spurgeonryan said:
Conegamer... There is no doubt about it, this is going to be a great game! You have picked up Pandoras Tower, Xenoblade and The Last Story. You will pick this up and it may out do Xenoblade in the end. ( Prediction) The game looks amazing! Unlike the dying N64 that got Power Rangers Turbo or the Gamecube that got Spongebob type games as it died, the Wii will be allowed to go out on a strong note!
Those games may or may not have been said consoles last games. |
I'm aware, and that's what annoys me. I can't afford to either pay for the subscription or spend all my time playing an MMO.
And you're right. Great for the Wii to go out on a bang, and for the WiiU to come out on a high-note!