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Forums - Politics Discussion - Should weaker countries invest more in their militaries?


Should weaker countries invest more in their militaries to make themselves stronger?

Yes 18 26.09%
No 51 73.91%

No, weak 3rd world countries should dump their cash into their economy in order to build a better tomorrow.


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crissindahouse said:
wow are some people here serious?

one guy says usa could easily invade china because they spend much more money for militray wtf? sure theyy do but they have to fight on another ground against millions of soldiers. supplies had to come from thousands of miles away. it would take t long to change strategies etc. and china is lot to big to win a war against.

same with russia and for sure usa no way their could be a country win a war on usa, russian or chinese ground even if this country spends only 10% for military then the invading country.

but funniest guy was the guy who said american military is so great single fighters could destroy squadrons of others countries fighters lol? just because an american fighter cost 10 or 100 times more doesnt mean one fighter can destroy 10 or 100 other fighters in a war. maybe one can destroy 2-3 of the others but if there would be a fight over china with 1000 chinese fighters and 100 american fighters the american figters wouldn have any chance. it's not only the technology it's a lot of tactics as well and if they both have the same good or bad tactic it is easy for a few bad fighters to destroy the most modern fighter on this planet even if one fighter costs 100billion.

some people really seem to think 10 times more spendings on military means a 10 times better army lol. maybe the army is 2 times better than.

Wasn't an overstatement the current top of the line US Fighter can detect and fire at other countries top level fighter jets before they are even in range to detect them let alone within firing distance.

There's a reason why they don't even sell it to their closest allies even at a 250 million+ cost.

If you build up your military, you have a temptation to use it. Like when Saakashvili spent all that time beefing up the Georgian military, what did he end up doing? Provoking Russia and getting his ass kicked. This isn't to say that he shouldn't have a military at all, but all the saber-rattling that inevitably comes with a military buildup will come with political pressure to justify that buildup. Russia is similarly guilty in terms of that war developing, since Putin needed to justify his own efforts to restore Russian military prominence throughout the past decade

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

crissindahouse said:
some people really seem to think 10 times more spendings on military means a 10 times better army lol. maybe the army is 2 times better than.

I remember when people here were comparing ROK and DPRK militray potential by military spendings, getting the results like 5:1. Nobody even bothered to factor in PPP, though even that would be absolutely insufficient, unless we take differencies in army structure and product development into account, from personnel salaries, to production chains and sizes of batch production. Different realities could result in rather different pricepoints, which is obvious after a little thinking.

crissindahouse said:
but funniest guy was the guy who said american military is so great single fighters could destroy squadrons of others countries fighters lol...

Is that some variation of infamous "144 your traditional fighters vs. 1 F-22 in computer-simulated fight" meme? They're created mainly by lobbists for the reason to sell something to someone, nobody takes them seriously except for interweb warriors.

Kasz216 said:

There's a reason why they don't even sell it to their closest allies even at a 250 million+ cost.

And what is that exactly? O_o


Mexico should focus on expanding its' military industry and draft every able- bodied man, in order to launch a glorious campaign that every future son of the fatherland will remember as the finest moment in our nations' history.

After that we would probably start asking ourselves what is the use of having Guatemala under our banner. -_-

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is Australia considered a weaker country when it comes to military budget? whats our military budget like?

Siko1989 said:
is Australia considered a weaker country when it comes to military budget? whats our military budget like?

For your population size, Australia's military budget is insanely high.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I doubt smaller countries (and by that I don't mean Canada, UK, etc, but the actual smaller countries) have any resources to expand.

chocoloco said:
Marks said:
chocoloco said:
Yes, I look forward to the day when China has a mighty military. Tensions will be eased and the world will be safer place.

I hope that's sarcasm. I could really do with not being attacked by China in my lifetime. 

You have to use sarcasim in Joel's threads or else you will go crazy thinking how absurd some of his notions are.

lol just because my threads are all contriversial doesn't mean you need to use sarcasm. Some users might not catch onto your sarcasm as most users actually respond intellectually. My crazy notions are purposely done duh, sometimes I post threads I don't even believe in.

I was on the debate team at my school and nominated for Parliament as a page. Fact is I love to debate and creating outlandish threads or contriversial threads is a great way to start a debate. You may think they are all purposterous and some I even think are. But the fact is I want to create discussion and get people thinking.

What good is another abortion loving, gay marriage loving, american loving, Athiest or gun loving thread? Everyone is so cookie cutter these days theirs nobody who goes against the grain. Its important at times to take a stand and go against the grain. This is the politics board after all.

Its just stupid how everyone conforms to the same idealogies then when those idealogies get confronted some users decide to use sarcasm and write others opinions off. Fact is all my threads are serious and they are all made to prompt discussion about real world issues.

I'd suggest rather then attacking my integrity as a user if you have a problem with something I say in a thread or how a thread is going that you message me privatly with those concerns I would be glad to explain anything.

Just look at my recent mistake in the arm China thread. I am more then willing to fix any errors or edit threads to ensure that users get the top notch quality thread I can provide. So if you have something to say to me, say it in private rather then resorting to flame bating and attacking my integrity!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Player1x3 said:
Dr.Grass said:
Player1x3 said:
Dr.Grass said:
I'm not a fan of anyone investing in their military. The US war machine is a modern day disgrace.

Why? Becuse they have the best military in the history of mankind and no one dares to throw a rock at them? Great military earns great respect among other countries

Instilling fear in others is not a sign of greatness.

Fear? How about respect?

Spending a larger portion of your money on military prowess than anything else is not a sign of intelligence.

Its a sign of power

Signing unprecedentedly massive contracts with arms dealers that will mould the future of the countries economy is not a sign of vision.

Its a sign or wealth and stability

Having all that power and using it in the middle east as opposed to Zimbabwe/Rwanda/Ivory Coast etc. all is not a sign of integrity.


EDIT: If the US were to have a war against China in 2 years then I would say they don't stand a chance.

Disagree. US military is not oly the most modern and most powerful as well as richest, but also pretty large in numbers, they wouldnt need to go into war with China in 2 years, they would conquer it much quicker


LOL, perhaps you're not aware of this phenomenon but most of the world hates america. I'm not sure how that coincides with respect. If the world respected America then it wouldn't have bomb strapped people running at your soldiers, planes blowing up your buildings or civilians spitting at your tourists. I'm sure your precious FOX news fails to mention how low America is on the respect ladder, but here in europe most people sympathize more with the so called terrorists (or freedom figters) in the middle east invasion than the real terrorists of the world, the US. I don't even think most people fear the US. Infact I think as a country the US is one the most chronically afraid nations on earth because the moment you turn on the news you'd get the impression that the terrorists are hiding under your beds and sleeping with your women.

Yes the US spends a ton on its military, but unfortunately its fat, slow and largely stupid population is too incompetent to  kill a buch of people living in caves and hiding in bushes. Unfortunately, money can't buy you brains.