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amaral_slb said:
KillerMan said:
The thing is that during this gen PS3 was so damn expensive because of blu-ray. Not because of powerful HW. HW wise it's only a bit ahead of X360. If these specs are true Sony doesn't even have to go overkill with hardware to have most powerful console so I don't know why people are immediately assuming it would be sold with a big loss like PS3. Really these specs make it sound that MS targets $299 or even lower price point. Sony could target $399 price point and therefore have more powerful console but still make profit.

Don´t forget the Kinect 2.0 in every box, so that $299 is impossible to happen.

Other then that I agree, this opens the door for Sony to make a box ,clearly more powerful at a reasonable price, but the crucial point is they have to have games that show just how much powerful PS4 can be from day 1.

The problem with the PS3 was not only the fact that it was expensive nor that it came 1year later, the problem was that the consumer did not see any game that was clearly ahead of the competition, so this notion that the PS3 was a better machine was only inside the box, no game translated that potential to reality.

With MS going after the casual they will sell regardless of how powerful the machine is, Sony on the other hand has to convince everyday gamers that PS4 is the machine to have.

Oh yes I forgot Kinect. Maybe that is actully reason that MS would go with little less powerful console to keep the costs down. As for your point of casuals I actually disagree. Casual market is exactly that market that is never given. It's the most uncertain market segment that goes always after the next big thing like this gen first motion controls and then to lesser degree Kinect. If WiiU and its table controller are the next big thing I actually think MS would be in the worst position of the three (if these specs are true). WiiU being the casual console with Nintendo's strong first party and PS4 being the more powerful hardcore console with better multiplats and Sony's great and wide first party output.