superchunk said:
While it sucks BLOPS2 has hinted native 1080p60fps and then confirmed to not be... I still think all of that has a lot more to do with 3rd parties not wanting to put in a bunch of extra cost for a game that will undoubtebly have its lowest sales on a console with a current base of zero. Yeah, I can understand that reasoning... It will be a bit before a port from PS360 really takes advantage of WiiU hardware, if ever. More than likely we'll have to wait for nextGen to move into full force to really see WiiU's difference. Maybe just until the Retro game comes out or one of the now known nextGen titles are confirmed as multiplat and on WiiU as well. (I'm looking at you Watch Dogs) I actually think that Watch Dogs are confirmed for THIS gen (PS360); if so, it won't be 1080p60fps on WiiU either :p I imagine that either Retro's game or the new Zelda (or another Big title) will push the WiiU somewhat - just like you said. But what do you reckon the power of PS720 will be then? With the current rumors... =) |
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