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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN: Xbox 720 Will Be Six Times as Powerful as Current Gen

i believe of 300 zanewane posts on vgc 299 are “crysis 2 best graphics“

i think he made the engine i can't explain it to me otherwise haha

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Millenium said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
I already know the hardware will be great. I want to know about the games.

Well rumors say that Rare, Turn 10 and Lionhead are all ready hard at work, so thats 3-4 games within the launch window. I say 4 because Rare could easily make 2 games since I seriously doubt Kinect Sports 1 and 2 took up much of their resources.

But I suspect you want to know about its games in the same way that I want to know about PS4 you can poke holes in them :P

I have absolutely nothing to worry about with Sony or Nintendo for launch titles. Microsoft wont be able to depend on third parties  like they did when there was no competition so they are the weakest link starting next gen if they have no Halo. They better come prepared. I can count on them for decent hardware, but games are always a worry. I will not be buying a launch console unless they shape up. PS4 isnt even a question and knowing the fact that Sony has party chat in mind for the Vita and the next console seals the deal for me.

Oh? So you have the full list of launch titles for the PS4 even though the console hasn't even been announced yet?

Feel free to share, although I really don't think you can, can you.

Uncharted 4 has been saved for launch next gen and expect to see more from InFamous either between this gen and the next. The epic (interplanetary) war in Killzone will continue for a fourth installment (fifth officially). Sony has more hot IP potential to resurface and more dependable teams to create than Microsoft. I dont have to worry about them with games, whereas with Microsoft it is completely different. Their weakness is Microsofts strength, so let me reiterate the fact that I anticipate party chat will be added to their community. Microsoft weakness is first and second party games (though the handful sell, there are very few who survive unlike Sony). My methodology isn't so far fetched if you think about it. 

the whole discussion based on rumours... 2 reasonable facts are: it will be a ppc-based cpu and an amd-gpu (most likely because of backwards-compatibility). personally i am interested in the size of ram.
to the uc3-subtopic here: looking at the uc-game on psv (which is inferior to the 360, of course) one could easily imagine uc3 on the 360. if it will look exactly the same we will never know but the port is definitely not impossible.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Millenium said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
I already know the hardware will be great. I want to know about the games.

Well rumors say that Rare, Turn 10 and Lionhead are all ready hard at work, so thats 3-4 games within the launch window. I say 4 because Rare could easily make 2 games since I seriously doubt Kinect Sports 1 and 2 took up much of their resources.

But I suspect you want to know about its games in the same way that I want to know about PS4 you can poke holes in them :P

I have absolutely nothing to worry about with Sony or Nintendo for launch titles. Microsoft wont be able to depend on third parties  like they did when there was no competition so they are the weakest link starting next gen if they have no Halo. They better come prepared. I can count on them for decent hardware, but games are always a worry. I will not be buying a launch console unless they shape up. PS4 isnt even a question and knowing the fact that Sony has party chat in mind for the Vita and the next console seals the deal for me.

Oh? So you have the full list of launch titles for the PS4 even though the console hasn't even been announced yet?

Feel free to share, although I really don't think you can, can you.

Uncharted 4 has been saved for launch next gen and expect to see more from InFamous either between this gen and the next. The epic (interplanetary) war in Killzone will continue for a fourth installment (fifth officially). Sony has more hot IP potential to resurface and more dependable teams to create than Microsoft. I dont have to worry about them with games, whereas with Microsoft it is completely different. Their weakness is Microsofts strength, so let me reiterate the fact that I anticipate party chat will be added to their community. Microsoft weakness is first and second party games (though the handful sell, there are very few who survive unlike Sony). My methodology isn't so far fetched if you think about it. 

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

amaral_slb said:
KillerMan said:
The thing is that during this gen PS3 was so damn expensive because of blu-ray. Not because of powerful HW. HW wise it's only a bit ahead of X360. If these specs are true Sony doesn't even have to go overkill with hardware to have most powerful console so I don't know why people are immediately assuming it would be sold with a big loss like PS3. Really these specs make it sound that MS targets $299 or even lower price point. Sony could target $399 price point and therefore have more powerful console but still make profit.

Don´t forget the Kinect 2.0 in every box, so that $299 is impossible to happen.

Other then that I agree, this opens the door for Sony to make a box ,clearly more powerful at a reasonable price, but the crucial point is they have to have games that show just how much powerful PS4 can be from day 1.

The problem with the PS3 was not only the fact that it was expensive nor that it came 1year later, the problem was that the consumer did not see any game that was clearly ahead of the competition, so this notion that the PS3 was a better machine was only inside the box, no game translated that potential to reality.

With MS going after the casual they will sell regardless of how powerful the machine is, Sony on the other hand has to convince everyday gamers that PS4 is the machine to have.

Oh yes I forgot Kinect. Maybe that is actully reason that MS would go with little less powerful console to keep the costs down. As for your point of casuals I actually disagree. Casual market is exactly that market that is never given. It's the most uncertain market segment that goes always after the next big thing like this gen first motion controls and then to lesser degree Kinect. If WiiU and its table controller are the next big thing I actually think MS would be in the worst position of the three (if these specs are true). WiiU being the casual console with Nintendo's strong first party and PS4 being the more powerful hardcore console with better multiplats and Sony's great and wide first party output.

