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snakenobi said:
kurasakiichimaru said:
freedom of belief without judgement. or non denominational.

I don't think your co-atheists practiced your belief.

srry i gave impression that im an atheist but my religion is the marcus d jackson religion which is to believe in whts logical and possible and if it makes sence then go with it but if it doesn't dismiss it.

now to answer your question its that freedom to not beleive in anything if chosen to do so, so its more about choice then anything else absent of the house(church) were each religions specific set of rules with the back hand liars that judge with'n the church where sin breeds.

don't mix religion with GOD


religion is just a culture formed around the concept of GOD by a group of people and laid some rules to it.


believing in GOD can be from the cretor and maintainer to just a creator

god! who is that?

wht is god but the big bang, creationism, the devil, hatered, the god or devil that the kkk worships, love, zuse, a demigod, and the symbol of atheism.

are you sure god is his real name? don't put his name in caps it offend's me lol!

GOD is not a name just a title we give to that entity or unknown dimension

everybody has to believe in it as without it human consciousness,space,life wouldn't exist