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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you've completed time and time again.

FF7: at least 5
FF8: 4
FF9: 2 and final boss on a 3rd time
suikoden 3: 2 times back to back (game was so good i had to play it again immediately after)
sonic 3 with sonic and knuckles: who knows how many times
sonic 2: at least 10
heavy rain: enough to see each ending (not sure if each actually counts for a playthrough)
FF tactics: 2
megaman 2: at least 5
megaman 5: 3
megaman 6: 3
infamous: 2 one for good side one for bad
ff 1: 2
ff2 : 2
ff10 : 2
theres probably more that arent coming to mind at the moment. i enjoy playing through games multiple times. most people just play the game once and never play it again or trade it in. to me thats about equivalent to treating a game as a hooker.

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Mass Effect a good 7 times
Mass Effect 2, should be 6 times after this runthru...
Dragon Age Origins 7 times
Dragon age 2 4 times after this time... but ugh compared to the others, more of a chore :p
Gears of War 2 6 times probably, but that was before I had Xbox Live
Gears of War 3 - 3 times if arcade counts...
MK vs DCU - 6 times at least, but also before I had Live
Halo 3 was 2 times
Halo: Reach 2 times
Starcraft about 10 times... hard to remember


2D Marios mostly - among some others, but not many, as I'm always starting some new game. Remakes don't count, right?

I admire your energy (and time!) to finish a RPG twice or sometimes even more than that!
I haven't done that since - and only that time - Final Fantasy VI

Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow (which I all count as the same game) - about 7 times
Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - 5 times

Maybe some other games too...

Sonic the hedgehog 3 too many times to remember and same thing for Aladdin on the Megadrive.
FF8- 3 times
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction - 3 times
Uncharted Drake's Fortune - 4 times
Diablo 2 - 4 times at least

That's just a few games at the top of my head. I have completed far too many games twice as it is a common requirement for a platinum these days.



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mass effect 2 3 times
mass effect 1 2 times
God of War 1 about 5x
God of War 2 as often as the first
God of War 3 7x
DMC 3 3x
Castlevania Lords of shadow 3x
Orcarina of time 10-20x
Majoras Mask 10x

FF8, 12 times... XD
FFX, 6 Times,
FF9, 3 Times,
FFX-2 4 Times
Deus Ex 5 Times,
Mario 64 5 Times.
OoT 5 Times
Mass Effect 2 3 Times.

Pokemon, IDK but a lot.

Games like Starfox Where you can beat it in like an hour, like a 1000 times. I don't recall which ones.

I am not good at replaying games. I always have a too big of a backlogue to justify going back and play through a game I've already completed. Sometimes I revisit my favorites though but I only end up playing them for 15 minutes or so until I've felt (or not felt) the nostalgia that surfaced to my mind.

The only games in the last decade I have truly replayed several times are Morrowind and Oblivion. Well, those and Dante's Inferno because I wanted to get the Platinum trophy for it.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time: at least 8
Uncharted 1 & 2: 3 times each
Zelda: Wind Waker: around 5
Metroid: Fusion: around 5
Banjo-Kazooie: around 4
Zelda; Twilight Princess: 3 times, working on fourth
Simpsons: Hit & Run: at least 5
StarFox Adventures: at least 3

I cant remember all of them, but Kingdom Hearts 2 and birth by sleep for sure