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Forums - Gaming Discussion - hardcore gamer = hardcore loser

the term 'hardcore' is a description of how one plays a game, rather than of the gamer or the game itself. I'll illustrate this with a real example. My Mum played Tetris on my GBC for on average 6 hours a week, across 9 years from 2000-2009 (when I got her Tetris DS), getting some unbelievably high scores. Many would simply dismiss my Mum as your typical 'casual' gamer, but I would argue that she was playing Tetris in a very 'hardcore' fashion. On the other hand, I'm what many would consider a 'hardcore' gamer, I love my JRPGs, Action-Adventure and Platformer games, I'm completed the Pokedex numerous times, I know certain games such as Zelda WW and Pokemon Blue inside out, I've memorised lots of 2d fighting game combos, I have gaming desktop wallpapers and posters and am a member of this forum; none of these can be said about my Mother. If one was to ask my Mum her prefered weapon to slay the barioth, she would most likely  give you a strange look and say the middle-aged female eqivalent of lolwut?.  Despite this, in the same time 9 years my Mum played Tetris on the GBC, I've probably only clocked about maybe 50 hours max, and I don't play regularly, and I'm not exactly good at the game. I play Tetris 'casually'.

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*Reads thread title*


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I'll tell you the same like I would tell the people who think MS is killing it's gaming franchises:

Cry me a river.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

BenVTrigger said:

Really? Core gamers on the 360 will have PLENTY to play this year. These are all core titles that released on the system already or will over this year.

- Forza 4
- Halo CEA
- Gears of War 3
- Assassins Creed Revalations
- Call of Duty MW3
- Battlefield 3
- Batman Arkum City
- Dark Souls
- Elder Scrolls Skyrim
- Saints Row 3
- Dead Space 2
- Portal 2
- Mortal Kombat
- Rage

and I could name 100 more. The fact is that core gamers are gettin catered to massively on the 360. Just because a game is multi-plat by the way means nothing. The majority of average gamers don't care about exclusives or buy exclusives just because they are. Case in point look at LittleBigPlanet 2, Infamous 2, and Killzone 3's sales. The ones who like to sit and brag and throw around "TEH AAA EXCLUISVES LIZTZ" are people who sit on gameing forums which isn't remotley reflective of the demographics of the consoles.

MS has seen how crowded the core game market is and how shallow the amount of more casual experiences there were being offered on the HD platforms and jumped in and took advantage, to see huge success and profits. They'll still make core games by the way Halo 4 is coming after all, but they made a smart business decision and said " Hey we need to cater to more than just the hardcore shooter / RPG gamer who is already being served plenty by the 3rd parties and grow our userbase." Honestly it was a brilliant choice by them.

Don't get your panties in a wad dude. Where did he say anything about exclusives? Where did he say anything about MS gamers not having enough core games? Why don't you read his post before writing a rant no one cares about?

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

There is a certain segment of the gamer population who has had every whim catered to by all the console manufacturers and major publishers. Over time they have become selfish, self-centered and very petty, and they will throw a tantrum whenever anyone except themselves gets the attention of a major game publisher.

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Well I would rather that they had kept Ensemble open so that they could make Halo Wars 2, but clearly this makes more financial sense.

But in general, I would much rather that games companies made games that aimed at me, not somebody else, for obvious reasons

We are all subjective beings, but your OP is full of fail imo, yet people are agreeing with you as if your points are obvious.

''The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me.''
Go and replace 'hating' with 'strongly dislike' and you're about halfway there.

''The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it''

''MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc''
This attitude has to do with fanatic fanyboyism, NOT being a core gamer. I dislike how they're expanding their business model as much as the next guy, but they are making fat profits and anyone who's a supposed 'core gamer' knows what incredibly big losses they took with the original Xbox. How can you say core gamers are saying this!? There are tons of stupid people out there, and in my book you just joined them.

Why don't you go ask yourself if you were thrilled with the output on the Wii. Isn't it OBVIOUS why such a business model is less appealing to someone who loves playing awesome videogames than what Sony is currently doing!? Anyways, MS will pull it back at the start of the next gen; Like I said they're just cashing in now, and there is enough to go around for the core gamer till then.

I'm going to stop tearing apart your OP now.

Dr.Grass said:
We are all subjective beings, but your OP is full of fail imo, yet people are agreeing with you as if your points are obvious.

''The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me.''
Go and replace 'hating' with 'strongly dislike' and you're about halfway there.

''The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it''

''MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc''
This attitude has to do with fanatic fanyboyism, NOT being a core gamer. I dislike how they're expanding their business model as much as the next guy, but they are making fat profits and anyone who's a supposed 'core gamer' knows what incredibly big losses they took with the original Xbox. How can you say core gamers are saying this!? There are tons of stupid people out there, and in my book you just joined them.

Why don't you go ask yourself if you were thrilled with the output on the Wii. Isn't it OBVIOUS why such a business model is less appealing to someone who loves playing awesome videogames than what Sony is currently doing!? Anyways, MS will pull it back at the start of the next gen; Like I said they're just cashing in now, and there is enough to go around for the core gamer till then.

I'm going to stop tearing apart your OP now.

I don't know how to tell you this, but you didn't tear apart anything.

So cease from patting yourself on the back. ;)

homer said:

Don't get your panties in a wad dude. Where did he say anything about exclusives? Where did he say anything about MS gamers not having enough core games? Why don't you read his post before writing a rant no one cares about?


He was ranting?

Play4Fun said:
Dr.Grass said:
We are all subjective beings, but your OP is full of fail imo, yet people are agreeing with you as if your points are obvious.

''The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me.''
Go and replace 'hating' with 'strongly dislike' and you're about halfway there.

''The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it''

''MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc''
This attitude has to do with fanatic fanyboyism, NOT being a core gamer. I dislike how they're expanding their business model as much as the next guy, but they are making fat profits and anyone who's a supposed 'core gamer' knows what incredibly big losses they took with the original Xbox. How can you say core gamers are saying this!? There are tons of stupid people out there, and in my book you just joined them.

Why don't you go ask yourself if you were thrilled with the output on the Wii. Isn't it OBVIOUS why such a business model is less appealing to someone who loves playing awesome videogames than what Sony is currently doing!? Anyways, MS will pull it back at the start of the next gen; Like I said they're just cashing in now, and there is enough to go around for the core gamer till then.

I'm going to stop tearing apart your OP now.

I don't know how to tell you this, but you didn't tear apart anything.

So cease from patting yourself on the back. ;)

Yeah, well done for pointing out the supreme arrogance of my superiority complex. Kinda daft. How about responding to the points?

TEARING APART is a fine way of describing looking at different parts of a text and critiquing it negatively; Regardless of whether my criticisms are just or not. It is something you do, not an achievement or victory.

The OP is over-emotional and short-sighted, whilst simultaneously classifying myself as a hardcore loser which I don't think is very funny since it applies to most people on this website then.