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Forums - General Discussion - Why do you like or hate Apple?





On sites like CNET, I see a lot of hate for Apple products, for a lot of different reasons. Whereas, on Apple fansites, they worship Apple like crazy. What are your opinions on Apple? 

I like Apple I don't worship them, but I like some of their products, and software, and the fact that only a few companies can match their ecosystem. They have made some questionable decisions in the past (no flash or MicroSD on the iPhone, iTunes DRM), and some of their stuff ix expensive, but overall, I think that they are good company.  

Around the Network

I think this whole "legion of Apple Worshipers" thing is more or less a fictional character invented by immature anti-Apple people. This sort of stuff just doesn't happen, and if there are Apple worshipers, they're a great deal less than videogame console worshipers and such. I see WAAAAY more Android worshipers, so I am not sure why people say it is Apple who has this "legion or worshipers" when there is obviously not. It is more or less a fabrication to explain why Apple is doing so well, because they don't want to accept the idea that Apple is just more successful because they have a more appealing product.

Why do people hate Apple? Because Apple is like the popular guy who excels in many aspects; and most of the anti-Apple people I find are usually somewhat immature types of people who have a lot of unfortunate qualities about them; people who were generally pushed to the back of the social spectrum in life because these people who excel did better than them. I think their dislike for Apple is purely psychological bias, and not objective, and it wouldn't matter what the product was - if it is popular then they hate it; you'll notice that the same people who hate apple are also the same immature people who who very vocally make known their dislike for popular music.

You don't never see normal and mature people bashing Apple.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Microsoft dropped flash support recently and I haven't seen any sort of MS bashing. I wonder why?

Jumpin said:
I think this whole "legion of Apple Worshipers" thing is more or less a fictional character invented by anti-Apple people. This sort of stuff just doesn't happen, and if there are Apple worshipers, they're a great deal less than videogame consoles and such; even Pepsi worshipers (yes, there are people, usually Americans, obsessed with poor quality food companies like Coke, Pepsi, MacDonald's, and Burger King.

Why do people hate Apple? Because Apple is like the popular guy who excels in many aspects; and most of the anti-Apple people I find are usually somewhat immature types of people who have a lot of unfortunate qualities about them; people who were generally pushed to the back of the social spectrum in life because these people who excel did better than them. I think their dislike for Apple is purely psychological bias, and not objective, and it wouldn't matter what the product was - if it is popular then they hate it; it is the same reason why they have the same sort of immature and heavily vocal dislike for popular music.

You don't never see normal and mature people bashing Apple.

There are Apple worshippers, there were several hundred people queueing up to go to the new Apple store when it opened in london, despite it being the 4th there and not offering any sort of promotion

Munkeh111 said:

There are Apple worshippers, there were several hundred people queueing up to go to the new Apple store when it opened in london, despite it being the 4th there and not offering any sort of promotion

There is a different between wanting a product and worshiping a copmpany. This sort of thing happens often when a new store opens up and there is some sort of interesting product for consumers.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network said:
Microsoft dropped flash support recently and I haven't seen any sort of MS bashing. I wonder why?

Because MS is dropping Flash just as HTML5 is going mainstream, and a lot of people are switching to that. Apple never supported Flash in the iPhone. 

I like Apple because their products just works and are easy and intuitive to use and have support in almost every part of the world (I have had a iPod touch, Nano, iMac, Macbook Pro and I live in Ecuador, South America).

I hate them for their really mark up prices (I usually buy second hand Apple products)

I hate them because they slightly more money than me. :(
Also because it seems like they overcharge for products. Not to mention their yearly or biyearly upgrades that are very minor and only there to insure that they do not need to drop the price. Lastly, it sucks that you can't download a song twice without buying it twice.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

homer said:
I hate them because they slightly more money than me. :(
Also because it seems like they overcharge for products. Not to mention their yearly or biyearly upgrades that are very minor and only there to insure that they do not need to drop the price. Lastly, it sucks that you can't download a song twice without buying it twice.

That was fixed in july... you can now re download everything you bought on the app store.. even music.. but it was not Apple's decision to do this in the first place.. like the Amzone music store Music companies have made the ristriction for only download once.. they are scared people will re download it and loose money in piracy.. don't blame Apple for something they don't control..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

IamAwsome said: said:
Microsoft dropped flash support recently and I haven't seen any sort of MS bashing. I wonder why?

Because MS is dropping Flash just as HTML5 is going mainstream, and a lot of people are switching to that. Apple never supported Flash in the iPhone. 

and they didn't have to.