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Forums - General Discussion - What does being athiest mean to you?

pearljammer said:

1. But that would then be cyclical. If we're going to take the huge leap that something must've created what is, why not go one step further and say that the creator must have its own designer.


Sure one could make the argument that a god would not need a creator, but then why not save one assumption and simply say that a universe needs no creator? Read the link I gave on Occam's razor in my previous post - that should clarify things if I'm not articulating it well enough.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as a jerk, but I still don't understand.

what i meant was if atheist believe in big bang there must be an order to things and that cyclic would be we rebirth like rules of physics

and consciences needs to exist

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Boutros said:
Troll_Whisperer said:

OK, let's use the Spaghetti Monster. I can't prove it doesn't exist. So you're saying that I can never say 'I don't believe in the spaghetti monster', because that would be implying that there is the possibility that it actually exists.

Actually, I can't say 'I don' believe in this or that' for anything, because I would always be implying that I don't have a belief against it existence and it may therefore exist. I must always say 'I believe this doesn't exist'. C'mon man, that would be a semantic nightmare.

From a logical and everyday situation viewpoint: not believing in X=believing there is no X

And that's true but it's not the two only options. There's also the idea of simply saying 'I don't know'. I don't know if there is a god. I don't if there's no god. That's what I'm talking about.

Sorry to interject. Feel free to ignore me and just respond back to troll whisperer if you'd prefer to.

Well, nobody knows. Take Santa Clause, for example. We can neither prove nor disprove his existance, but we can think with such certainty that he doesn't so that we can comfortably say that he does not exist. (I do realize however that Santa Clause isn't used to explain phenomena that we do not understand - but that just brings me back to Occam's razor, essentially when two theories are as equaly explicable, the one that makes the fewest assumptions is the best.)

This stance is not intellectually dishonest, it is not ignorant, it is not unreasonable (not saying that you said it was). I think many here are getting far too caught up in the semantics of it all.

pearljammer said:

maverick40 said:

haha that was funny. I don't feel superior to both at all. As a scientist i need proof about all these things and there is no proof that god does or doesn't exist.

In the context of science though, there cannot be proof of the nonexistance of something. Asking one to do so with the consequence of calling them ignorant (as you did in your first post) is highly unfair.

Not making unproven assumptions is what makes somebody atheist. I don't think any (reasonable) atheist would argue that there is no chance of there being any diety, intervening or not - just simply that from what we know, that is highly unlikely and that there is absolutely no reason to make the assumption that there is.

Religion was never a barrier from forming proven assumptions. It's not the only atheist who does that. And I've always thought God's existence is like a toss up between heads or tails. So I doubt his existence is highly unlikely.

kurasakiichimaru said:
pearljammer said:

maverick40 said:

haha that was funny. I don't feel superior to both at all. As a scientist i need proof about all these things and there is no proof that god does or doesn't exist.

In the context of science though, there cannot be proof of the nonexistance of something. Asking one to do so with the consequence of calling them ignorant (as you did in your first post) is highly unfair.

Not making unproven assumptions is what makes somebody atheist. I don't think any (reasonable) atheist would argue that there is no chance of there being any diety, intervening or not - just simply that from what we know, that is highly unlikely and that there is absolutely no reason to make the assumption that there is.

Religion was never a barrier from forming proven assumptions. It's not the only atheist who does that. And I've always thought God's existence is like a toss up between heads or tails. So I doubt his existence is highly unlikely.

Believing or asserting the existance of something without proof is undoubtedly an unproven assumption. An atheist is making no claim, hence there is no burden of proof on them.

What you think, no offence, is simply conjecture, unless you have proof, of course.

snakenobi said:
pearljammer said:

1. But that would then be cyclical. If we're going to take the huge leap that something must've created what is, why not go one step further and say that the creator must have its own designer.


