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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I feel a MASSIVE change in the gaming industry

"Shows that last weeks software sales, the top 20 list, Nintendo systems own 15 of them."

Ok lets take worldwide chart for week ending 22nd december 2007 and ignore handhelds. (Yes we know 25 dollar games for the DS sell well nobody cares)

There are 10 Wii games, 10 360 games, 7 PS2 games and 5 PS3 games in the Top50. Doesn't look like total Wiidomination to me. Two of the most successful Wii games are bundled with hardware (Yes the Wii hardware sold well that week) that leaves us with Super Mario Galaxy that struggles to outsell Assassin's Creed and was outsold by Call of Duty 4.

Wii worldwide software domination has yet to begin

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The Wii is honestly the only profitable console right now. The 360 might get a lot of software sales, but only from a couple key titles. Like Bioshock, COD4, and Halo 3. OTher than titles like that, the software isn't amazing.

I think that in 2008 devolpers like Ubisoft, EA, and Activision will see that the Wii will be the system of choice for exclusives of high quality, and not the 360 and PS3.

I think wii sales will drop soon,


ude your being wayy to dramatic.


leo-j said:
I think wii sales will drop soon,


ude your being wayy to dramatic.

Just like the PS3 will outsell the XBox 360 and Wii starting November 12th and for the rest of the generation?

You're 'thinking' hasn't been particularly accurate so far ...

facher83 said:

I think one more year and Wii software sales will surpass 360 sales by a considerable margin.  I'll guess 40 one million sales for software on XBox360, and 45 one million software sales for Wii.

I'm sure the WIi will have lots of million sellers but I'm also willing to bet the majority of them will be games published by Nintendo.  This thread is about a massive change in the industry which to me means the way third parties will go and third parties are still having success on the 360 and PS3 with their hardcore games dispite the spin some people try to put on it.  Look at Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4, both will likely sell at least 5+ million copies, and both have been very good to Ubisoft's and Activision's bottom lines.

The problem with the Wii is that it really is aimed at a different audience.  Nobody is saying that the Wii isn't getting support, it obviously is by the number of games being announced for it, but look at the games themselves and it's obvious the vast majority are significantly different than what is being announced for the PS3/Xbox360/PC.  There will be some overlap as shown by Guitar Hero 3 but anyone that thinks that publishers will suddenly shift all their hardcore games to the Wii are just kidding themselves.

As for people asking for proof (like listing all the 360/PC/PS3 games starting development in 2007) well I'll ask the same thing.  Show me all the hardcore games and major franchises that have begun or shifted to the Wii in 2007.  I'm really only aware of about 2 or 3 like Monster Hunter 3 which I guess is a pretty big deal if you live in Japan but otherwise I don't see the flood of hardcore games that some people were predicting for the Wii earlier this year.

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Samus012 said:
The Wii is honestly the only profitable console right now. The 360 might get a lot of software sales, but only from a couple key titles. Like Bioshock, COD4, and Halo 3. OTher than titles like that, the software isn't amazing.

I think that in 2008 devolpers like Ubisoft, EA, and Activision will see that the Wii will be the system of choice for exclusives of high quality, and not the 360 and PS3.

I see your logic.  Most of EA's money for example is being made off of 360 and PS2 games and far far less from the Wii so it makes perfect sense for them to ignore those systems in favor of the Wii.


When EA make good games they will sell, and basicly onlynintendo games sell on wii.


Legend11 said:
facher83 said:

I think one more year and Wii software sales will surpass 360 sales by a considerable margin.  I'll guess 40 one million sales for software on XBox360, and 45 one million software sales for Wii.

I'm sure the WIi will have lots of million sellers but I'm also willing to bet the majority of them will be games published by Nintendo.  This thread is about a massive change in the industry which to me means the way third parties will go and third parties are still having success on the 360 and PS3 with their hardcore games dispite the spin some people try to put on it.  Look at Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4, both will likely sell at least 5+ million copies, and both have been very good to Ubisoft's and Activision's bottom lines.

