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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GamrTalk Ep. 1- RolStoppable!!! (FULLY UPDATED!)

Well, the show was good, but the questions weren't good enough to make me laugh at Rol's response.

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RolStoppable said:
richardhutnik said:

It will be cool of you to do it regularly and the show gets named after you:

The Cone and Rol show.  I like the sound of that.

There you have it, folks! People demand that darth shall be ditched.

On a serious note, for all the problems in this thread, it actually achieved what darth's debate thread failed to do: be worth reading. At the end of the day that is what really matters.

I like the name.  I suggest you end up outsourcing your name to the show and let them do it, but have your name in the title, and get a cut of every episode.  And then phone in the rest.

good effort conegamer,no harm in giving things a go,i would say you should ask rol some more questions about vgc/status as he is quite a unique and entertaining user or what its like being the only austrian with a computer for example

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Looks like Rol answered the questions before me!

Let me ask you guys who are being cynnical a question- why didn't you do it? Since I've been here I've seen nothing like it, and we know how to progress from here. Saying 'FAIL LOL' oe doesn't help. Like Brendude said, give some advice, next time I won't look so kindly on these insults. So, have faith, and join us next week when we interview **********!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Notes- the questions, there will be better, and more.

The layout- it will be clearer.

The competition- 5 people took part.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Thank you for a good launch (ultimately) and support people.

Thanks brendude for having a nice post.

The aim of the show is to have variety in the episodes through conegamers style of hosting it and my style of hosting in alternate weeks. We hope you will enjoy the variety.

Conegamer will take all the feedback into account and implement it in his next episode (which will air Saturday 23rd July) to make it awesome...he already almost has the person interviewed so expect lots of time taken to improve upon feedback! We will randomly be selecting two posters for detailed feedback through PM later on today!

Look forward to next weeks episode where I have a great VGC member up to be interviewed!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

RolStoppable said:
brendude13 said:

It's an interesting idea and it's great you interviewed a..."controversial" member like RolStoppable.

Oh, so now I am a "controversial" member. Well, at the very least it's an improvement over "morbidly obese".

I knew you were going to reply to that.

Nothing wrong with being a "controversial" member, it just means you aren't boring xD

You were a good person to interview anyway.

RolStoppable said:

What, that's it already? No more questions, not even ones that the hosts could think of?

I feel like you guys not only used me as a guinea pig, but then also threw me into the trash can as soon as you made your 100 replies quota. For shame, people. For shame.

Is Fire Emblem your favorite video game series?  Are you psyched about Paper Mario on 3DS?

We have more questions for you Rol. Settle down


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I have a feeling that badgenome will be next weeks.

And Rol feels used. Shame indeed!