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amaral_slb said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The hardcore gave the 360 legs to stand on earlier in the gen and are the backbone of any platform. They play all the games spanning from the most popular to casual or even niche. The casuals are unpredictable and are usually following tech fads, buying casual titles and playing games their family and friends will enjoy without too having to delve into the deeper and more complex games. These will also miss out on a ton of games because they dont invest their time like core gamers do, so the ones that are popular are the major ones they'll see. Finally, there are moderate gamers who buy a couple games a year but when they play still immerse themselves in the titles and for certain yearly installments of games like COD, NFL, NBA, Fifa, GTA, etc. Moderates tend to get the majority of their enjoyment out of playing competitively in multiplayer, but their choices in games are vastly slimmer and less diverse than the core.

You are absolutely right but what is your point?

If these specs are true, they will have COD type games in there, with Kinect 2.0 they will have dance type gamers interested, and with the Live service that a lot of people pay for to play Halo and Gears games will also be interested.

For the people that went for the PS3 day 1 is there any appeal? No but there are millions of gamers outside of this group and MS goal is money.

People should just answer a simple question, why is Halo 4 (biggest MS franchise) releasing so late in this Gen? Should it not be a day 1 kind of game for the NextBox if the goal was Hardcore gamer (considering rumors of a 2013 release)?

Answer: The goal for next gen is casual with Kinect, while not forgetting the core gamer that allows consoles to sell in the first 2 years with Gears and Halo.

Pure speculation on my part based on rumors

With a new gen comes a new gameplan. The only thing we know for sure are the windows of time in which the systems will most likely come out. Sony will launch within a Microsoft window and the Wii will launch as year ahead of the two. With new consoles comes a clean slate, but no one will forget what you did last gen unless you completely are on either side of the extremes in doing well or badly. Everyone will have something to prove. The Wii U will have to prove it can keep the attention of the core like PS3 and 360 did and not be disassociated in conversation with the other two brands, the PS4 will have to work on its online and the 720 will have to work on its games. I think games are going to be the hardest thing out of all the lessons being learned. All we have to do is wait and see what they do though.