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NotStan said:
Millenium said:

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

I wouldn't pay much attention to him, he does that in every MS related thread, comes in moaning about how 360 has poor software support and how great Sony is, even if that's not the topic at hand, ie derailing the thread, I've just learned to skip his post, because I know how biased and misinformed they are quite a lot of the time.

OT: Six times is more than enough for the leap, expecting marvels when technology doesn't progress quite as rapidly at an affordable price is just dilussion, for those thinking PS4 will go all out and go 10x then keep dreaming, unless of course Sony plans to release a console at about $600 again, and struggle at launch, as many posted had pointed out before, the leap wouldn't be anywhere as big as between sixth and seventh generations.

Prove me wrong and I will not deny your truth. Opinions are opinions, but I give shit where it is deserved and I give credit where it is due. People used to say I was too hard on Sony when I first came here. Funny how times change, correct? It's called not being loyal and only caring about the games. Is Xbox Live a game? No.  My eyes see beyond it.