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We are all subjective beings, but your OP is full of fail imo, yet people are agreeing with you as if your points are obvious.

''The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me.''
Go and replace 'hating' with 'strongly dislike' and you're about halfway there.

''The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it''

''MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc''
This attitude has to do with fanatic fanyboyism, NOT being a core gamer. I dislike how they're expanding their business model as much as the next guy, but they are making fat profits and anyone who's a supposed 'core gamer' knows what incredibly big losses they took with the original Xbox. How can you say core gamers are saying this!? There are tons of stupid people out there, and in my book you just joined them.

Why don't you go ask yourself if you were thrilled with the output on the Wii. Isn't it OBVIOUS why such a business model is less appealing to someone who loves playing awesome videogames than what Sony is currently doing!? Anyways, MS will pull it back at the start of the next gen; Like I said they're just cashing in now, and there is enough to go around for the core gamer till then.

I'm going to stop tearing apart your OP now.