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pezus said:
crissindahouse said:
pezus said:
Why do you all expect PS4 and 720 to run games @ 60FPS? Most of the devs will want the games to look as good as possible and they do that by targeting a lower framerate. Sure, some will make games running at 60 FPS, like CoD and most Nintendo games, Wipeout, some racing games etc. but why would they suddenly all sacrifice looks for performance when they haven't done so in the past?

because battlefield 3 for example is shit with 45 fps if you had played it with 60 fps. i did it for 10 hours and had to change my settings back to only 2x msaa and without hbao (my graphics card would be good enough for 4x msaa and hbao but i use an fx injector and with my settings this is eating my performance^^) yes it wouldn't be needed for uncharted i think that'S right but it's a must for me for some kind of games.

or we could speak about cod mw3. give this game 1080p and it needs so much more power. put in better aa and 6x more power is nothing.

ok, many games which need 60fps have it on 360 as well but i think there are some which could need it and don't have it. but talking about the higher resolution alone shows that 6x more power isn't a lot.

Well I assume you're used to PC gaming and therefore having a low FPS feels uncomfortable. But the console gamers are mostly perfectly fine with 30 FPS and some don't even notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS lol! (remember the thread on here with people saying our eyes can't see the difference? )

yeah i remember the thread and i'm not used to pc-gaming because i hate to play with keyboard and mosue. i played almost one decade only on consoles and started playing on pc last year since i can play pc-games on my tv. i play battlefield 3 for example with my xbox-controller against all these keyboard and mouse freaks and hey i have a positive ratio lol

but i did never understand this thread. you clearly feel the difference. i started to play battlefield with this fxaa injector, changed some setting so i liked the graphics much better but the gameplay felt so bad after that. i had no clue that this uses a lot of performance but i read it anywhere. then i downloaded a fps programm which shows the fps. i had between 42-48 with this and without it always above 60 fps and thats the difference why the gameplay felt so bad then.

i tried it like 10 hours but i couldn't have so much fun anymore so i put my anti-aliasing back and changed hbao to sbao (or what the name is) and now i have over 60 with the fxaa injector and it feels great :)