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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Insomniac's new IP: Overstrike

Boutros said:
I don't know.

Insomniac is a very talented studio but they really need to wake up when it comes to making games appealing.
This is nothing new. I'm pretty sure the game is going to be very good but I hope they don't expect great sales because I simply can't see it sell well.

They could do things no other developers do this gen but they seem to prefer to follow the mass.

Its what ive been saying Insomniac are followers ... they do what everybody else does... token black dude in all.

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Looks like it has potential, now let's hope Insomniac will deliver on it too.

When I read the press release it sounded awful but the trailer looks good. Reminds me of timesplitters- a very good thing.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Yeah, I wasn't really feeling the game at all. Though, I'll give it a chance because I love Insomniac.

i was hoping the main characters were dogs, but i got my hopes too high up.

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

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This looks fucking horrible. I'll wait a month and maybe (that's a HUGE maybe) check it out for U$10 bucks on the bargain bin.

4 player co-op?
Fk yeah!

leatherhat said:
When I read the press release it sounded awful but the trailer looks good. Reminds me of timesplitters- a very good thing.

Tht's kinda how I felt.  The text made it sound boring, but the trailer had a nice style to it.

I need some gameplay footage asap to make up my mind if I like the game or dont :| Thus far its just a meh on my radar. And to think I only watched the EA conference for this game...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I saw it at the E3 conference, and I really like it. It's a shooter, fine, but it does have Ratchet-style zany weapons and dark humour. I think this could be one to watch - it is still Insomniac, after all.

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