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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN: Xbox 720 Will Be Six Times as Powerful as Current Gen

pezus said:
crissindahouse said:
pezus said:
Why do you all expect PS4 and 720 to run games @ 60FPS? Most of the devs will want the games to look as good as possible and they do that by targeting a lower framerate. Sure, some will make games running at 60 FPS, like CoD and most Nintendo games, Wipeout, some racing games etc. but why would they suddenly all sacrifice looks for performance when they haven't done so in the past?

because battlefield 3 for example is shit with 45 fps if you had played it with 60 fps. i did it for 10 hours and had to change my settings back to only 2x msaa and without hbao (my graphics card would be good enough for 4x msaa and hbao but i use an fx injector and with my settings this is eating my performance^^) yes it wouldn't be needed for uncharted i think that'S right but it's a must for me for some kind of games.

or we could speak about cod mw3. give this game 1080p and it needs so much more power. put in better aa and 6x more power is nothing.

ok, many games which need 60fps have it on 360 as well but i think there are some which could need it and don't have it. but talking about the higher resolution alone shows that 6x more power isn't a lot.

Well I assume you're used to PC gaming and therefore having a low FPS feels uncomfortable. But the console gamers are mostly perfectly fine with 30 FPS and some don't even notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS lol! (remember the thread on here with people saying our eyes can't see the difference? )

yeah i remember the thread and i'm not used to pc-gaming because i hate to play with keyboard and mosue. i played almost one decade only on consoles and started playing on pc last year since i can play pc-games on my tv. i play battlefield 3 for example with my xbox-controller against all these keyboard and mouse freaks and hey i have a positive ratio lol

but i did never understand this thread. you clearly feel the difference. i started to play battlefield with this fxaa injector, changed some setting so i liked the graphics much better but the gameplay felt so bad after that. i had no clue that this uses a lot of performance but i read it anywhere. then i downloaded a fps programm which shows the fps. i had between 42-48 with this and without it always above 60 fps and thats the difference why the gameplay felt so bad then.

i tried it like 10 hours but i couldn't have so much fun anymore so i put my anti-aliasing back and changed hbao to sbao (or what the name is) and now i have over 60 with the fxaa injector and it feels great :)

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Wandamaximoff said:
haxxiy said:
It's causing meltdowns, therefore they must be true.

Seems like Sony will be left to tend mostly to hardcore next gen as they did with the Vita.

And look how that is going for Sony lol. You give Microsoft even more incentive to run a business and not just throw good money after bad. Hardcore gaming is xbox360 in terms of support functionality and the amount if software brought and played across the world. not the spec of its graphics cards lol. Hardcore is the console that didn't have a brand or any brand loyalty this gen but has managed to be the console of choice across most of the world As for all this Crap about ps3 bring ahead of its time that's rubbish. It has huuggee Problems hardware wise and baring a blue ray player I don't see it doing nothing my 360 cant do. All I see is shoddy multi platform ports that run like a bucket of nuts and bolts until they are patched to high heaven If that's ahead of its time then id say Sony wasted allot of money this gen!

I can see your point but I think you are overreacting a bit. Are you sure you aren't just throwing random fire at the PS3 because the rumored Xbox Loop who didn't match your expectations?

It's reasonable Nintendo and Microsoft are going to reduce costs in terms of hardware power since they are going to ship stuff like Kinect or tablet controllers in the package. Besides, the Vita shows you can be reasonably ahead in raw computing performance and still keep some margin of profit... and honestly, with that kind of specs it isn't too hard. They could pack a GTX 560, manufacture the whole thing for some $300, release $50-$100 higher and call it a day.






amaral_slb said:
KillerMan said:

Oh yes I forgot Kinect. Maybe that is actully reason that MS would go with little less powerful console to keep the costs down. As for your point of casuals I actually disagree. Casual market is exactly that market that is never given. It's the most uncertain market segment that goes always after the next big thing like this gen first motion controls and then to lesser degree Kinect. If WiiU and its table controller are the next big thing I actually think MS would be in the worst position of the three (if these specs are true). WiiU being the casual console with Nintendo's strong first party and PS4 being the more powerful hardcore console with better multiplats and Sony's great and wide first party output.

I am not going to speculate who would be in a worst position based on rumors, but I think you are forgetting one huge fact.

Casual gamers >>>>>>>>>>> Hardcore gamers (for me casual is based on how much you play and not what games you play)

I think you are underestimating the impact of Kinect. There is no way that if I want to buy a dancing game that I would prefer any other devise (dancing games as an example). MS will ride this Kinect fever, and IMO Nintendo might be the one to pay the price because out of those 90M Wiis they sold, 50M are core Mario, Zelda gamers, the other 40M are casuals that loved those fun family oriented experiences, and now they have a competitor (I just pulled those numbers out of nowhere but you understand my point).

As for the Hardcore, there are a lot of people that would buy a console just for Gears and Halo, specially if it is cheaper.


The hardcore gave the 360 legs to stand on earlier in the gen and are the backbone of any platform. They play all the games spanning from the most popular to casual or even niche. The casuals are unpredictable and are usually following tech fads, buying casual titles and playing games their family and friends will enjoy without too having to delve into the deeper and more complex games. These will also miss out on a ton of games because they dont invest their time like core gamers do, so the ones that are popular are the major ones they'll see. Finally, there are moderate gamers who buy a couple games a year but when they play still immerse themselves in the titles and for certain yearly installments of games like COD, NFL, NBA, Fifa, GTA, etc. Moderates tend to get the majority of their enjoyment out of playing competitively in multiplayer, but their choices in games are vastly slimmer and less diverse than the core.

Why don't you people calm down?

If the consoles is releasing in 2013, then I doubt these are the final specs.

PS3 and 360's final dev kits got a significant boost in power between early dev kits and final devkits. Wii U's final dev kits is said to be more powerful than anticipated with the earlier dev-kits.

These specs are  early and will no doubt change. So stop all the melt-downs.

i don't know if anyone has posted this yet, i thought it was interesting

"This is what’s giving IGN the “six times” headline, but it also locks the console – in raw numbers at least – at around 20% greater performance than the upcoming Wii U."

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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S.T.A.G.E. said:

The hardcore gave the 360 legs to stand on earlier in the gen and are the backbone of any platform. They play all the games spanning from the most popular to casual or even niche. The casuals are unpredictable and are usually following tech fads, buying casual titles and playing games their family and friends will enjoy without too having to delve into the deeper and more complex games. These will also miss out on a ton of games because they dont invest their time like core gamers do, so the ones that are popular are the major ones they'll see. Finally, there are moderate gamers who buy a couple games a year but when they play still immerse themselves in the titles and for certain yearly installments of games like COD, NFL, NBA, Fifa, GTA, etc. Moderates tend to get the majority of their enjoyment out of playing competitively in multiplayer, but their choices in games are vastly slimmer and less diverse than the core.

You are absolutely right but what is your point?

If these specs are true, they will have COD type games in there, with Kinect 2.0 they will have dance type gamers interested, and with the Live service that a lot of people pay for to play Halo and Gears games will also be interested.

For the people that went for the PS3 day 1 is there any appeal? No but there are millions of gamers outside of this group and MS goal is money.

People should just answer a simple question, why is Halo 4 (biggest MS franchise) releasing so late in this Gen? Should it not be a day 1 kind of game for the NextBox if the goal was Hardcore gamer (considering rumors of a 2013 release)?

Answer: The goal for next gen is casual with Kinect, while not forgetting the core gamer that allows consoles to sell in the first 2 years with Gears and Halo.

Pure speculation on my part based on rumors

Millenium said:

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

I wouldn't pay much attention to him, he does that in every MS related thread, comes in moaning about how 360 has poor software support and how great Sony is, even if that's not the topic at hand, ie derailing the thread, I've just learned to skip his post, because I know how biased and misinformed they are quite a lot of the time.

