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Forums - Sales Discussion - 3DS passes 4m in Japan, SM3DSL and Mario Kart 7 pass 1 mill

good job 3ds nintendo on top is always a good thing

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.

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irstupid said:

Wasn't arguing whats announced.  Capcom may have a 1000 fighting games coming to Vita for all I care.  What they DON'T have is Resident Evil Revelations.  I don't care what you say, hope, pray, assume.  The Vita is not getting that game until Capcom announces it.

And as you pointed out, square may be working on a ton of games for Vita, but if those games don't have "announced" titles, don't be surpised to see them be chocobo racing, bust a move, or some new game that 'neatly' uses the touch screens but is not a shall we say "hardcore" game.

If it was something like Final Fantasy (X), Dragonquest (X), Star Ocean (X), Kingdom Hearts (x), ect you can bet your ass we would have heard of it.  


Just simply look at the PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS, Wii U at their first E3 or year prior to launch.  They did EVERYTHING they could to announce games that people wanted to hear.  Even on spinoff games like Kingdom Hearts 3D, they listed it was a KINGDOM HEARTS GAME.  How come then the Vita just gets "square Enix" instead of a franchise?  Because the game isn't some big franchise game.  If it were, we would have heard.  If square enix was working on Final Fantasy 15, or Kindom Hearts 3, or ect, they would SAY THAT.  They would not hide it under "we are working on a game on this system"  Companies only goal is to MAKE MONEY.  They make money by announcing they are making a Kingdom hearts 3, they do not make money by announcing they are making a "game"

Duh, actually it won't get it till well after they annouce it, that's how game releasing works. 

Why do you keep bringing up the touch screen screen thing? So far no dev has used it gimmickly yet, and that's not the vibe the device is giving or what Sony desires, so I don't think we'll see too many of those. 

Actually Vita is getting FFX and since you haven't heard of it lol, but it is just a port. Also like I said there are reasons to hold back on annoucing a game. Getting paid off being the main one (MS used that alot) and capcom does seem oddly tight with Nintendo, though I don't think the others are in development this second but they will be.

Well square has gotten in alot of trouble by annoucing games way too early, so some games could be in development but if they are they won't be ready for atleast a year. Also alot of the companies we know are making something we got off of some official sony something which if they are working on an app, engine or a game they would be on it not actually advertisement so that would be why we would just get square instead of an actual game. The actual company hasn't annouced it yet. But again if the game was around the corner they would have annouced it but not nessisarily if it was in development. 

Look at that goal post. It kept moving!

Galaki said:
Look at that goal post. It kept moving!

What did you expect, a goal post that will actually stay in place for a Nintendo system? Nintendo systems all have this motion thingy these days after all.

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

Nintendo is getting the message, You need money? Well, give me my games asap!!! Now we just need advance wars and we are talking...


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

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bmmb1 said:
Galaki said:
Look at that goal post. It kept moving!

What did you expect, a goal post that will actually stay in place for a Nintendo system? Nintendo systems all have this motion thingy these days after all.

lol too true

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.

DarkDesent666 said:
irstupid said:

Wasn't arguing whats announced.  Capcom may have a 1000 fighting games coming to Vita for all I care.  What they DON'T have is Resident Evil Revelations.  I don't care what you say, hope, pray, assume.  The Vita is not getting that game until Capcom announces it.

And as you pointed out, square may be working on a ton of games for Vita, but if those games don't have "announced" titles, don't be surpised to see them be chocobo racing, bust a move, or some new game that 'neatly' uses the touch screens but is not a shall we say "hardcore" game.

If it was something like Final Fantasy (X), Dragonquest (X), Star Ocean (X), Kingdom Hearts (x), ect you can bet your ass we would have heard of it.  


Just simply look at the PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS, Wii U at their first E3 or year prior to launch.  They did EVERYTHING they could to announce games that people wanted to hear.  Even on spinoff games like Kingdom Hearts 3D, they listed it was a KINGDOM HEARTS GAME.  How come then the Vita just gets "square Enix" instead of a franchise?  Because the game isn't some big franchise game.  If it were, we would have heard.  If square enix was working on Final Fantasy 15, or Kindom Hearts 3, or ect, they would SAY THAT.  They would not hide it under "we are working on a game on this system"  Companies only goal is to MAKE MONEY.  They make money by announcing they are making a Kingdom hearts 3, they do not make money by announcing they are making a "game"

Duh, actually it won't get it till well after they annouce it, that's how game releasing works. 

