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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT5 vs F4 graphics (from in cockpit)/sound youtube comparison video--updated with DF comparison.


What is better for each game?

Sound: Forza 4 29 6.26%
Sound: GT5 6 1.30%
Graphics: Forza 4 14 3.02%
Graphics: GT5 67 14.47%
Sound/Graphics: Forza 4 109 23.54%
Sound/Graphics: GT5 144 31.10%
Sound: Both about the same 1 0.22%
Graphics: Both about the same 6 1.30%
Sound/Graphics: Both about the same 16 3.46%
See results. 69 14.90%

Oh man, this thread is amazing! I don't know why people even bother! xD

Anyway, I'm not a big car nut, and I haven't played GT5 or Forza 4 (only GT5P and Forza 3), but I think the comparison is pretty easy to make still.



  • Inconsistent quality, can be very good or not very good.
  • Covers more features (weather, night).
  • Variable performance (can impact gameplay).
Forza 4:
  • High quality all around.
  • Only covers daylight racing.
  • Rocksteady performance.


  • Great physics.
  • Great attention to detail.
  • Great feature set.
  • Repetetive structure.
  • Not very good user experience.
Forza 4:
  • Great physics.
  • Great feature set (though not as vast as GT5's).
  • Very good user experience.
  • Great online features.
Do correct me if I'm wrong, but that's about what I've found out about the two by watching from the sidelines. Hardly anything worth this long a discussion about, GT5 seems like it's very focused on delivering a great on-track experience (but is un-focused in many other areas), whereas Forza 4 is trying to deliver a great experience all around.

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Michael-5 said:


Alby_the_Wolf - PC was supperior.....last gen. There have been no spectacular racing SIM on PC as of lately and the last GTR was 2005. However when that released, it was king.

Ahem! The latest GTR title is dated 2008. rFactor enjoys constant developer, and even more user community support. rFactor 2 is coming soon and so is C.A.R.S. and there are others smaller or online or community based projects, like netKar Pro, iRacing, X-Motor Racing and others. But here we must discuss with more precision: if you give graphics a greater weight in the overall rating, then you're right, the already released most important PC-only racing sims have been surpassed by higher budget console sims like F4 and GT5, that can dedicate larger resources to graphics, although it looks like C.A.R.S. is going to beat them again, but if we talk about physics and faithful car behaviour simulation, PC was never left behind, as it always had games focused on faithful simulation and also because having to recover far lower dev costs, devs, if a racing sim, not an arcade racer, is their target, can afford offering a simulation and difficulty nearer to real life driving than on consoles, where, despite totally possible, it could risk leaving out too many potential buyers. About the balance between physics and graphics, saving resources on graphics (that anyway bettered with time, as PC games can offer scalable settings, as HW resources grow constantly instead of staying constant for years, then jumping at generation change) GPL, a 1998 game, could already offer full suspension and steering behaviour and damage simulation and overall faithful car physics and behaviour simulation (although damage model to engine and car body were still very basic, but in an open wheel car, suspension damage model is the most important one to give a faithful driving experience) and 16 car racing. Another field where PC is always superior is user community support, not having to deal with the more rigid licensing and royalties system of consoles, PC users can add more contents without any problem, and also, if official support ends, they can keep on unofficially supporting the games, as patches and mods don't need to be validated by devs and/or console producers to run, while on consoles to run modded SW freely users need to mod the FW to run homebrew. In the end, it's just matter of points of view, if graphics not up to date ruin your gaming experience, you must just go for the latest big racing sim, whatever the platform it runs on, if you like also some tightly designed and feature rich official community and secondary, arcade, official ranking, matchmaking, whatever added features, go for the best console racers, or, anyway, for those made by devs and publishers with enough funds to keep a very solid official community, if you prefer physics and a free, although somehow less organized, community, and a potentially neverending unofficial support go for the best PC racers.  BTW, PC enjoys the biggest multiplat racers too, just like consoles, so it can be blamed for having its best exclusive racers with dev cycles as slow as major GT releases , but not for lacking major racers in general.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Michael-5 said:
Myrmi said:

Ahhh what a surprise group of 360 fans who doesnt even own a ps3 says forza is better....

Just as credible as MS saying their console is so much better.

I own both, and I've put in about 50 hours into GT5. Forza 4 looks much much better.

Audio especially, Forza 4 audio compared to GT5 is like Dark Knight compared to Charlie Brown Christmas.


Wow I'm really surprised, the VGC community actually says Forza, a MS brand, is better then a Sony brand? Even most of the GT and sony fans agree.

the tracks in gt5 look much more realistic than the ones in forza 3, forza is far to colourful like an arcade game. we should do a photomode comparison sometime

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Machina said:
Forza clearly has better graphics (and it is releasing a year later, it's pretty natural for it to have better graphics...). Neither are the best in the genre though, if that video is anything to go by, and GT5 is looking pretty dated graphically.

Clearly what?

  • Ridiculous LOD levels (race vs hot lap, that is 12 cars vs 1 car):

GT5 manages 16 cars without levelling the details so much.

  • Prebaked lighting and reflections on all cars but that of the player (the blue volkswagen does not reflect the bridge, nor the big sign):

GT5 has dynamical reflections on all cars.

  • No dynamic lighting.
  • No weather effects.
  • No night time (that is multiple light sources).

And that's just for the features.

Michael-5 said:
Michael-5 said:

When the sun is behind you in GT5, and the A colum pilar goes over the steering wheel and dash, it's very very pixelated. I always noticed this in every race. It's about as bad as the windshield wipers on a standard car. It's noticable. ok

Dunno your point about car interiors for GT5. Do you agree with me? The difference isn't, and not all cars look better inside in Forza 4 then GT5. The BMW M3 and Lotus Evova look excellent inside in GT5. However Turn 10 did model the DeLorean, and Ferrari' inside better (talking about in race, not auto vista mode). yea i agree

Thaought you had 20/20 vision? There is plenty of light to see the pixelated shadows in GT5. i was half sleep!

IMHO - Forza 3 was king in 2009, GT5 was king in 2010, Forza 4 is king now. If the next sim isn't due until 2014 (I can't imagine another GT or Forza this gen) that means Forza gets to hold the crown for a bit. Competition brews quality, so I'm going to be expecting big improvements in both franchises in the future. agreed

GT5 never started production on the PS2, however both Forza 4 and GT5 do use some data from the PS2/XB predecessors. srry but yes it did. i'll let this one go.

The first Japanese TGS Concept, with 5 cars and 1 track, was based on the PS2 GT4 engine, but that was almost immediatly scrapped. GT5 was for the most part, a game built on a brand new engine from the ground up. Most of the car simulation data had to be replaced too. The only thing GT kept were some of these crap standard cars, they just upscaled the resolution in many cases. Forza 4 is still based on the same engine that Forza 1 was based on, but most of the engine has been rebuilt and only some core structure components still remain. Most of the tracks in FM4 are actually upgraded FM2 tracks. now i know. channel 5 news? its my local station but i don't watch the news lol.

Trust me man, I know my shit. If there is anything we can expect from GT6, it's a shorter development time. They no longer have to build a new engine from scrap, and they can really polish the current engine now, make all the cars premium. wait was this about facts or what we see? ok i'm with you onn this one. 

this thread is crazy. this will be my last post unless you have something else to add. and seeing your other post i think you've done all you can for this thread so move on.

lol, had to reply to you. You actually debate, and don't just come in saying "I'm right, I'm right, I only played 1 of the two games, but I know everything."

Now onto other people....

ethomaz - I know the Forza 2 pic looked bad, that game released in 2007. Most games in 2007 didn't look anything like they do now. Someone else posted that Punto in Forza 4. It looks >>> better then the standard car in GT5.

pezus - I know I'm defending Forza, but no one ever defends 360 games, and this one time, the 360 game is noticably supperior. I never participate in Halo vs. Killzone or 360 vs. PS3 threads because they are stupid. However this is one game that is directly comparable, and it baffles me when I hear people say things like "the sound or physics in Forza 4 is a joke." I'm a huge racing fan, and put in more time to each game then most people have put into racing games in general. People who haven't played both games, and have a big pushy opion, should bud out, I want to put them in their place.

It's stupid, I know, just bugs me....

o_O.Q - Just a mega racing fan, who...wait for it...own both a PS3 and 360 :-O! So I guess people who own both consoles prefer Forza? *BABY FACE!*

WhiteDevil - the cars they race in Forza, even as base cars, are usually much better then most peoples real cars. Also tracks have even pavement, no potholes, and the turns are designed for optimal speed. If you want to test how accurate the games speed matches to real life, try a highway onramp. Now I haven't driven anything too fancy before. A few Benz V8's, a BMW 3 series, a couple muscle cars, a Corvette (base) and a CTS-V. A Corvette can take a turn A LOT fast then a regular car. Also I've pushed a mustang on an onramp before, getting the ass out just a little and cornering it as fast as I could. I did a turn in real life at about 50km, and a similar turn in Forza I also do at 50km.

The speeds are more realistic then you think, just remember Forza and GT5 - ideal conditions, no fear, and you don't feel imperfections in the road, which intimidate you, or make you loose grip.

The cars drive realistically. They don't feel too realistic, well because you never get the physics behind the wheel. Even force feedback isn't strong enough to mimic the pull a wheel can give you in real life.

yo_john - thanks for the link. Looks like Digital Foundry also prefer Forza, but not by much, and like I said, both have their advantages. GT5 looks better then I remembered, especially with shadows outside the car, but Forza 4 still wins IMHO, and no frame rate drops.