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pezus said:
Why do you all expect PS4 and 720 to run games @ 60FPS? Most of the devs will want the games to look as good as possible and they do that by targeting a lower framerate. Sure, some will make games running at 60 FPS, like CoD and most Nintendo games, Wipeout, some racing games etc. but why would they suddenly all sacrifice looks for performance when they haven't done so in the past?

because battlefield 3 for example is shit with 45 fps if you had played it with 60 fps. i did it for 10 hours and had to change my settings back to only 2x msaa and without hbao (my graphics card would be good enough for 4x msaa and hbao but i use an fx injector and with my settings this is eating my performance^^) yes it wouldn't be needed for uncharted i think that'S right but it's a must for me for some kind of games.

or we could speak about cod mw3. give this game 1080p and it needs so much more power. put in better aa and 6x more power is nothing.

ok, many games which need 60fps have it on 360 as well but i think there are some which could need it and don't have it. but talking about the higher resolution alone shows that 6x more power isn't a lot.

Millenium said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Millenium said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
I already know the hardware will be great. I want to know about the games.

Well rumors say that Rare, Turn 10 and Lionhead are all ready hard at work, so thats 3-4 games within the launch window. I say 4 because Rare could easily make 2 games since I seriously doubt Kinect Sports 1 and 2 took up much of their resources.

But I suspect you want to know about its games in the same way that I want to know about PS4 you can poke holes in them :P

I have absolutely nothing to worry about with Sony or Nintendo for launch titles. Microsoft wont be able to depend on third parties  like they did when there was no competition so they are the weakest link starting next gen if they have no Halo. They better come prepared. I can count on them for decent hardware, but games are always a worry. I will not be buying a launch console unless they shape up. PS4 isnt even a question and knowing the fact that Sony has party chat in mind for the Vita and the next console seals the deal for me.

Oh? So you have the full list of launch titles for the PS4 even though the console hasn't even been announced yet?

Feel free to share, although I really don't think you can, can you.

Uncharted 4 has been saved for launch next gen and expect to see more from InFamous either between this gen and the next. The epic (interplanetary) war in Killzone will continue for a fourth installment (fifth officially). Sony has more hot IP potential to resurface and more dependable teams to create than Microsoft. I dont have to worry about them with games, whereas with Microsoft it is completely different. Their weakness is Microsofts strength, so let me reiterate the fact that I anticipate party chat will be added to their community. Microsoft weakness is first and second party games (though the handful sell, there are very few who survive unlike Sony). My methodology isn't so far fetched if you think about it. 

Really, I have no issue with your methodology, you may be right in fact, and we'll definitely see, as I'll be buying the 720 and the PS4, and if you end up being right in the end, I will have no problem going to your wall, and admiting you were right.

I just had an issue with your straight claim of the fact, that MS can't possibly have a good sizable series of exclusive IP's coming to the 720, they've got a good amount of ip's that they own, and a fair amount of studios that they own, I'd just rather wait for the official 720 announcement, before condeming them for not having exclusives for the 720, because we simply don't know yet.

Whether Microsoft can make a sizable in house amount of titles is up to them next gen. I certainly hope they do and this is why I write in the way that either angers or causes agreement from people. I am passionate about gaming as much as I am at being a singer, guitar player, concept artist and other talents i'd rather not mention. Microsoft has increased market awareness and marketshare, but in order to have a steady following, much like this gen they must attract the core. I have a feeling PSN and Xbox Live will be extremely similar next gen (more so than they already are this gen), so the communities will probably be split right down the middle. The dabilitating truth for Microsoft's community is that they will launch within a similar window of Sony's next console and be a year behind the Wii U, which means the next Xbox will have to fend for itself. The only way they can do this, by my methodology is to increase their first and second party on a core front as well as a casual front. You see, the market will be looking at the products at the same time and saying "Which one is truly better?" without a years head start to push their decision making along. I would rather Microsoft treat their game making equal. Their movements scare me as a gamer and an owner of their console,  but as a student who took business courses, they don't. Xbox Live will also have to be dealt with for good next gen because yes, Microsoft has brought social gaming to the industry, but with their entrance came a ton of "pay to play" politics.  You're correct though that I should wait until the 720 is announced, but yet again....I really doubt their tech will be a problem to me. When they last spoke (graphically speaking) they had me at Avatar.


One thing that can be assumed (as has been proven every gen of their existence) is that MS will be relying on third party PC exclusives to back up what they lack. I have a feeling the PC community will not be happy next gen. If the makers of Doom and Bioware turned their head to consoles after last gen, and this gen Blizzard and Valve make the same movement. Diablo 3 is coming to consoles (That is huge).

Interesting. While it is obviously just a rumour, I definitely remember reading hints about a jump like this from Microsoft as far back as 2008, so it would make sense.


KillerMan said:

Oh yes I forgot Kinect. Maybe that is actully reason that MS would go with little less powerful console to keep the costs down. As for your point of casuals I actually disagree. Casual market is exactly that market that is never given. It's the most uncertain market segment that goes always after the next big thing like this gen first motion controls and then to lesser degree Kinect. If WiiU and its table controller are the next big thing I actually think MS would be in the worst position of the three (if these specs are true). WiiU being the casual console with Nintendo's strong first party and PS4 being the more powerful hardcore console with better multiplats and Sony's great and wide first party output.

I am not going to speculate who would be in a worst position based on rumors, but I think you are forgetting one huge fact.

Casual gamers >>>>>>>>>>> Hardcore gamers (for me casual is based on how much you play and not what games you play)

I think you are underestimating the impact of Kinect. There is no way that if I want to buy a dancing game that I would prefer any other devise (dancing games as an example). MS will ride this Kinect fever, and IMO Nintendo might be the one to pay the price because out of those 90M Wiis they sold, 50M are core Mario, Zelda gamers, the other 40M are casuals that loved those fun family oriented experiences, and now they have a competitor (I just pulled those numbers out of nowhere but you understand my point).

As for the Hardcore, there are a lot of people that would buy a console just for Gears and Halo, specially if it is cheaper.


I cannot wait for this to hit the shelves at $699