OT: Six times is more than enough for the leap, expecting marvels when technology doesn't progress quite as rapidly at an affordable price is just dilussion, for those thinking PS4 will go all out and go 10x then keep dreaming, unless of course Sony plans to release a console at about $600 again, and struggle at launch, as many posted had pointed out before, the leap wouldn't be anywhere as big as between sixth and seventh generations.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

amaral_slb said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The hardcore gave the 360 legs to stand on earlier in the gen and are the backbone of any platform. They play all the games spanning from the most popular to casual or even niche. The casuals are unpredictable and are usually following tech fads, buying casual titles and playing games their family and friends will enjoy without too having to delve into the deeper and more complex games. These will also miss out on a ton of games because they dont invest their time like core gamers do, so the ones that are popular are the major ones they'll see. Finally, there are moderate gamers who buy a couple games a year but when they play still immerse themselves in the titles and for certain yearly installments of games like COD, NFL, NBA, Fifa, GTA, etc. Moderates tend to get the majority of their enjoyment out of playing competitively in multiplayer, but their choices in games are vastly slimmer and less diverse than the core.

You are absolutely right but what is your point?

If these specs are true, they will have COD type games in there, with Kinect 2.0 they will have dance type gamers interested, and with the Live service that a lot of people pay for to play Halo and Gears games will also be interested.

For the people that went for the PS3 day 1 is there any appeal? No but there are millions of gamers outside of this group and MS goal is money.

People should just answer a simple question, why is Halo 4 (biggest MS franchise) releasing so late in this Gen? Should it not be a day 1 kind of game for the NextBox if the goal was Hardcore gamer (considering rumors of a 2013 release)?

Answer: The goal for next gen is casual with Kinect, while not forgetting the core gamer that allows consoles to sell in the first 2 years with Gears and Halo.

Pure speculation on my part based on rumors

With a new gen comes a new gameplan. The only thing we know for sure are the windows of time in which the systems will most likely come out. Sony will launch within a Microsoft window and the Wii will launch as year ahead of the two. With new consoles comes a clean slate, but no one will forget what you did last gen unless you completely are on either side of the extremes in doing well or badly. Everyone will have something to prove. The Wii U will have to prove it can keep the attention of the core like PS3 and 360 did and not be disassociated in conversation with the other two brands, the PS4 will have to work on its online and the 720 will have to work on its games. I think games are going to be the hardest thing out of all the lessons being learned. All we have to do is wait and see what they do though.

NotStan said:
Millenium said:

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

I wouldn't pay much attention to him, he does that in every MS related thread, comes in moaning about how 360 has poor software support and how great Sony is, even if that's not the topic at hand, ie derailing the thread, I've just learned to skip his post, because I know how biased and misinformed they are quite a lot of the time.

OT: Six times is more than enough for the leap, expecting marvels when technology doesn't progress quite as rapidly at an affordable price is just dilussion, for those thinking PS4 will go all out and go 10x then keep dreaming, unless of course Sony plans to release a console at about $600 again, and struggle at launch, as many posted had pointed out before, the leap wouldn't be anywhere as big as between sixth and seventh generations.

Prove me wrong and I will not deny your truth. Opinions are opinions, but I give shit where it is deserved and I give credit where it is due. People used to say I was too hard on Sony when I first came here. Funny how times change, correct? It's called not being loyal and only caring about the games. Is Xbox Live a game? No.  My eyes see beyond it.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
NotStan said:
Millenium said:

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

I wouldn't pay much attention to him, he does that in every MS related thread, comes in moaning about how 360 has poor software support and how great Sony is, even if that's not the topic at hand, ie derailing the thread, I've just learned to skip his post, because I know how biased and misinformed they are quite a lot of the time.

OT: Six times is more than enough for the leap, expecting marvels when technology doesn't progress quite as rapidly at an affordable price is just dilussion, for those thinking PS4 will go all out and go 10x then keep dreaming, unless of course Sony plans to release a console at about $600 again, and struggle at launch, as many posted had pointed out before, the leap wouldn't be anywhere as big as between sixth and seventh generations.

Prove me wrong and I will not deny your truth. Opinions are opinions, but I give shit where it is deserved and I give credit where it is due. People used to say I was too hard on Sony when I first came here. Funny how times change, correct? It's called not being loyal and only caring about the games. Is Xbox Live a game? No.  My eyes see beyond it.

I can't be arsed to sift through every post that I found absolutely ridiculous that was made by you, I remember a few times on the occassions when I did rebuke your fruitless attempts and digs and you've just left the thread or posted once and didn't touch on most of the points, it's the fact that you DONT want to see the evidence when it is brought up to you that makes it a losing battle, and fruitless to go through the effort of actually posting it if you'll just end up crawling away from it.

Loyalty free gaming my ass.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.