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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can PS3 still win this generation and outsell Wii?


Please read thread before polling and this is just a prediction as of business strategies as of now

Yes,as far as current plans go 57 21.67%
No,as far as current plans go 125 47.53%
Yes,even if ninty changes... 14 5.32%
no,ninty will cause Sony to rethink 67 25.48%

The PS3 will not outsell the wii. Even given the rosiest scenarios possible, ps3 will not pass the wii. PS3 was suppose to pass the 360 for the past 2 years by the end of the year, and it looks like it won't even be able to pass it till mid to late 2012.


And just an fyi, ps3 will have to compete with the ps2 in developing countries, and it will get outsold there like it currently is. VGC sales of ps2 in Middle East, Africa, and Asia for the past 3 months have been 220k and ps3 sales have been 220k. Considering vgc is right on target tracking the ps3, and is greatly undertracking the ps2 according to shipment for the sony's previous quarter, the ps2 is most likely outselling the ps3 by a substantial amount in the "developing nations." It will continue to do so unless sony decides to halt productions of ps2 because unless you have an hd tv and broadband, there is no advantage to having a ps3. Try playing ps3 games on boob tubes. They look the same as ps2 games, and I will laugh at anyone who claims ps3 has a better library of games than the ps2. PS3 only has better graphics and better online which are both pointless to the majority of people in developing countries.

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Its been 6 years since the gen started........and I am seriously am amazed at the delusion of Sony fans.

Its been 2 gens of being #1 and they still haven't dropped that mentality.

Nevermind the realistic goal of just passing 360 in the future. Oh no. Theres still the hope that it will be #1 just like PS1 and PS2 were.

lol. That is all

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


enrageorange said:

And just an fyi, ps3 will have to compete with the ps2 in developing countries, and it will get outsold there like it currently is. VGC sales of ps2 in Middle East, Africa, and Asia for the past 3 months have been 220k and ps3 sales have been 220k. Considering vgc is right on target tracking the ps3, and is greatly undertracking the ps2 according to shipment for the sony's previous quarter, the ps2 is most likely outselling the ps3 by a substantial amount in the "developing nations." It will continue to do so unless sony decides to halt productions of ps2 because unless you have an hd tv and broadband, there is no advantage to having a ps3. Try playing ps3 games on boob tubes. They look the same as ps2 games, and I will laugh at anyone who claims ps3 has a better library of games than the ps2. PS3 only has better graphics and better online which are both pointless to the majority of people in developing countries.

PS2 costs 100$ PS3 costed 300$ that's three times more and we are speaking about countries where it is equvalent of monthly salary or more.


TheSource said:

Think about it regionally -

Can PS3 sell 15m in Japan? Wii is trending for roughly that amount

Can PS3 sell 50m in the USA? Wii is still 18 months ahead of the PS2 pace in the USA, and PS2 hit 46m in the USA. PS2 certainly never topped 4m in a year once it was above 35m like Wii is in the USA.

Can PS3 sell 40m in Europe & Australia ? It looks like Wii will get there.

Sony definitely does have some advantages in developing markets, but lets not pretend its a white-washing here - Wii has sold well in Mexico, Brazil and South Korea, and decently in mainland South East Asia. From what I can tell the main difference between Nintendo and Sony is in Eastern Europe and the Middle East where Sony has a strong presence and Nintendo has virtually no presence.

PS3 will probably have some kind of weird lifetime split compared to Wii and PS2 -

                   US             JP           EU             Global

PS2:           46            23           46                158m

Wii:            52            15           40                125m

PS3:           28            11           35                95m

It probably is conceivable that outside the USA market, PS3 will end up topping Wii figures lifetime, but even by that measure I'd expect to come ahead a little bit.

Just 10m in EMEAA from now to end of the gen??? Even if PS3 sell just 5 million per year it may cross this mark in 2 year.

For reference... PS3 sold in EMEAA +6m (2009) and +7m (2010).

I don't think its even possible for PS3 to outsell Wii at this point. Some of you are acting like the Wii is dead already LOL. Its not selling nearly as much as it used to but its still doing over 100K a week.

It also still has games coming such as: Kirby Returns To Dreamland, Mario Party 9, Fortune Street, Rhythm Heaven Wii, Zelda Skyward Sword, Just Dance 3, Mario And Sonic 3, Dragon Quest 10 in Japan and possibly in other places, as well as the potential of Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower. I am sure their are a few others that we don't know about yet.


Also, why are we talking about the PS3 becoming the system that continues to sell well during the next Gen? It will probably be PS3 in Others and maybe Japan but in America I don't think PS3 will take PS2's spot...Wii or 360 will in America.

I am still unconvinced about PS3 outselling 360 worldwide...America has a big lead that won't go away and once 360/Kinect gets a Price Cut 360 will start selling over 100K weekly in America. During the Holiday's I think 360 will destroy PS3 Worldwide and actually widen the gap in 2011.

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Whether Sony like it or not, when this gen starts rapidly ending, PS3 sales will falter.

the current gap is 35 mill, whilst it's outselling it 3 mill a year atm (going by forecasts) and possibly 7 mill next year?


TheSource said:

Think about it regionally -

Can PS3 sell 15m in Japan? Wii is trending for roughly that amount

Can PS3 sell 50m in the USA? Wii is still 18 months ahead of the PS2 pace in the USA, and PS2 hit 46m in the USA. PS2 certainly never topped 4m in a year once it was above 35m like Wii is in the USA.

Can PS3 sell 40m in Europe & Australia ? It looks like Wii will get there.

Sony definitely does have some advantages in developing markets, but lets not pretend its a white-washing here - Wii has sold well in Mexico, Brazil and South Korea, and decently in mainland South East Asia. From what I can tell the main difference between Nintendo and Sony is in Eastern Europe and the Middle East where Sony has a strong presence and Nintendo has virtually no presence.

PS3 will probably have some kind of weird lifetime split compared to Wii and PS2 -

                   US             JP           EU             Global

PS2:           46            23           46                158m

Wii:            52            15           40                125m

PS3:           28            11           35                95m

It probably is conceivable that outside the USA market, PS3 will end up topping Wii figures lifetime, but even by that measure I'd expect to come ahead a little bit.

This scenario is quite optimistic. Nintendo's own projections only have them selling 12 million this fiscal year. With its successor on the market next year sales are pretty much guaranteed to decline pretty steeply. This year with its successor out DS is seeing almost a 50% YOY decline. If we see a similar trend with Wii than it would only just cross 100 million in late 2012 or possibly not even until 2013 if Nintendo don't meet their projections this year.  And no offense but I just can't see Wii lasting past 2014 at this point. GBA was pretty much dead within 2 years of the DS launch and it will probably be about the same for the DS.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Jay520 said:
Immortal said:

I seriously don't get why some people are so stubbornly deluded. 

It's just natural. Get a large enough community, and some of the members are bound to be retarded.... or deluded as you put it. 

Not that I'm calling anyone here retarded, just explaining a natural phenomenon.

Made my day .

So this means that Wii has the most number of cough cough retards and sometime in the future Sony will surpass them.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Wii will absolutely NEVER take on the PS2 at the very least, but the PS3 may fall below wii in the end by only a couple of million of that. Nintendo doesn't like to overlap their previous system with their new systems by too much.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.

its impossible TC.