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I don't buy into the whole god thing, and I certainly don't believe in religion, but at the same time I wouldn't call myself athiest. Athiesm, for my money, takes the stance that there is, without question, NO god. And I can't buy into that either, because for me that belief is just as stubborn as the belief of theism. I feel that as humans we are limited in what we can understand, like goldfish are looking outside their tank. They can't possibly comprehend what is on the outside, just like we can't possibly comprehend whether or not there is a god. My stance is while I don't believe in the human-like figure that people have made god out to be, as in, someone with concious thoughts who "watches over us" and bends things to his will. But at the same time, I think it would be pretty naive to denounce the idea of SOME sort of "higher power" that we cannot understand. There is simply WAY too much out there in this massive universe that we have yet to discover. I just see this higher power being more like a set of laws - like gravity, rather than a concious being in the sky that governs everything.