past have done little other than incite wars and crusades, oppose scientific advancement, allow slavery and discrimination (both sexual and racial), condone horrific torture and above all else, ignore the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian, they are deceivers and if you believe in Hell then they are the path to eternal damnation.

wow you are very high-strung with your opinion on Catholicism.. you must of just read about the bad stuff Catholics has done for humanity..  and nothing more... its like Catholicism has done nothing but bad stuff..  lol

Here is one example what Jesus said: 

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’[b] and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?[c] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


now that you have read that.. and you know what he said... your choice to believe his words or your own opinion.

I wont fight with you about it.. your entitled to you're opinon and have free will.

Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Any democratic society that perpetrates a crime against humanity should not be forgiven either. In addition to individuals, nations and organizations should be held accountable for their crimes.

Hope you've been protesting your government just as hard if not harder then.  Considering your countries abuses are centuries more recent and still somewhat ongoing with it's poor current treatment of natives.

If we only count negative actions... Canada is in a worse off place currently.

Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
He wouldnt be the pope if he didnt do his job correctly!.. and this is not only his own view

it is what it is.. and forever will be that way with Catholicism.

Marriage is for a Man and a Woman

Marriage is not a religious institution, it was merely a way to guarantee exclusive sexual access to a woman. Women were treated as property and marrying off a daughter was like trading cattle. There is nothing sacred in the institution of marriage, nothing. Additionally, Jesus has never spoken out against homosexuality and he never condoned any form of discrimination. Opposing gay marriage is morally reprehensible and there is no legitimate argument to be made against it. Furthermore, Popes from the past have done little other than incite wars and crusades, oppose scientific advancement, allow slavery and discrimination (both sexual and racial), condone horrific torture and above all else, ignore the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian, they are deceivers and if you believe in Hell then they are the path to eternal damnation.

wow you are very high-strung with your opinion on Catholicism.. you must of just read about the bad stuff Catholics has done for humanity..  and nothing more... its like Catholicism has done nothing but bad stuff..  lol

Here is one example what Jesus said: 

Matthew 19:4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’[b] and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?[c] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


now that you have read that.. and you know what he said... your choice to believe his words or your own opinion.

I wont fight with you about it.. your entitled to you're opinon and have free will.

Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Any democratic society that perpetrates a crime against humanity should not be forgiven either. In addition to individuals, nations and organizations should be held accountable for their crimes.

Hope you've been protesting your government just as hard if not harder then.  Considering your countries abuses are centuries more recent and still somewhat ongoing with it's poor current treatment of natives.

If we only count negative actions... Canada is in a worse off place currently.

I despise Canada far greater than you could ever imagine my friend. Although I doubt anything could be a greater force for evil than the Catholic Church.

Around the Network
bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:



Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Any democratic society that perpetrates a crime against humanity should not be forgiven either. In addition to individuals, nations and organizations should be held accountable for their crimes.

Hope you've been protesting your government just as hard if not harder then.  Considering your countries abuses are centuries more recent and still somewhat ongoing with it's poor current treatment of natives.

If we only count negative actions... Canada is in a worse off place currently.

I despise Canada far greater than you could ever imagine my friend. Although I doubt anything could be a greater force for evil than the Catholic Church.

ANYTHING?  I hope that's hyperbole.

kowenicki said:
Kasz216 said:
kowenicki said:
Player1x3 said:
kowenicki said:
Whats unusual about that...? quite a few other out of touch and very elderly people in the home for the bewildered down the road from me think the same... so long as they take their meds they are fine. I assume he is taking his?

He is irrelevant, his church is irrelevant... actually, thinking about it.... HIS church is dangerous

Yup they are irrelevant...thats why he and his church have 2.2 billion followers. Its not that much, just 1/3 of world population...

he is actually even more than irrelevant to me...

I seriously doubt that all of the 1.5bn or so roman catholic followers are devout.... Every catholic I know is very far from devout and would be classed as failed in his eyes.

The Pope is (always) a silly old fool who has lived in a bubble of stupidity, ignorance and arrogance for most of his life.


Well duh.   That's kinda the main tenant of all Christanity.

That all people fall short of the hopes god created for mankind and as such, need forgiveness.

As for arrogance... I'd say your being at least as arrogant as any pope.

As for him being irrelevent... you don't act like he's irrelevent to you... and quite honestly the Catholic Church does more for charity then I believe any other charitable organization does in the world... by quite a bit.