Sure one could make the argument that a god would not need a creator, but then why not save one assumption and simply say that a universe needs no creator? Read the link I gave on Occam's razor in my previous post - that should clarify things if I'm not articulating it well enough.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as a jerk, but I still don't understand.

what i meant was if atheist believe in big bang there must be an order to things and that cyclic would be we rebirth like rules of physics

and consciences needs to exist

As to the question of the big bang and order most of it is explainable by the second law of thermodynamics. (the first law merely states that heat is a form of energy which can be converted  to other forms without change in in the total energy quantity) The second law deals with heat flow, it always flows from hot to cold and when two bodies reach the same temperature the heat flow stops, this is called thermodynamic equilibrium and when this prevails  no further  useful changes can occur without outside interference , for instance a temperature difference cannot open up spontaneously between a bucket of water and the surrounding air, because it would involve heat flowing from cold  to hot at some stage in order to cool down the bucket and heat the air or vice versa.

What this means is disequilibrium is the essence of activity, when equilibrium is achieved activity ceases this is called entropy and while I could write thousands of words explaining it all ,Entropy is why the universe will run down just like a wind up clock ,if you want to know more about this and also conversely how order works I suggest you buy a book called Stardoom by Professor Paul Davies.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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snakenobi said:
Marks said:
I'm not an atheist but I'm also not really a Christian.

I believe there is a God/higher power but I don't really believe in the bible or what I was taught in church.

so u don't believe in the culture of religion but believe that god created the world

Yeah pretty much. I believe God created the world, I just don't know if I believe in all the stuff about Adam and Eve, Jesus, the Devil, heaven/hell, etc. 

snakenobi said:
kurasakiichimaru said:
freedom of belief without judgement. or non denominational.

I don't think your co-atheists practiced your belief.

srry i gave impression that im an atheist but my religion is the marcus d jackson religion which is to believe in whts logical and possible and if it makes sence then go with it but if it doesn't dismiss it.

now to answer your question its that freedom to not beleive in anything if chosen to do so, so its more about choice then anything else absent of the house(church) were each religions specific set of rules with the back hand liars that judge with'n the church where sin breeds.

don't mix religion with GOD


religion is just a culture formed around the concept of GOD by a group of people and laid some rules to it.


believing in GOD can be from the cretor and maintainer to just a creator

god! who is that?

wht is god but the big bang, creationism, the devil, hatered, the god or devil that the kkk worships, love, zuse, a demigod, and the symbol of atheism.

are you sure god is his real name? don't put his name in caps it offend's me lol!

FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

yea cause if its only possible through god or 1 being, how can it be possible.

did he create himself and if so how is that possible, how can one just become something without something to make it become, someone or anything for that matter.

I don't buy into the whole god thing, and I certainly don't believe in religion, but at the same time I wouldn't call myself athiest. Athiesm, for my money, takes the stance that there is, without question, NO god. And I can't buy into that either, because for me that belief is just as stubborn as the belief of theism. I feel that as humans we are limited in what we can understand, like goldfish are looking outside their tank. They can't possibly comprehend what is on the outside, just like we can't possibly comprehend whether or not there is a god. My stance is while I don't believe in the human-like figure that people have made god out to be, as in, someone with concious thoughts who "watches over us" and bends things to his will. But at the same time, I think it would be pretty naive to denounce the idea of SOME sort of "higher power" that we cannot understand. There is simply WAY too much out there in this massive universe that we have yet to discover. I just see this higher power being more like a set of laws - like gravity, rather than a concious being in the sky that governs everything.

snakenobi said:
kurasakiichimaru said:
freedom of belief without judgement. or non denominational.

I don't think your co-atheists practiced your belief.

srry i gave impression that im an atheist but my religion is the marcus d jackson religion which is to believe in whts logical and possible and if it makes sence then go with it but if it doesn't dismiss it.

now to answer your question its that freedom to not beleive in anything if chosen to do so, so its more about choice then anything else absent of the house(church) were each religions specific set of rules with the back hand liars that judge with'n the church where sin breeds.

don't mix religion with GOD


religion is just a culture formed around the concept of GOD by a group of people and laid some rules to it.


believing in GOD can be from the cretor and maintainer to just a creator

god! who is that?

wht is god but the big bang, creationism, the devil, hatered, the god or devil that the kkk worships, love, zuse, a demigod, and the symbol of atheism.

are you sure god is his real name? don't put his name in caps it offend's me lol!

GOD is not a name just a title we give to that entity or unknown dimension

everybody has to believe in it as without it human consciousness,space,life wouldn't exist