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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

I think the reason Resistance did so badly is because of the dissapearing bodies. Nothing else. You pull a terrible stunt like that on any game nowadays and it's garbage. Of all the things they should have done with that game, nothing, and I mean nothing, would have been as helpful as creating a dissolving animation for dead bodies.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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Chark said:
I think the reason Resistance did so badly is because of the dissapearing bodies. Nothing else. You pull a terrible stunt like that on any game nowadays and it's garbage. Of all the things they should have done with that game, nothing, and I mean nothing, would have been as helpful as creating a dissolving animation for dead bodies.

Resistance is my favorite FPS franchise (Resistance 3 is absolutely brilliant!) and I tried the demo for Resistance: Burning Skies. I don't think the bodies dissapearing are a problem, I hdd graphical glitches, sound glitches and some other problems I don't recall right now when I tried the demo, so it wasn't exactly a day one for me. However, the biggest problem right now is the price of the game here in Brasil. As soons as it gets lower, I will buy it. Runa and some others have been very vocal about this game in a good way, it seems like the ones who actually played it approve the game, while others seems to be bashing only by seeing pictures or reading some random review.

RafaelOrix said:
Chark said:
I think the reason Resistance did so badly is because of the dissapearing bodies. Nothing else. You pull a terrible stunt like that on any game nowadays and it's garbage. Of all the things they should have done with that game, nothing, and I mean nothing, would have been as helpful as creating a dissolving animation for dead bodies.

Resistance is my favorite FPS franchise (Resistance 3 is absolutely brilliant!) and I tried the demo for Resistance: Burning Skies. I don't think the bodies dissapearing are a problem, I hdd graphical glitches, sound glitches and some other problems I don't recall right now when I tried the demo, so it wasn't exactly a day one for me. However, the biggest problem right now is the price of the game here in Brasil. As soons as it gets lower, I will buy it. Runa and some others have been very vocal about this game in a good way, it seems like the ones who actually played it approve the game, while others seems to be bashing only by seeing pictures or reading some random review.

You have to consider the average person. There are those that will immediately dismiss the game upon seeing it. What that tells people is that they aren't taking it seriously, that they don't respect the consumer enough to put in a simple animation. Resistance doesn't have enough clout to have gamers or reviewers ignore this defect. The game looks completely unfinished because of it. Whether its a big issue or not in reality is another story. The game paid the price though, that's for sure. If it wasn't for that one graphical issue, the reviews would have been a little higher. People would have been more forgiving, but when you show a giant visual flaw like that right off the bat everyone goes into nitpicking mode and will destory that game from the inside out. Not everyone of course, but the majority which is why the game barely crawled up to 6.0 score on metacritic.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Resistance burning skies had some glitchy moments, and the MP was down right horrible, but I'd say get it...when it's like $10

arcane_chaos said:
Resistance burning skies had some glitchy moments, and the MP was down right horrible, but I'd say get it...when it's like $10

Not even for 5 bucks!.. Not that I'm saying that is a horrible game or anything, It's just that I dislike FPS games, all of them. If its free, sure, I'd give it a go, but I'm not speding a single cent on any FPS game, be it Halo, Killzone, COD, whatever..NEVER!! NEVVVEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why I enjoyed the PSOne and PS2, its wasnt FPS centric, Sony tried it with the PS3 and they failed horribly. Only when they went back to releasing a bunch of games with varying geners did it really start selling well.

The Vita is no different, sure its selling like crap, but if Sony continuous to support it by releasing different games with different experiences, I'm 100% sure that it will see success.

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Slow SLOW news week huh..

Anyways, more Ragnarok Odyssey screens to keep you excited ... and yes, I died horribly taking these screens

Can you Skype more than one person at a time from a Vita? I know the Skype app has crap for settings, but if someone on a computer set it up would it work? Has anyone tried?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:
Can you Skype more than one person at a time from a Vita? I know the Skype app has crap for settings, but if someone on a computer set it up would it work? Has anyone tried?

You can't. If you want to do a conference call you'll have to do it from PC (and pay for it as well).

Any news on whether the US version of Ragnarok Odyssey can play online with Asian copy owners, and whether it will have DLC? Being restricted to a EU PSN now has me worried i'd miss substantive DLC content.

Chark said:
SnakeDrake said:
My prayers have been answer Metal Gear peacewalk HD is now available for download on the PSN store :D and it says that its compatible for two portable systems.

I haven't checked if you can download it directly from the vita store can some conform.

So is Konami going to give everyone who bought the HD collection on Vita Peacewalker codes? They should. I'm still probably going to have to buy the collection on PS3. When you say compatible it's one game that works on multiple consoles right? Currently Peacewalker HD doesn't say anything about that. Why are they adding compatibility to Peacewalker but not to MGS2 and 3? And why is the MGS HD collection on PS3 include Peacewalker for $39.99 while on Vita it doesn't have Peacewalker for $34.99, seperately MGS2 and MGS on PS3 are $14.99 while on Vita $19.99? I could buy them seperately on PS3 cheaper than the collection on Vita? Konomi you make no sense!

So Peacewalker is $19.99, in order to get the full HD collection that everyone gets on PS3 I would have to spend $54.99 instead of $39.99? At $39.99 I might not have MGS2 or MGS3 on Vita, but I could transfer over Peacewalker now?

Konami probably wont its too late for them to do cross-buy it will piss off there customers who already brought both versions. I think only the digital version is compatible to download on the ps3 and the vita. So yeah I'm not to bumb about this since its my mom who got me the MGS collection on the vita ( she will also get me Persona 4, god I love her).


But yeah Konami probably just went after the money.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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