Second highest i believe... oddly being the Mormon Church.

They may have some views you and I would find reprhensible however they are very relevent to the world, and in fact, on average have a very positive relevent effect on the world.


The positive effect actually becomes greater if you extend back through historty, even counting things like the crusade and inqusition blindly as bad.  (inqusition probably was, the Crusades though were an interesting case which I could write paragraphs on.)

If it weren't for the Catholic Church... we'd probably be decades behind in modern technology for example.

You helped prove my point. 

Time and place...

Where is the roman catholic church growing the quickest....?  Africa

Where is it shriking the quickest?  Western Europe and North America.


How is tha relevent to anything you or he said? 

Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
Kasz216 said:
bouzane said:
BluGamer23 said:
bouzane said:



Fascist and totalitarian governments have done good things as well but that does not excuse them of their crimes against humanity. Also, it's pretty obvious that the two genders evolved to be paired for procreation, that's biology 101. Now show me where the Catholic Church invented marriage or Jesus condoned bigotry and discrimination.

Democracies have had crimes against humanity as well... pretty much all of them.

Any democratic society that perpetrates a crime against humanity should not be forgiven either. In addition to individuals, nations and organizations should be held accountable for their crimes.

Hope you've been protesting your government just as hard if not harder then.  Considering your countries abuses are centuries more recent and still somewhat ongoing with it's poor current treatment of natives.

If we only count negative actions... Canada is in a worse off place currently.

I despise Canada far greater than you could ever imagine my friend. Although I doubt anything could be a greater force for evil than the Catholic Church.

ANYTHING?  I hope that's hyperbole.

Alright, maybe not the worst but they're still rotten to the core. Between opposing the advancement of human rights to harboring pedophiles the Catholic Church sickens me to the very pit of my stomach. These are just their well publicized crimes, I shudder to think about all of their wrongdoing. Christ would be terribly dismayed to see his teachings subverted for this.

kowenicki said:
Kasz216 said:
kowenicki said:
Player1x3 said:
kowenicki said:
Whats unusual about that...? quite a few other out of touch and very elderly people in the home for the bewildered down the road from me think the same... so long as they take their meds they are fine. I assume he is taking his?

He is irrelevant, his church is irrelevant... actually, thinking about it.... HIS church is dangerous

Yup they are irrelevant...thats why he and his church have 2.2 billion followers. Its not that much, just 1/3 of world population...

he is actually even more than irrelevant to me...

I seriously doubt that all of the 1.5bn or so roman catholic followers are devout.... Every catholic I know is very far from devout and would be classed as failed in his eyes.

The Pope is (always) a silly old fool who has lived in a bubble of stupidity, ignorance and arrogance for most of his life.


Well duh.   That's kinda the main tenant of all Christanity.

That all people fall short of the hopes god created for mankind and as such, need forgiveness.

As for arrogance... I'd say your being at least as arrogant as any pope.

As for him being irrelevent... you don't act like he's irrelevent to you... and quite honestly the Catholic Church does more for charity then I believe any other charitable organization does in the world... by quite a bit.

Second highest i believe... oddly being the Mormon Church.

They may have some views you and I would find reprhensible however they are very relevent to the world, and in fact, on average have a very positive relevent effect on the world.


The positive effect actually becomes greater if you extend back through historty, even counting things like the crusade and inqusition blindly as bad.  (inqusition probably was, the Crusades though were an interesting case which I could write paragraphs on.)

If it weren't for the Catholic Church... we'd probably be decades behind in modern technology for example.

You helped prove my point. 

Time and place...

Where is the roman catholic church growing the quickest....?  Africa

Where is it shriking the quickest?  Western Europe and North America.

A)  Not sure how that proves your point... that at just about any time in history the Catholc church has been extremely relevent and mostly done more good then evil.

B) Sort of a law of averages thing there.  Not much "new buisness" in Europe as far as Catholicsm goes... where Africa is full of people to convert.  Though actually, it's never been shrinking.  It's always been increasing numbers though it's lost "share" in europe and america, but growing in actual numbers.  The share shrinkage I think actually doesn't exist in the US anymore though, partly due to so much  immigration from the south.


You have a really strange and silly hostile atitude towards the Catholic Church though, which is strange coming from someone like you.  I guess it just goes to show why religious bigotry worries are on the rise in Europe.

You seem to be fighting bigotry with bigotry.

What an unpleasant person.

Love and tolerate.