The problem with the Wii is that it really is aimed at a different audience.  Nobody is saying that the Wii isn't getting support, it obviously is by the number of games being announced for it, but look at the games themselves and it's obvious the vast majority are significantly different than what is being announced for the PS3/Xbox360/PC.  There will be some overlap as shown by Guitar Hero 3 but anyone that thinks that publishers will suddenly shift all their hardcore games to the Wii are just kidding themselves.

As for people asking for proof (like listing all the 360/PC/PS3 games starting development in 2007) well I'll ask the same thing.  Show me all the hardcore games and major franchises that have begun or shifted to the Wii in 2007.  I'm really only aware of about 2 or 3 like Monster Hunter 3 which I guess is a pretty big deal if you live in Japan but otherwise I don't see the flood of hardcore games that some people were predicting for the Wii earlier this year.

You simply need to do the math. The largest install base will draw the most developers. Developers bet on the wrong horse early on, and now are forced to bite the bullet and start to invest in areas they've neglected, or they will get left behind. Your looking at it as a fan, and a fan only. If X company is ignoring a huge segment of the market, X company's shareholder is going to have a shit fit and demand that X company expand into the untapped potential, because X company's job is not to support fans of a system, but to make money for X company, and X company's stock holders.

That is real life, that is a cold hard fact, reality. Unless the Wii suddenly stops selling, you will start to see more "multiplatform" games going to the Wii, and then you will start to see in addition to those multiplatform games, new kind of games based off of those multiplatforms that are Wii exclusive.

 Ofcourse fan of Y console or Z console or whatever are just going to go on and on and say they are all hardcore, blah blah blah. Unfortunately Y console and Z consoles supposed elite gamer are in the minority, the Wii will draw all kinds.

Nothing like a morning coffee and smoke to wake up too whilst reading all this bickering, Onna76 how the hell was I trolling, he trolled my thread, I cut his signature out, highlighted a line from it for him and posted it, simple.

My thread's original post is a fact, sure maybe a year ago it would been a biased prediction, but now it's realistic.

Legend may be antagonistic, but people need to stop acting like he's crazy. People have told him to "look at the math." I agree, there is a lot going for the Wii right now.

But there is a lot going for the 360, too. First and foremost, all 360 games can be properly leveraged as PS3 games, as well. Multiplatform opportunites are good. Second, while overall total software totals for the Wii may be as high or even higher than the 360 on a weekly basis now, a huge portion of these sales are 1st party. I absolutely think this reason is retarded, and basically amounts to 3rd parties saying "Nintendo is too good, let's not compete with them," which from a gamer's perspective is lousy, but it's clearly what many publishers feel and if you happen to be publishing a game that you know isn't as good as Nintendo's finest, it makes sense. As Legend says, many publishers (including major ones like EA and Activision) are making a lot more money on the 360 thus far than they are on the Wii. Lastly, the marketshare distribution is spread evenly for the Wii worldwide, and in many cases games won't have worldwide appeal, such as Madden or Singstar. A system with a lopsided sales distribution will benefit from this, as it will be the best place to put American-centric games that are unlikely to sell in the EU or Japan.

In short, is it likely that the Wii will see more games from third parties as time goes on? Yes, it is. Absolutely, and I doubt Legend would deny that. But there is also a good incentive to continue making 360/PS3 games, too, and it's extremely unlikely that they'll abandon a venture that proven profitable to go after a different one. They'll simply add on.

Let me put this simply: Nintendo isn't going to win back third parties in a year, or even in a generation. It took nearly 15 years (from the beginning of the N64 to the end of the Gamecube) to get Nintendo to the complete third party wasteland we see today, and it will probably take at least a decade for them to ever get back to third party dominance -- if they ever do. As many of Legend's detractors have said, it's simple math.">">