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I don't think its even possible for PS3 to outsell Wii at this point. Some of you are acting like the Wii is dead already LOL. Its not selling nearly as much as it used to but its still doing over 100K a week.

It also still has games coming such as: Kirby Returns To Dreamland, Mario Party 9, Fortune Street, Rhythm Heaven Wii, Zelda Skyward Sword, Just Dance 3, Mario And Sonic 3, Dragon Quest 10 in Japan and possibly in other places, as well as the potential of Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower. I am sure their are a few others that we don't know about yet.


Also, why are we talking about the PS3 becoming the system that continues to sell well during the next Gen? It will probably be PS3 in Others and maybe Japan but in America I don't think PS3 will take PS2's spot...Wii or 360 will in America.

I am still unconvinced about PS3 outselling 360 worldwide...America has a big lead that won't go away and once 360/Kinect gets a Price Cut 360 will start selling over 100K weekly in America. During the Holiday's I think 360 will destroy PS3 Worldwide and actually widen the gap in 2011.