Alby_the_Wolf - PC was supperior.....last gen. There have been no spectacular racing SIM on PC as of lately and the last GTR was 2005. However when that released, it was king.

you know wht i ment lol. its always a pleasure.

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told u forza was clear winner

Booh! said:
Machina said:
Forza clearly has better graphics (and it is releasing a year later, it's pretty natural for it to have better graphics...). Neither are the best in the genre though, if that video is anything to go by, and GT5 is looking pretty dated graphically.

Clearly what?

  • Ridiculous LOD levels (race vs hot lap, that is 12 cars vs 1 car):


GT5 manages 16 cars without levelling the details so much.

  • Prebaked lighting and reflections on all cars but that of the player (the blue volkswagen does not reflect the bridge, nor the big sign):

GT5 has dynamical reflections on all cars.

  • No dynamic lighting.
  • No weather effects.
  • No night time (that is multiple light sources).

And that's just for the features.


Clear advantage GT5 has over Forza 4 is the night time and weather effects, but is it really worth when the games framerate can almost be halfed at times with noticble in your face screen tearing as well as graphical inconstancy?

Nsanity said:
Booh! said:
Machina said:
Forza clearly has better graphics (and it is releasing a year later, it's pretty natural for it to have better graphics...). Neither are the best in the genre though, if that video is anything to go by, and GT5 is looking pretty dated graphically.

Clearly what?

  • Ridiculous LOD levels (race vs hot lap, that is 12 cars vs 1 car):


GT5 manages 16 cars without levelling the details so much.

  • Prebaked lighting and reflections on all cars but that of the player (the blue volkswagen does not reflect the bridge, nor the big sign):

GT5 has dynamical reflections on all cars.

  • No dynamic lighting.
  • No weather effects.
  • No night time (that is multiple light sources).

And that's just for the features.


Clear advantage GT5 has over Forza 4 is the night time and weather effects, but is it really worth when the games framerate can almost be halfed at times with noticble in your face screen tearing as well as graphical inconstancy?

Framerate and screen tearing improved a lot after the patches. Morevoer, GT5 has dust (that video reminded me) and more AA (4xAA in game, versus 2xAA in game).

Booh! said:
Nsanity said:
Booh! said:
Machina said:
Forza clearly has better graphics (and it is releasing a year later, it's pretty natural for it to have better graphics...). Neither are the best in the genre though, if that video is anything to go by, and GT5 is looking pretty dated graphically.

Clearly what?

  • Ridiculous LOD levels (race vs hot lap, that is 12 cars vs 1 car):


GT5 manages 16 cars without levelling the details so much.

  • Prebaked lighting and reflections on all cars but that of the player (the blue volkswagen does not reflect the bridge, nor the big sign):

GT5 has dynamical reflections on all cars.

  • No dynamic lighting.
  • No weather effects.
  • No night time (that is multiple light sources).

And that's just for the features.


Clear advantage GT5 has over Forza 4 is the night time and weather effects, but is it really worth when the games framerate can almost be halfed at times with noticble in your face screen tearing as well as graphical inconstancy?

Framerate and screen tearing improved a lot after the patches. Morevoer, GT5 has dust (that video reminded me) and more AA (4xAA in game, versus 2xAA in game).

Can you link me to a reliable analysis that proves that?

Nsanity said:
Booh! said:
Machina said:
Forza clearly has better graphics (and it is releasing a year later, it's pretty natural for it to have better graphics...). Neither are the best in the genre though, if that video is anything to go by, and GT5 is looking pretty dated graphically.

Clearly what?

  • Ridiculous LOD levels (race vs hot lap, that is 12 cars vs 1 car):


GT5 manages 16 cars without levelling the details so much.

  • Prebaked lighting and reflections on all cars but that of the player (the blue volkswagen does not reflect the bridge, nor the big sign):

GT5 has dynamical reflections on all cars.

  • No dynamic lighting.
  • No weather effects.
  • No night time (that is multiple light sources).

And that's just for the features.


Clear advantage GT5 has over Forza 4 is the night time and weather effects, but is it really worth when the games framerate can almost be halfed at times with noticble in your face screen tearing as well as graphical inconstancy?

After doing the 1000km Suzuka endurance race in the rain, the simple answer is yes. And as the other post said the game has improved a lot since then. I did the race with spec 2.0 and sure there was still tearing while driving through corners behind a bunch of cars spraying up water all over the screen but I din't notice the framerate cutting in halve or any blocky rain effects while driving. Passing cars in the rain while hardly being able to see anything past the water spray is very exciting.