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Forums - Sales Discussion - June NPD - X360 507k, 3DS 143k, Wii 273k, PS3 276k~ DS 386k

Carl2291 said:
I like how on the board, you can see the PS3 saving stuff under the 3DS stuff.

Just awesome. I love NPD threads.

Also, PS3 outsold Wii and didn't sell less than 140k. I'm surprised.

Where is the ps3 number? I don't exactly get how Seece got the number. 


Around the Network

DS under tracked then by about 180K.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Acevil said:
Carl2291 said:
I like how on the board, you can see the PS3 saving stuff under the 3DS stuff.

Just awesome. I love NPD threads.

Also, PS3 outsold Wii and didn't sell less than 140k. I'm surprised.

Where is the ps3 number? I don't exactly get how Seece got the number. 

360 - 507k, 48% of total sales
Wii - 273k

Leaves 276k for PS3 apparantly


Seece said:
Acevil said:
Carl2291 said:
I like how on the board, you can see the PS3 saving stuff under the 3DS stuff.

Just awesome. I love NPD threads.

Also, PS3 outsold Wii and didn't sell less than 140k. I'm surprised.

Where is the ps3 number? I don't exactly get how Seece got the number. 

360 - 507k, 48% of total sales
Wii - 273k

Leaves 276k for PS3 apparantly

First make sure is that based on dollar value or units total sales. 


On that laptop deal bullshit (from gaf):

"There were only 3 vendors where the purchases quailified for the promotion, Best Buy, Dell and HP. And it had to be a $700 and up purchase and even then Dell and HP limited it to only specific models. And you had to purchase it with a valid student ID. So this was a very small subset of the laptops purchased in the month."

Around the Network
Seece said:
Acevil said:
Carl2291 said:
I like how on the board, you can see the PS3 saving stuff under the 3DS stuff.

Just awesome. I love NPD threads.

Also, PS3 outsold Wii and didn't sell less than 140k. I'm surprised.

Where is the ps3 number? I don't exactly get how Seece got the number. 

360 - 507k, 48% of total sales
Wii - 273k

Leaves 276k for PS3 apparantly

yeah right,very likely

Wii.... OUCH!

D-Joe said:
Seece said:
Acevil said:
Carl2291 said:
I like how on the board, you can see the PS3 saving stuff under the 3DS stuff.

Just awesome. I love NPD threads.

Also, PS3 outsold Wii and didn't sell less than 140k. I'm surprised.

Where is the ps3 number? I don't exactly get how Seece got the number. 

360 - 507k, 48% of total sales
Wii - 273k

Leaves 276k for PS3 apparantly

yeah right,very likely

Actually just figured out how you guys were getting the number, ps3 did anywhere from 266-287 (depending how 48% was rounded). 

Ouch for Wii, but really it is on its last legs. 


Carl2291 said:

I love GAF. Really.

I might get banned for posting this, but I don't give a shit. It's worth it.

Cross out all but Mario and Pokemon and the maths are right

Infamous 2 - 369.2K
Ocarina of Time 3D - 283.2K

Numbers are real, unable to comment further. And this is not a policy shift re: leaks, so don't get any ideas.