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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Console do you Prefer and why?


Which Console do you prefer?

Microsoft Xbox 360 75 24.59%
Nintendo Wii 65 21.31%
Sony PlayStation 3 165 54.10%
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:

The Wii.

It has the most balanced library of the games this gen. Women, children, adults, teenage, old-school... and even hardcore games can find good gamers among its library.

looks for Fallout3, GTA, SF4, ME nope cant find these

Are you saing that those are the only good hardcore games in ther market?

nope, but those are popular series, and some of them dont even have an equivalent..

So you are not dening the that the Wii have some good harcore games?

my bad, it was never my intention to to say Wii did not have some good hardcore games.  But those i mentioned are heavy hitters. I just find it strange how someone can say that Wii has the most balanced library of games, when some genres are really underrepresented and other gneres simply dont exist on Wii. That not me trying to crap on Wii, it simply is MISSING genres

I see, this why instead of start a discussion I just tryed to understand what you said before... As every other console the Wii has underrepresented or nonexistent geners, however it has games that apeal to single type of gamer (unlike the onther consoles), this why I consider its library balanced compared to the PS360 where 90% of where made for a small part of the market (the hardcore gamers).

if this was 2009 id agree with you, but Move and Kinect kind of debunks this, as it stands now, those unique Wii games (exercise, dance, minigame compilations etc,) are availabe on the HDs.  There is not that many of them, but they are there. But there is not as much fighting, racing, FPS, TPS, on the Wii either, so it kinda balances out if you have both. But is there a game type on WII that cant be found on HDs?? And vice versa?? No to the first, yes to the 2nd

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Xbox 360

-First and foremost my favorite franchise is Halo and Gears of War follows second.
-It offers the most games that appeal to me.
-Best Online.
-I know a lot more people with a 360. 
-Amazing library of XBLA games to choose from.
-I perfer the 360 controller over PS3 and Wii.

There are several more smaller reasons, but those are my main points.

I chose PS3 for numerous reasons.

1. It has many great quality exclusives.

2. It has a great blu ray player built in.

3. Online is good and free.

4.Web browsing is fun and awesome.

5. All my friends have one.

6. Best bang for your buck. Espipcally now since its 249.99. :)

Runa216 said:
Mr Khan said:
Wii because of the games, but then again i've never owned a non-Nintendo console for a long laundry list of reasons

I'm curious what these reasons are. 

A lack of time precludes me from buying the other systems, that i generally only play for an hour a day, so i buy roughly a game a month (usually anywhere from 9 to 13 retail games a year), so Nintendo consoles alone are sufficient for me despite the cyclical droughts.

Preference for their games is mostly due to my love of games that have charm, replay value, and colorful. I don't like games that take themselves too seriously, hate the movement towards movie-dom, dislike anything that involves zombies or post-apocalyptic scenarios, am indifferent towards competitive online play (though i love cooperative online, one need Nintendo does not fill, though i have found such games on Nintendo consoles before in Phantasy Star Online and Monster Hunter Tri), and platformers are my favorite genre (a genre that barely exists on non-Nintendo platforms)

Basically i have no interest in the kinds of genres that usually skip Nintendo consoles (WRPGs, Racing Sims, traditional fighting games), have a strong preference for the types of games that do predominate, and no time to really invest in any other consoles.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

(2006-07) At first it was my Wii. I was so happy to play Zelda, Galaxy and else. All my youth playing on my NES, SNES AND N64 and now I was back on a nintendo console.

(2008-09-10) Then I keep seeing stuff I wanted to try. All my friends had XBOX360...I bought one. All those exclusive (at that time) Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears of War, Halo... Wow...

(2011) I Finally decide to buy a some Killzone,Resistance, Sly Cooper, Heavy Rain, Ratchet....and this is my new Home.

1) I love the titles selection (from shooters, to platformers and RPG's.)
2) Online is free.
3) XMB is much better looking and more functional vs the Xbox menu in my opinion (less ads etc,,)
4) Hardware reliability is there. (Honestly out of 10 person I know I'm the only one who still got the same xbox since 2007...)

If I had to buy only one console I'll buy a PS3. Still love my 360 and my Wii but I prefer my PS3.


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I prefer the PS3 over the 360, simply for the fact that PS3 has more exclusive games that doesn't revolve around FPS/TPS games. The PS3 caters to all my needs in gaming.

Because it's the console I use most. PS3 and Wii are available as well, so no fanboy. Actually, I'm a SEGA loving Nintendo fanboy who likes the XBox.
I like LIVE, the communities that grew out of it. And there's loads of nice shmups for the XBox.
Since I'm in love with the Dreamcast and the XBox feels most near of the current 3 consoles, it's my personal love.

oniyide said:
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:
oniyide said:
adsl said:

The Wii.

It has the most balanced library of the games this gen. Women, children, adults, teenage, old-school... and even hardcore games can find good gamers among its library.

looks for Fallout3, GTA, SF4, ME nope cant find these

Are you saing that those are the only good hardcore games in ther market?

nope, but those are popular series, and some of them dont even have an equivalent..

So you are not dening the that the Wii have some good harcore games?

my bad, it was never my intention to to say Wii did not have some good hardcore games.  But those i mentioned are heavy hitters. I just find it strange how someone can say that Wii has the most balanced library of games, when some genres are really underrepresented and other gneres simply dont exist on Wii. That not me trying to crap on Wii, it simply is MISSING genres

I see, this why instead of start a discussion I just tryed to understand what you said before... As every other console the Wii has underrepresented or nonexistent geners, however it has games that apeal to single type of gamer (unlike the onther consoles), this why I consider its library balanced compared to the PS360 where 90% of where made for a small part of the market (the hardcore gamers).

if this was 2009 id agree with you, but Move and Kinect kind of debunks this, as it stands now, those unique Wii games (exercise, dance, minigame compilations etc,) are availabe on the HDs.  There is not that many of them, but they are there. But there is not as much fighting, racing, FPS, TPS, on the Wii either, so it kinda balances out if you have both. But is there a game type on WII that cant be found on HDs?? And vice versa?? No to the first, yes to the 2nd

Let me use a example: the PS360 can have 1000 fitness games, but if they better why aren't they selling more then Wii Fit? The answer is simple: they don't appeal to the Wii Fit audience... My concept of balance has nothing to do with number of games or number of generes.

RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:
Jay520 said:

First BHR, now YOU! ....There is a disturbance in the chartz.

Yeah that's shocking. And it's not like they have very good reasons for it.

BHR's reasoning I forgot probably because it was confusing. And Hatmoza prefers X360 due to Kinnect? He turning into a casual?

Hatmoza was always a casual, that's why he became the black sheep. He admitted that he likes DDR pretty much as soon as he started posting here.

-Oh. is DDR for both PS2 and PS3?

RolStoppable said:
oniyide said:

if this was 2009 id agree with you, but Move and Kinect kind of debunks this, as it stands now, those unique Wii games (exercise, dance, minigame compilations etc,) are availabe on the HDs.  There is not that many of them, but they are there. But there is not as much fighting, racing, FPS, TPS, on the Wii either, so it kinda balances out if you have both. But is there a game type on WII that cant be found on HDs?? And vice versa?? No to the first, yes to the 2nd

Trauma series, point & click, the video game/board game crossover (like Mario Party).

there are point and click games on PSN/XBLA and there are board games too. Never played Trauma series.