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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

I haven`t bought accessories since GBA, but now i will surely buy some for the Gamepad. There were some very cool ones posted awhile ago.

I too think Skylanders Giant will do really well for Wii. I don`t know where i saw it, but there was a bundle with the game and a blue Wii somewhere in the states.

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^ That`s what i had in mind: pad case and protector.

This Iwata Asks is awesome!

Iwata: Even though the last game didn't have any men's fashion, despite the fact that its main target was girls, a lot of guys played it. What funs do guys have with Style Savvy?

Yamagami: The way I personally enjoy it is to think of the customers who come to the shop in the game as enemies in RPGs and simulation games.

Iwata: The customers are…enemies? (laughs)

Yamagami: Yeah. And their requests regarding budget and clothes are like attacks that, as the salesperson, I have to find a way to deal with.

Iwata: That's like a fighting game! (laughs)

Yamagami: Against the attack of a customer's budget being 20,000 yen, I have to use the weapons I have on hand to satisfy that demand. So I'll look over my fashion items, and luckily there's no time limit, so I'll think awhile, turn over all sorts of possibilities, and then suggest something at the very end—as if shouting "Fire weapons!"

Iwata: You don't sell, but rather shoot. (laughs) Everyone (laughs)

Yamagami: And if the customer says they'll buy it, I'm like (pumping fist), "Yes! I won!"

Iwata: You defeat your customers?

Yamagami: Then money comes in—chaching!—and my score goes up! I play it like that.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Only the NES that my mom bought peripherals, the NES Max and Advantage... Cool accessories, but they were not really for me. -_-'

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

@ The new Poll: Wii. I bought 2 packs of batteries (the 1st one died) and the lens cleaner because I had problems with some games.

I didn't bought any peripheral for any of my other consoles. There was no need to.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Hard to say with the N64 I didn't buy the peripherals they came with the game. (Memory Pack, Rumble Pack, GB transfer attachment and two memory carts
Gamecube I bought the GBA cable(x3), GBA player, broadband adapter, along with a bunch of memory cards and a device to play Japanese games (Action Replay)
Wii really nothing unless you want to count the 2 Classic Controllers and the 4 analog dongles
The NES/SNES I just bought the multi-tap
The Wii U I already have the USB HD and probally will buy 2 Pro Controllers
The GBA I bought a few lights and a game shark.

So I guess its the Gamecube.


On a side note the OP should be updated to show the confirmed specs for the Wii U. (2MB memory)

I am buying every cool shit I see... Didn't really until later.

Wii was my first

Ds second tehn i bought all Nintendo console. all cable, all connection all convertors, cases and cheap plastic rubbish.


Gamecube and GBA. I've both nearly every single accessory for them and don't regret nothing.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

@ poll

I rarely buy peripherals. If I do they're usually required to play the game or came with it. I'm not counting the Expansion Pack, Guitar Hero controllers, the Zapper or the Rumble Pack since these things came with the game.

Of the things I myself, consciously bought I got most of the things for GameBoy. So GameBoy is the answer. All these Light-View-magnifying-glass things, had like three of them. Cases to hold the cartridges, pouches for the systems. Yes, systems. GameBoy is also the only console I've ever gotten redesigns for, three of them if you include the Color as a redesign.
Does the Super GameBoy count as a GameBoy peripheral or a Super Nintendo one?

Burger King giving away 490 Wii U Basic Sets

We all know that Burger King has Wii U/Nintendo toys starting today, so it should come as no surprise that the fast food chain is teaming up with Nintendo to give away four hundred and ninety (that’s 490) Wii U Basic Sets (the white ones) between now and December 2nd. Don’t get too excited though– even if you win, you won’t receive your system until sometime in January or February, and you have to buy something from Burger King in order to obtain a code to enter on their official site.

Still, pretty good advertising for Nintendo! I really hope this “Wii U” thing works out for them…


IGN teases impending Nintendo news, which is almost certainly Wii U-related

Update: And now George has quickly clarified that he “didn’t say news. And I didn’t say a game is being announced.” But if something is happening on Thursday… I don’t see how it can’t be news.

IGN editor Rich George teased some exciting news for the Wii U just a short while ago. In a couple of tweets, George wrote that he believes the “Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see.”

It appears that we’ll be getting some sort of news on Thursday. George didn’t explicitly say that we’ll be hearing anything about Wii U in a couple of days, but I can’t imagine it being about anything else.

Below are George’s tweets in full:

“I know it’s a little quiet on the Nintendo front but… it’s not. There’s a lot coming up. Starting Thursday… Also – I think Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see. More soon.” 



Assassin’s Creed III “exactly the same” on Wii U

Assassin’s Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson says that Assassin’s Creed III will be “exactly the same game” on Wii U. Those who purchase the game on the brand new console won’t be experiencing a lesser product in any way.

“I’m super excited whenever we demo the Wii U. It is exactly the same game that’s on the other platforms. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s been a long time since I’ve shipped a game on more than three platforms where you could say it’s all the same. It’s not like some radically diminished version, so that’s exciting.”

Hutchinson has been excited to be working with new hardware:

“It’s always a challenge with new hardware, but it’s also exciting. I love the smell of new plastic, that day you get home with your new piece of kit. And it’s been a long time since we’ve had a new piece of kit.”


More Darksiders II DLC teased, Joe Madureira leaves Vigil

Joe Madureira is leaving Vigil Games. The comic book writer has been with the studio for seven years, working on the two Darksiders titles. He’s now moving on to greener pastures.

Madureira wrote on Twitter recently:

“So long @Vigilgames @THQ. Thanks for all the memories! @Darksiders was definitely a career highlight. Keep on kicking ass I’m a fan for life!”

He also left a message on his Facebook page:

“Farewell and best wishes to all my brothers and sisters at Vigil Games! After seven long years and two hit games (Darksiders BABY!) I’m afraid the time has come for me to move on to new adventures. I could not be more proud of what we achieved, or the awesome people who helped build up this studio. I can safely say Vigil’s future is in very good hands, so expect only awesomeness down the road. This feels surreal… I miss the place already.”

Madureira is planning on returning to the comic book world. Fans will learn about “the next big thing” sometime within the next few months.

In the meantime, THQ teased Darksiders II DLC over the weekend. The image above was released, and the following message was posted on Twitter:

“A new adventure awaits Death!” 



No Voice Support For Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed On Wii U


Can you hear me?

Developer cites Wii U voice chat limitations as reason for omission

Developer Sumo Digital has confirmed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will not have voice chat support on Wii U.

The news comes less than a week after a Nintendo representative confirmed that in-game voice chat will not be possible through the GamePad's built-in microphone. Voice chat functionality is not integrated into the Wii U's operating system, meaning that it is solely up to the developer to implement it into the game. Moreover, in-game chat requires the use of licensed, third-party headsets that plug into the headphone jack on the GamePad.

Executive producer, Steve Lycett, confirmed that the Wii U's limitations in this area were the reason why the game would not feature voice chat support:

We don't support voice chat on WiiU for those reasons, one of the side effects of being a launch title basically. Does support it on PS3 and 360 though!

With more time, it may have been possible for Sumo Digital to add voice chat capabilities. And given that we still don't know everything about the Wii U's online infrastructure, it is possible that this could be patched in at a later date. Other launch titles such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 3: Wii U Edition will support voice.

Nevertheless, future support will be wholly dependent on developers implementing the feature, as well as consumers forking out for third-party headsets.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.