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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix Revises Earnings Forecasts For Major Loss

A203D said:
Carl2291 said:

Wada must go.

That is all.

Wada is the CEO, a buisness man, he not the reason FF13 spent 5 years in development. that is Kitase's fault for spending 5 years developing a game engine primarily for cutscenes and now realising that Crystal Tools is obsolete.

its also not Wada's fault SEs games have not been making enough money - its the developers who simply arnt making games good enough - ie. The Last Rebellion, Infinite Undiscovery, The 3rd Birthday!!

Last Rebellion and Infinite Undiscovery were only published by Square (Infinite Undiscovery originally to be published by Microsoft).  The 5 year dev time for Final Fantasy XIII is Wada's fault cause after 2.5 years of dev and game development going no where he should have hammered down and be like "This game's getting released next year".  I mean; the game didn't get into full development until a year and a half before its release (Which is pretty much why the game is an incoherent mess).  Same with Final Fantasy 14, I mean people should have realized how bad the game was and it should never have been released, yet he let it release in the messy state it was in.  Yes Wada is a business man and yes it's his fault the company isn't being run properly.  Like I'll cut him some slack his producers and such for games should be managing things better, but it's Wada's job to make sure they're doing their jobs, the entire upper management is a mess right now and that's Wada's job to fix.

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Wagram said:
SaviorX said:
MonstaMack said:

The new Final Fantasy online is probably the biggest reason for these losses. They put in a lot of money for it to be a successful game but from everything read It's been a train wreck.

Someone needs to buy them out. *looks at Nintendo*

Nintendo should save their money;Level 5 would be a much more valuable purchase :P

Square Enix will bounce back with the new Batman game in Q4 and DQX next year.

Lol why? What exactly has Level-5 made that is remotely any good besides Rogues Galaxy? WKC was underwhelming, Dark Cloud is piss poor, and PL is well not my cup of tea.

Professor Layton? Dragon Quest IX?

I'd ask you the same of Square Enix excluding remakes and The World Ends With You.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

ok serious question, why is SquareEnix doing so badly???

goforgold said:

ok serious question, why is SquareEnix doing so badly???

Final Fantasy XIV mostly, maybe also because their handheld games haven't yielded the best results in the west, and crappy HD games that really shouldn't have been released. 

This year they should do much better. 


Acevil said:
goforgold said:

ok serious question, why is SquareEnix doing so badly???

Final Fantasy XIV mostly, maybe also because their handheld games haven't yielded the best results in the west, and crappy HD games that really shouldn't have been released. 

This year they should do much better. 

hmmm, I thought their handheld games were doing great, and totally forgot aout XIV, I hope they get it together for Hitman (my favorite game pulished by them)

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darkknightkryta said:

Last Rebellion and Infinite Undiscovery were only published by Square (Infinite Undiscovery originally to be published by Microsoft).  The 5 year dev time for Final Fantasy XIII is Wada's fault cause after 2.5 years of dev and game development going no where he should have hammered down and be like "This game's getting released next year".  I mean; the game didn't get into full development until a year and a half before its release (Which is pretty much why the game is an incoherent mess).  Same with Final Fantasy 14, I mean people should have realized how bad the game was and it should never have been released, yet he let it release in the messy state it was in.  Yes Wada is a business man and yes it's his fault the company isn't being run properly.  Like I'll cut him some slack his producers and such for games should be managing things better, but it's Wada's job to make sure they're doing their jobs, the entire upper management is a mess right now and that's Wada's job to fix.

How is Wada not running the company well. he's bought out Eidos, he managed to get Arkham Asylum, (although not the sequel) and hes secured relations with Nintendo that have ensured Dragon Quest 9 monumental success in Japan and to some extent a success in the west. he secured a deal with Microsoft for FF13s multiplatform release.

the Tomb Raider reboot, the Deus Ex reboot are the closest SE are ever going to get to the western market, and Wada the CEO - knows how to do these things - because unlike Sakaguchi who was a game designer - Wada wont gamble the company on a CGI movie, he will make calculated decisions on how to run a business - because unlike Sakaguchi, Wada is a trained business man.

Wada allocated resources to the FF14 and FF13 team, and those teams failured miserabily. i mean is it Wada's fault Kitase decided to move development from the PS2 onto the PS3 - then develop a million dollar game engine that has now been scrapped. okay Wada allocated resources - but its not his fault Production Team 1 are shit game designers.

even Nomura has taken what 7 years on FF Versus, Wada has let it slide - can you really blame him for this, FF13 came out with a mixed reception, yet the fans went crazy at Wada - but he had nothing to do with the games design. i have no idea whats going on with upper management - so i can comment in this respect.

goforgold said:
Acevil said:
goforgold said:

ok serious question, why is SquareEnix doing so badly???

Final Fantasy XIV mostly, maybe also because their handheld games haven't yielded the best results in the west, and crappy HD games that really shouldn't have been released. 

This year they should do much better. 

hmmm, I thought their handheld games were doing great, and totally forgot aout XIV, I hope they get it together for Hitman (my favorite game pulished by them)

Handheld games are doing amazing in Japan, but outside of them. I don't think Square-Enix is seeing a huge return. 


I'm not sure how the author of this thread can define major losses out of only 148,330.80 US dollars though. That's a loss but it isn't MAJOR. Lol.

darkknightkryta said:

Last Rebellion and Infinite Undiscovery were only published by Square (Infinite Undiscovery originally to be published by Microsoft).  The 5 year dev time for Final Fantasy XIII is Wada's fault cause after 2.5 years of dev and game development going no where he should have hammered down and be like "This game's getting released next year".

I mean; the game didn't get into full development until a year and a half before its release (Which is pretty much why the game is an incoherent mess).  Same with Final Fantasy 14, I mean people should have realized how bad the game was and it should never have been released, yet he let it release in the messy state it was in.  Yes Wada is a business man and yes it's his fault the company isn't being run properly. 

Like I'll cut him some slack his producers and such for games should be managing things better, but it's Wada's job to make sure they're doing their jobs, the entire upper management is a mess right now and that's Wada's job to fix.

This is pretty much what my reply to him was going to be.

Thank you.


darkknightkryta said:

Last Rebellion and Infinite Undiscovery were only published by Square (Infinite Undiscovery originally to be published by Microsoft).  The 5 year dev time for Final Fantasy XIII is Wada's fault cause after 2.5 years of dev and game development going no where he should have hammered down and be like "This game's getting released next year".

I mean; the game didn't get into full development until a year and a half before its release (Which is pretty much why the game is an incoherent mess).  Same with Final Fantasy 14, I mean people should have realized how bad the game was and it should never have been released, yet he let it release in the messy state it was in.  Yes Wada is a business man and yes it's his fault the company isn't being run properly. 

Like I'll cut him some slack his producers and such for games should be managing things better, but it's Wada's job to make sure they're doing their jobs, the entire upper management is a mess right now and that's Wada's job to fix.

This is pretty much what my reply to him was going to be.

Thank you.