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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 users are you thinking of switching to a Xbox 360?

I get what Michael-5 is trying to say. People on this site act like the PS3 exclusives are what everybody want or should want. The reality is different though. A lot of people care only for multi like Assassin's Creed, COD, GTA etc. To a lot of people exclusives are no better that multiplat games so why would they care if a game is exclusive? It's not better because it's exclusive, at least if it was the case most of those PS3 exclusives you're all talking about would sell much better. The same can be said for 360, just because Alan Wake is exclusive doesn't make it a game everyone wants.

Switching conssole is meaningless unless you want almost exclusively exclusives from another console but this is mainly a forum posters wish. I would also understand, in the current situation, if you mainly play online maybe switching to a console that actualy offers online play would be a good idea.

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I had a 360 for a long time, and it kept RRODing over and over and over again.  PSN being down sucks, but I have gotten more than the price of the console worth of free PSN games from friends, and compared to paying for online I just can't see a reason to deal with Microsoft.  There's a few things I've really missed, like Fable and Gears of War, but free PSN games, every big multiplat, and a solid lineup of exclusives makes me happy enough with my PS3 to not really consider getting another xbox.

I don't expect that a flood of PS3 owners are rushing to pick up a 360.  I think most expect that the system will come back up and they'll be back to playing online soon.  This episode will likely affect new system purchase and PSN software sales for quite some time though.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I agree with profcrab. Most losses for sony will be in new consoles sold as people opt for the reliability of wii and xbox (whether real or not) over ps3. I suspect multiplat games software sales will also reduce due to gamers with both ps3 and xbox focus more on xbox due to better security.

This of course assumes that credit card details arent taken or used for fraud.

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Michael-5 said:
Squilliam said:

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

People critisize 360 for having only 2 games announced this fall (so far), but what does Sony have? Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and InFamous 2? Wow big difference, one late announced game at E3 will even that out, and Halo is strongly rumored.

Squilliam, I agree with you, turn down peoples bias, think about the Children!


Well im not actually that fussed either way. Im kinda bored of both Sony and Microsofts 'awesome list of exclusives'. It's pretty much the same as always, Sony gives me 4-5 rentals and Microsoft sells me a game a year on average with 2-3 on PC.


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No. Sticking with my PS3 some two weeks down isnt gonna put me off. Its actually propted me to get more trophies and i have.

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt


Never in a million years would I even consider. Maybe when the 360 drops to 149$ I will get it 2 of them to have a back up for when the first one eats the dust. 

Raider84 said:

Never in a million years would I even consider. Maybe when the 360 drops to 149$ I will get it 2 of them to have a back up for when the first one eats the dust. 

i'm on my 3rd 360. 2 got killed by rrod! I'm on my second PS3 and that's only cause I gave my first PS3 to my cousin cause he really wanted it and got a new one for myself.

Jazz2K said:

I get what Michael-5 is trying to say. People on this site act like the PS3 exclusives are what everybody want or should want. The reality is different though. A lot of people care only for multi like Assassin's Creed, COD, GTA etc. To a lot of people exclusives are no better that multiplat games so why would they care if a game is exclusive? It's not better because it's exclusive, at least if it was the case most of those PS3 exclusives you're all talking about would sell much better. The same can be said for 360, just because Alan Wake is exclusive doesn't make it a game everyone wants.

Switching conssole is meaningless unless you want almost exclusively exclusives from another console but this is mainly a forum posters wish. I would also understand, in the current situation, if you mainly play online maybe switching to a console that actualy offers online play would be a good idea.

Kind of. Actually I was just looking at games for fall 2011. For the rest of 2011 PS3 only has 3 big games, Uncharted 2, InFamous 2 and Resistance 3. There are titles like Twisted Metal and ICO Collection also coming out, but if people can ignore 360's pretty cool Kinect Line up (Panzer Dragoon and Steel Batallion are pretty cool, I'm sorry), and Last Templar, why should people no ignore the more modest PS3 games?

For Fall 2011, the 360 and PS3 lineup looks about the same. Gears 3 and Forza 4 are the only 5 million plus blockbuster titles on the 360 lineup, but games like Project Dragon, Rise of Nightmares, and Steel Batallion do populate that list. I already mentioned the PS3 lineup.

After the exclusive lineup, there is a rumored Assassin's Creed 3, Batman: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls V, Dark Souls, Dead Island, Dues Ex, Max Payne, Metal Gear Solid Rising, and a new Call of duty game.

Yes for 2011 PS3 has more games overall, but the fall lineup isn't much different. Also remember, fall 2010 PS3 only had GT5 as an exclusive. Besides there is strong rumors for a Halo Remake, and MS tends to announce games very late into development. It's very likely they announce something this E3 that releases this fall. If that's the case, the exclusive lineup is the same.

So the point is, for upcoming games, switching consoles is meaningless.

If were going to look at games in the past, 360 and PS3 are also about the same. Remember how few games released for the PS3 prior to 2009? Did everyone forget that? So still, switching consoles is meaningless, if it's for the games.

I think a more relevant question for this thread is "PS3 users, are you thinking of switching away from a Sony based console next gen?"

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Squilliam said:
Michael-5 said:
Squilliam said:

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

People critisize 360 for having only 2 games announced this fall (so far), but what does Sony have? Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and InFamous 2? Wow big difference, one late announced game at E3 will even that out, and Halo is strongly rumored.

Squilliam, I agree with you, turn down peoples bias, think about the Children!


Well im not actually that fussed either way. Im kinda bored of both Sony and Microsofts 'awesome list of exclusives'. It's pretty much the same as always, Sony gives me 4-5 rentals and Microsoft sells me a game a year on average with 2-3 on PC.

Also everything is a sequel now, no more large scale new IP's. Only new IP's left are The Last Guardian, Project Kingdoms, and a few franchise reboots like Twisted Metal, Mech Warrior, Panzer Dragoon, and Steel Batallion.

Even MP titles are sequals.

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