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Squilliam said:
Michael-5 said:
Squilliam said:

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

People critisize 360 for having only 2 games announced this fall (so far), but what does Sony have? Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and InFamous 2? Wow big difference, one late announced game at E3 will even that out, and Halo is strongly rumored.

Squilliam, I agree with you, turn down peoples bias, think about the Children!


Well im not actually that fussed either way. Im kinda bored of both Sony and Microsofts 'awesome list of exclusives'. It's pretty much the same as always, Sony gives me 4-5 rentals and Microsoft sells me a game a year on average with 2-3 on PC.

Also everything is a sequel now, no more large scale new IP's. Only new IP's left are The Last Guardian, Project Kingdoms, and a few franchise reboots like Twisted Metal, Mech Warrior, Panzer Dragoon, and Steel Batallion.

Even MP titles are sequals.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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