Why do you keep bringing up the touch screen screen thing? So far no dev has used it gimmickly yet, and that's not the vibe the device is giving or what Sony desires, so I don't think we'll see too many of those. 

Actually Vita is getting FFX and since you haven't heard of it lol, but it is just a port. Also like I said there are reasons to hold back on annoucing a game. Getting paid off being the main one (MS used that alot) and capcom does seem oddly tight with Nintendo, though I don't think the others are in development this second but they will be.

Well square has gotten in alot of trouble by annoucing games way too early, so some games could be in development but if they are they won't be ready for atleast a year. Also alot of the companies we know are making something we got off of some official sony something which if they are working on an app, engine or a game they would be on it not actually advertisement so that would be why we would just get square instead of an actual game. The actual company hasn't annouced it yet. But again if the game was around the corner they would have annouced it but not nessisarily if it was in development. 

Just so you guys know, the (X) was supposed to be representing a VARIABLE, not the number 10.  You know algebra stuff.  I put X's there to show them throwing the NEXT game whatever it is, on that system.  Whether its FF15, or FF13-x3 or some shit like that.   Not some port.  I don't give a crap that ffx is going on vita.  i'll just play it on my ps2.  

Also FFX on the vita proves AGAIN my whole point.  We got that thing anounced pretty damn early for it being a port of an old game to the vita.  So again if SE was working on a new big FF game for the vita, WE WOULD HAVE HEARD OF IT.  We have heard of nothing, thus there is NOTHING.

irstupid said:
Just so you guys know, the (X) was supposed to be representing a VARIABLE, not the number 10.  You know algebra stuff.  I put X's there to show them throwing the NEXT game whatever it is, on that system.  Whether its FF15, or FF13-x3 or some shit like that.   Not some port.  I don't give a crap that ffx is going on vita.  i'll just play it on my ps2.  

Also FFX on the vita proves AGAIN my whole point.  We got that thing anounced pretty damn early for it being a port of an old game to the vita.  So again if SE was working on a new big FF game for the vita, WE WOULD HAVE HEARD OF IT.  We have heard of nothing, thus there is NOTHING.

I know algebra and you don't assume it's random if there is actually a FFX there's no reason to. You should of used Y or some other letter or just said FF whatever. Also the fact that it's still a final fantasy makes your point moot. FFX is FFX as much as FFXV would be algebraicly speaking. 

Wow you completely failed to address all my points. Go back and read my other post again and get back to me.

The thread started well but then it just went straight to hell.

The fact is that a lot of people in Japan likes the games released/announced on 3DS which is why it's selling extremely well right now. It doesn't matter if it's "AAA" titles or not since not every AAA titles have great sales and make consumers purchase system.

In the coming weeks/months, we can see how VITA performs in Japan and know if it has enough games that interest consumers to buy the system.

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

DarkDesent666 said:
irstupid said:
Just so you guys know, the (X) was supposed to be representing a VARIABLE, not the number 10.  You know algebra stuff.  I put X's there to show them throwing the NEXT game whatever it is, on that system.  Whether its FF15, or FF13-x3 or some shit like that.   Not some port.  I don't give a crap that ffx is going on vita.  i'll just play it on my ps2.  

Also FFX on the vita proves AGAIN my whole point.  We got that thing anounced pretty damn early for it being a port of an old game to the vita.  So again if SE was working on a new big FF game for the vita, WE WOULD HAVE HEARD OF IT.  We have heard of nothing, thus there is NOTHING.

I know algebra and you don't assume it's random if there is actually a FFX there's no reason to. You should of used Y or some other letter or just said FF whatever. Also the fact that it's still a final fantasy makes your point moot. FFX is FFX as much as FFXV would be algebraicly speaking. 

Wow you completely failed to address all my points. Go back and read my other post again and get back to me.

Guys you are derailing this thread, this is totally off topic. Please open a new thread if you want to continue this discussion.

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin